Old Free VSTi Gems From The Past

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Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996 http://www.dubadelica.com/about.php
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist https://radiorebeldereggae.bandcamp.com/


Tacsynth seems terrific, only problem so far is that it is HUGE and when it has been fitted into a fruity wrapper I can't see it all. I can move it from side-to-side, but FL studio takes up about 2/10 of the screen top-to-bottom and you can't move things up or down past the toolbars...so I can't see the bottom of the synth.

Beware of that link I gave you to download the beta http://farbrausch.com/br404/. Avira identifies the .exe file and the dll file as trojans (the TRCrypt trojan in the second case).


yeah,it was pretty huge on my screen too.if anyone wants to rearrange the knobs and stuff in synthedit,i'll send you the files.once i got the old versions of modules,it was just a case of 'save as vst'....

and that farbrausch one was written by bero,and avira reports some of his other stuff to be trojans and i'm pretty sure they're not,i've sent some off to avira for analysis,you should do so for this one.


dreaddd wrote:
pinkjimiphoton wrote:lol...sorry dreaddd!

hey, we need to retrieve all of these, too...anybody gots?

http://web.archive.org/web/200408050537 ... ticvst.htm

on the pluggotic side, i have echologist, not sure if its the latest version tho..i need to get back home to get it tho..

EDIT BTW i just msg-ed Pluggotic about those oldies...lets see if he has them still available :)

sweet, ubi, let's hope he does, i always wanted them puppies.

i want 'em ALL, mwah hah hah hah hah!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice work mate, thanks!

I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself...
My Music (updated link)


I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself...
My Music (updated link)


I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself...
My Music (updated link)


i have no idea wtf they are saying, but it might be cool... ... -cDTvJ6_xg
I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself...
My Music (updated link)


btw Jimi im hitting your playlist on indieproductionz :party:
the chilled psychedelic stuff with hugely reverbed and phased gtrs is just perfect at this hour of the evening :hyper:
on Torniquet, instead, you threw in some european influences, innit huh? ;)

oh and the "herb for liberty" logo got me chucklin hehe...i know where that one comes from i think..they were doing some CRAAAAAAZY wallpaper stuff very long ago, like with pro gay, pro herb, peacelovemusic pagan themes...cant remember at the moment which name they used as crew..Bong instead was the name of that screensaver maker with the hemp leaf...
damn, u threw me back in time around the late 90s when i was having those screensavers all the way on my win95 pc :box:

Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996 http://www.dubadelica.com/about.php
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist https://radiorebeldereggae.bandcamp.com/


dreaddd wrote:btw Jimi im hitting your playlist on indieproductionz :party:
the chilled psychedelic stuff with hugely reverbed and phased gtrs is just perfect at this hour of the evening :hyper:
on Torniquet, instead, you threw in some european influences, innit huh? ;)

oh and the "herb for liberty" logo got me chucklin hehe...i know where that one comes from i think..they were doing some CRAAAAAAZY wallpaper stuff very long ago, like with pro gay, pro herb, peacelovemusic pagan themes...cant remember at the moment which name they used as crew..Bong instead was the name of that screensaver maker with the hemp leaf...
damn, u threw me back in time around the late 90s when i was having those screensavers all the way on my win95 pc :box:


lol...glad you're digging it, it'll all be gone this weekend tho, the owner of the sites is battling cancer and hep c, and i can't afford the 5 grande he wants for me to buy the sites.

somewhere in this thread i tell how to do them guitar sounds...alot of cheating involved after the fact!!

tourniquet's lead guitar is my little brother todd, as i had broken my left wrist and couldn't play lead on it, tho i managed to play all the other stuff.

and the hemp for liberty thing...well, i am totally a believer in hemp.

matter of fact, we got a hallmark statement today from the new attourney general dude, they are not gonna allow any more fed medpot raids...

another campaign promise kept.

i'm starting to like obama more and more, which is a stretch for me cuz i trust politicians about as far as i could throw idi amin.

anywho, if ya want any of the indiehits stuff, grab it now bro, it is going down sometime in the next few days, and i don't figure i'll reup the stuff to my site til i get to remaster things, which i am in process with.

check this out bro:

jimbob, that would SOOOOOOOOOOOO rule, dude!



On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Grant Williamson <g.williamson@gmail.com> wrote:

Oh geez, I made them a long time ago, I don't think they're online
anywhere anymore - but I'm sure I've still got the original plugin
DLLs installed, I'll let you know if I find them and send them

2009/2/27 Jimi Photon <phatjbp@gmail.com>:
> are any of these still possibly available somehow?
> BadMan - v0.02
> Generates a variety of vintage organ sounds, from circus organ, to a mellow
> Rhodes-like drone, to a church organ. Includes a super-scary picture of John
> Ashcroft in the background.
> Changes in version 0.02
> Changed name to BadMan - used to be MiniMoog
> Added some presets
> Download BadMan-0.02.zip
> FunnyHaHa - v0.01
> A funky, cheesy synth with a prominent pitch-shift in the attack phase. Best
> used for "Cartoon theme song" style synths, but you can do a lot with it, if
> you drop the filter and make it mellow. Be careful with the Pitch control -
> this changes the strength of the initial pitch shift. If you set it too low,
> play low notes, and have the other sliders in certain combinations, it can
> create discordant ring modulator sounds.
> Download FunnyHaHa-0.01.zip
> SquareMan - v0.01
> A harsh synth based on pulse waves running through a messed-up wave
> transform. It can create 8-bit computer style beeps and blips, and if you
> muck around with it can produce a Daft Punk style synth-guitar. Once again,
> roll back the filter for some warmer tones.
> Download SquareMan-0.01.zip
> cuz , man, if you could hook me up for my collection/vst museum/archive i
> would be very grateful, as would the rest of my fellow maniacs here:
> http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... 61#3477261
> thanks mate,
> peace!
> jimi photon, another jimbo

looks like a few less lost pluggies coming home soon.

