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  3. Polls: KVR Audio Members, Polled

Are you currently subscribed to an audio developer / company for software?

Poll Period: 14 Dec 2016 - 21 Dec 2016 - Poll Now Closed

With a growing number of audio companies offering subscription options, which has pros and cons, we were wondering, are you currently subscribed to a company for software?

[sorry if you've voted already and the poll has reappeared - we added another option to the first question and reset the responses]

Are you currently subscribed to an audio developer / company for software?
Yes, I just subscribe to my favorite company.
Yes, I subscribe to several companies.
Yes, I subscribe and buy individual products.
No, I prefer to buy individual products from different companies.
No, but I haven't ruled subscriptions out.
Do you subscribe to any non-music-software companies?

What else have we asked?

ONE QUESTION POLL: What is your favorite online store for audio software?

Music Notation. Does it matter to you?

Mobile devices for music (2021) - Do you use a mobile device for your music?

Who do you turn to for final mastering?

Virtual Modular - Which platform are you using?

Have you nominated in the KVR Readers' Choice Awards?

Modular and Eurorack Systems - Win a Strymon Magneto!

Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit plug-in host?

A Quick Hardware Poll - MIDI Controllers and Synths

Tablet: Own One? Want One? Blah?

How do you use drum plug-ins?

The KVR What Do You Use Survey (October 2012)

Do you use notation or guitar tab software?

Apple's iPad: Own One? Want One? Blah?

Have You Checked Out The Developer Challenge Entries?

Do you use Native Instruments Kore Controller hardware?

2-DAY POLL: The Next Big Thing. Are you excited?

Do you use 'Construction Kit' sample loop libraries?

Should KVR Audio report iPhone / iPod / Android Audio App News?

Do you use DirectX Effects or Instruments (DXi)?