Ableton recording latency issue

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


OP, what were you trying to record? MIDI-to-synth then back into the DAW?

I used to run dual Focusrite Pro40 interfaces before downsizing to one RME Fireface 800. I downsized because I couldn't go above 48kHz on said dual setup. I do all of my external-gear recording now at 96kHz, and I have no issues in Live 10. There will ALWAYS be latency. in fact of life. With Delay compensation turned ON, Live will automatically calculate and correct for it. However, a plugin that is erroneously reporting its latency to Live will cause an issue. I have never seen it, but it can happen.

If you are recording external gear, absolutely use the EXTERNAL INSTRUMENT or EXTERNAL EFFECT devices. Each synthesizer/hardware is different and the round-trip has unavoidable latency--sending of MIDI, hardware's response to MIDI, the sound engine firing, and the audio back into the DAW. It's that "outside loop" that is beyond Live's, and your interface's, control...unless you manually key in a value in milliseconds into the EXTERNAL INSTRUMENT/EFFECT device. For example, my TR-8 gets a manual latency comp of 5.0ms, and ignoring MIDI jitter, the recorded audio is VERY close to right on the mark. On the other hand, my Roland V-Synth needs 9.0ms.

Just food for thought.

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