I wish my lawn was Emo, so it would cut itself...
My Music (updated link)


pinkjimiphoton wrote: lol...glad you're digging it, it'll all be gone this weekend tho, the owner of the sites is battling cancer and hep c, and i can't afford the 5 grande he wants for me to buy the sites.
damn...sad indeed :(
somewhere in this thread i tell how to do them guitar sounds...alot of cheating involved after the fact!!
lol...still, it sounds def good ;)
tourniquet's lead guitar is my little brother todd, as i had broken my left wrist and couldn't play lead on it, tho i managed to play all the other stuff.
ah cool, i meant the chords mostly as "european", since they sound very close to some 70s english folkrock melodies, that drow a lot of inspiration from ancient ballads and stuff from the middle age era..nice and unusual in your productions
and the hemp for liberty thing...well, i am totally a believer in hemp.
count me in as well ;)
i meant anyway the logo itself, that was made with an app made Bong i think (at least, they used the same identical logo..;)
matter of fact, we got a hallmark statement today from the new attourney general dude, they are not gonna allow any more fed medpot raids...

another campaign promise kept.

i'm starting to like obama more and more, which is a stretch for me cuz i trust politicians about as far as i could throw idi amin.
ages after his world known shame of the "hes got a good tan" sentence less than 24 hours after Obama election, BerlusKoni found a way to get received at the WH in some weeks i think...
cant wait to see how Obama works out with our "I'm George's and Vladimir's best friend" premier...
jeeez, i hate him, but this time is going very badly, objectively talking, over here, it seems...they are developing a law to forbid strikes for workers organized by trade unions with less than 50 % of the representance and another one that will prevent a lot of trials to be done for several different crimes (corruption first of all, go figure how strange) and also will take eventual journalists publishing acts involved in the trials to get jailed...cherry on the pie, they also just authorized public voluntary(kind of) police squads (that can be financed by privates, meaning tho that a sort of mafia-like engine can be started in the blank spaces of the law grill: i protect you, then you OUGHT to pay me)..paramilitary squads here we come!
of course the world worst economical crisis post 1929 is a secondary subject on the government agenda, much more important to save corrupt politicians and financial sharks, exactly the OPPOSITE that all the decent-governed countries are doing....
ok, sorry for the OT , i got carried away , lately i start to smell dangerous authoritarism too often around here
anywho, if ya want any of the indiehits stuff, grab it now bro, it is going down sometime in the next few days, and i don't figure i'll reup the stuff to my site til i get to remaster things, which i am in process with.
cool thanx :tu:
check this out bro:

jimbob, that would SOOOOOOOOOOOO rule, dude!



another target hit, well done! hehehe
Peace out bro
Dubadelica - Electronic music since 1996 http://www.dubadelica.com/about.php
Radio Rebelde - Modern roots reggae with an electronic twist https://radiorebeldereggae.bandcamp.com/


Yes, good idea on sending those files to Avira. I thought that perhaps either he incorporates spyware in his Betas to see how they are used, or his site was hacked. They were identified as generic TRCrypt and TRPack trojans, though, so it could be wrong. I might check them with Malwarebytes. I've got 704 vst's on my computer at the moment, this is the first time a .dll has ever been identified as a trojan.


yeah,same here.just the bero stuff.i sent the berotrackervsti and avira cleared it as a false positive .


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Yo...is this thing on?

A certain Jimbo emailed me asking for some old plugins I made...I found them, and I'm here to post them (Never seen this place before...nice...)

Here's a link to a zip file with BadMan, FunnyHaHa and SquareMan: http://atriplex.info/jb_plugs.zip (http://atriplex.info/jb_plugs.zip)

I can't even remember what half of them sound like, except I think I personally used BadMan more than the others. It's a pretty hard synth that you can push to do some weird things.

OzJimbob / Atriplex

http://www.last.fm/music/atriplex (http://www.last.fm/music/atriplex)


Okay I've just been experimenting with my own forgotten plugins. SquareMan is kinda cool.

Set the "Formula" to 2 * sin(2*sin(x*3)/PI).
Set Pulse Width A to 1.85
Set Pulse Width B to 3.60
Set Filter to 7.45

..For a super weird backwards electric guitar sound.


spacedad wrote:
pinkjimiphoton wrote:anyone have...

http://www.angelfire.com/music2/theanal ... 7.htm.html
have email them?
analogcottage at yahoo dot com
i did request a copy of the se1,once,but it was too complex to get going.(for me anyway. :oops: )
yeah, i emailed him, and he sent me the link. try it, or maybe ask him for
a 'reups special'..or post again if no good.( maybe ths has been dealt with,
stll havnt read thru other posts )

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