Fluctuate a VST/AU Midi Plug-in Beta Thread

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As you may know I've begun working with JUCE over the last few weeks to begin creating VST Instruments. I'm making good progress finally and have been working primarily on building an infrastructure to use with all future plug-ins which implements all of the essential features I like to have. So far I have:
  • 1: Preset/Load and save in XML utilizing a Bank/Preset system which mirrors the File structure where they are stored. New Banks can be created, Presets are always saved to the currently selected Bank at the moment.
    2: A theme manager based on 5 colours which can be edited in real-time and saved/loaded as a preset.
    3: A Randomize Customization System with the ability to set min/max/enable and probability for each parameter (probability is still to be implemented). These can also be saved/Loaded as Presets.
    4: An Information Bar which displays hover Help as well as values fro the current Slider. Help can be disabled from the File menu.
    5: Vector based System that can be resized by dragging the bottom corner.
    6. Global Randomizer and a Global Default, the Global Default can be saved using the current settings at any time
    7. Definable Font Type and Size.
    8. Section Randomize and Default Buttons.
    9. Definable Knob Sensitivity and Mode.

This video is an earlier version but still relevant.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT7VIVx ... e=youtu.be

Fluctuate reprocesses incoming midi and can:

* Limit Velocity/CC Ranges
* Add Random Velocity Amount to incoming Velocity
* Add Random Pitch bend Values with each note On
* Remap the MIDI Channel
* Send a Random CC Value with each Note On, this can be off (0) or set to any CC number.
* There are 2 independent CCs available.
* All of these functions can be used together or independently
* Knobs can be automated.
  • * The Plug-in takes Midi Input and Passes it through after using the Selected functions.
    * Random Velocity - Takes the incoming Midi Velocity and adds a random positive or negative value based on the amount setting and passes it to the output.
    * Random Pitch Bend - Adds a Random Pitch bend Message by the selected Amount to each outgoing Note.
    * Channel Remap - Changes the Midi Channel from whatever Channel is incoming to the Selected Channel. Setting it to Zero is Off.
    * CC1/CC2 Sections - Selecting a CC ID you can directly take control of a Control Change using the CC Base Knob which can be also be automated. The Random Amount will send a positive random Value added to the Base Value with each Note on. In the video I use CC1 to control the Modulation Wheel which is mapped to Pitch to easily her what's going on. If the CC ID parameter is zero then it is disabled.
It's a free Plug-in released in VST format for Windows 32/64 bit and VST/AU 64-bit for MAC.

It now installs the presets through the installer as opposed to the earlier system of copying when run.

Download Fluctuate for Windows x64/x32
Download Fluctuate VST/AU for MAC (min 10.7)


very interesting, Midi tools are always needed. Good work so far :clap:


Thanks :) There will be more to come, I haven't spent much time on processing yet, I really want to get all of the infrastructure work out of the way so I can fully concentrate on the DSP side of things. Please let me know if you notice any problems or issues.


Added MAC installer which installs both 64-bit VST and AU. It should install the presets structure when first run. For some reason the presets/ themes in the menus are displayed in reverse alphabetical order, I'm looking into that today.


Added Proper Installers for both the 64bit and the 32bit versions for pain free installation.


Astralp wrote:Added MAC installer which installs both 64-bit VST and AU. It should install the presets structure when first run. For some reason the presets/ themes in the menus are displayed in reverse alphabetical order, I'm looking into that today.
Could it be related to the "new Apple File System (APFS)" that came in with HS (10.13)?

That is great to have you exploring the midi random realm processing!
Looking forward to see what you'll end up with.


I wonder, I have no way of testing as I'm up to date with High sierra, but I've now solved it using a manual sort which isn't needed on Windows, new version is uploaded.

I'm really excited about the future, I have some good ideas to explore and would like to recreate Procession too. It was seriously painful getting through the first few weeks of trying grasp JUCE but I've now got the feel of it and worked out how to do a good percentage of what I need. I can't wait to get on with some actual product development, it's not far away now.

What do you think to the interface? I haven't really done much in terms of graphics design, it's just basic JUCE Components more or less. But I'm really pleased about the resize ability which I think is essential these days with all the different screen sizes.


