Tone2 Nemesis Synthesizer
Nemesis can do classic digital synthesis methods as well as a new approach called 'NeoFM'. NeoFM is more powerful and easier to program than traditional FM. It offers superior sound quality. A warm and creamy signature-sound is generated by its engine.
Sounds and synthesis
Nemesis comes with a huge and inspiring sound library, built by professional sound designers.
Nemesis features pristine tonal quality and offers sonic possibilities far beyond the scope of conventional digital synthesizers. A uniquely silky signature sound is generated by its engine. The synthesizer is capable of providing warm, smooth, and creamy tones as well as the classic metallic and cold sounds FM synthesis is known for. Nemesis has a huge sonic range, since it is capable to do a massive number of digital synthesis-methods:
- Neo-FM (an innovative approach exclusive to Nemesis).
- "FM-synthesis" (known from the phase-modulation in the Yamaha DX series).
- True FM-synthesis (known from analog synths).
- PM (true alias-free phase-modulation).
- Waveshaping (known from the Korg 01/W).
- Additive synthesis (known from the Kawai K1).
- Phase-Distortion (known from the Casio CZ).
- Formant-Synthesis (known from the Yamaha FS1R).
- Crossblending Waveforms (known from the Waldorf Microwave).
- PWM (unlike conventional synths Nemesis can do PWM with any Waveform, not just Squarewaves).
- Ring-Modulation.
- Resynthesis of Waveforms.
- Resonance (exclusive to Nemesis).
The combination of the different synthesis-methods and the possibility to import your own content open up undreamt-of possibilities for you.
Several play-modes such as polyphonic, mono & legato, true 4x stereo unison complement the wide range of synthesis-modes and waveforms. Your possibilities are litterally unlimited.
Did you know that the DX7 is no FM-synth?
From a technical perspective, "FM synthesizers" like the DX7 are not really FM synths. Instead, they use a sometimes similar sounding technique called phase-modulation (PM) to generate sounds. The DX7 was advertised as a "FM synthesizer" for marketing reasons. Later many other companies adopted this popular but technically incorrect term in their marketing.
Neo-FM: The future of FM Synthesis
Digital and analog - the best of both worlds combined:'
Digital synthesizers and especially FM/PM synths can suffer from aliasing. This means in practise, that patches that are played with a high pitch can sound unpleasant and metallic, as they contain frequencies that shouldn't be there.
A couple of analog synthesizers can produce true FM. They do not suffer from aliasing, but they do suffer from slightly detuned oscillators (drift). This leads to very disharmonic FM sidebands. Most of these sounds are musically unusable.
The innovative NeoFM approach combines the advantages of both worlds without taking on their respective weaknesses. It's now easier than ever to achieve great-sounding results.
Dramatically expanded sonic range:
Traditional "FM synths" like the DX7 have a limited sonic range. They can only produce good results with sine-waves or very dull waveforms that don't contain high frequencies. The damped waveforms help to camouflage the aliasing when a higher amount of FM modulation is used.
Nemesis does not have this limitation and is able to handle all waveforms properly. Finally, you can use any waveform as a source or destination for FM or PM modulation without a headache! It even works with short samples or extremely long and complex waveforms. It is also possible to import your own waveforms in .wav format. You can use the additive spectrum editor to create new waveforms or modify existing ones.
Nemesis can handle a greater FM-modulation-depth and wider frequency-range than competing synthesizers, as it never sounds awkward due to aliasing. The sum of all this dramatically expands the sonic range and allows sounds impossible with other synthesizers.
True high-end sound quality:
To reduce aliasing, some more advanced FM synthesizers from the competition use 2x or 4x oversampling. This increases CPU requirements but still doesn't make them completely alias-free. Nemesis, on the other hand, offers perfect sound quality, using 70000x oversampling.
Low CPU requirements:
Experts may doubt that such high quality is even possible on today's computers, as they would be far too slow for it. However, with Nemesis we are able to prove otherwise. We use native support for multi-core CPUs, preprocessing, FFT transforms and clever DSP tricks to achieve perfect sound quality with low CPU usage.