Astralp wrote:...What do you think to the interface? I haven't really done much in terms of graphics design, it's just basic JUCE Components more or less. But I'm really pleased about the resize ability which I think is essential these days with all the different screen sizes.
RE: the interface, personally really like it!
Resize would be the paramount and its already there, so.


VST midi fx!
Thanks for the freebeeee!!!!!
Made with JUCE.
JUCE is Multi-touch!
Please make it Multi-touch friendly.

Also would love to see note length variation.
Random and round-robin for a bit of predictability.


I don’t have any multi touch screens besides iPad, can you try it to see it already works? I have looked through the mouse classes and seen touch functions, I have a feeling it works out of the box.

I’ve thought about note length, but it could only make notes longer as the length isn’t known unti note off is received. I’ll bear it in mind once I get a bit further on, but need to build a clock system first to keep track of timing. I’m more focused on all the framework stuff at the moment which needs to be out of the way. This isn’t a plug-in that needs the preset/randomisation stuff, it’s total overkill but the idea was to get this out to see if it works on people’s machines so I can confidently move onto the fun processing stuff :)


Astralp wrote:I don’t have any multi touch screens besides iPad, can you try it to see it already works? I have looked through the mouse classes and seen touch functions, I have a feeling it works out of the box.

I’ve thought about note length, but it could only make notes longer as the length isn’t known unti note off is received. I’ll bear it in mind once I get a bit further on, but need to build a clock system first to keep track of timing. I’m more focused on all the framework stuff at the moment which needs to be out of the way. This isn’t a plug-in that needs the preset/randomisation stuff, it’s total overkill but the idea was to get this out to see if it works on people’s machines so I can confidently move onto the fun processing stuff :)
I will try Fluctuate on my 23” Viewsonic multi touch monitor. Hope to get to it late today.

Round Robin Note length control will help especially if using the iPad as a midi keyboard controller or Xotopad https://feelyoursound.com/xotopad/ or even a physical keyboard.

Fluctuate can ignore the keyboard note off message and insert the round robin off message.
There may be some variation of this.

Example of round-robin order of note length choices.
10 seconds
4 seconds
Random with probability
3 seconds
5 seconds

This way one choice in the round robin can be random or sustain.

My two cents.


Re: the installer.
Under OS X HS (10.13.4).
It put folders (AU and VST) within the Library/...Component and VST folders.
Had to manually put the Fluctuate.component and Fluctuate.vst into them respective folders.
It created the Homegrown Sounds folder within the Documents one containing the Fluctuate folder and files.
Other then that, the plugin seems to work pretty well.
Would it be possible at some point for future updates to have the option to get the .component and .vst files separately?
Anyway, many thanks for the plug-in!


nordickvr wrote:Re: the installer.
Under OS X HS (10.13.4).
It put folders (AU and VST) within the Library/...Component and VST folders.
Had to manually put the Fluctuate.component and Fluctuate.vst into them respective folders.
Can you explain a bit more? i’ve Just checked through the package and tried installing again here and it works as it should. I’m new to packaging so it could be something I’m missing.

For me it goes to:

/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/Homegrown Sounds/Fluctuate/Fluctuate.component

I’m just creating individual installers now :)


Kalamata Kid wrote: Round Robin Note length control will help especially if using the iPad as a midi keyboard controller or Xotopad https://feelyoursound.com/xotopad/ or even a physical keyboard.

Fluctuate can ignore the keyboard note off message and insert the round robin off message.
There may be some variation of this.

Example of round-robin order of note length choices.
10 seconds
4 seconds
Random with probability
3 seconds
5 seconds

This way one choice in the round robin can be random or sustain.

My two cents.
Great idea, I’ll see what I can do :) It’s complex to implement though as ignoring a note means another note on could come whilst still playing, it would have to made legato to avoid early sudden note offs happening. I’ll give it some thought.


Astralp wrote: ...For me it goes to:

/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/Homegrown Sounds/Fluctuate/Fluctuate.component

I’m just creating individual installers now :)
I had to take “/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/Homegrown Sounds/Fluctuate/Fluctuate.component
And put it here “/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/Fluctuate.component”.
Homegrown Sounds is a folder, I personnaly never saw a folder residing within the Components folder.
I may pretty well had missed something somewhere though.

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