The Stinger... coming soon.

Modular Synth design and releases (Reaktor, SynthEdit, Tassman, etc.)
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I would prefer the Stinger to be..

..give me a choice
..give me a choice
Total votes: 51



A recreation of a famous landmark synth of the 80s. If you like it Black and Yellow you'll like this one, Keep watching


Hey Ian would this be an EDP Wasp clone by any chance :?: :P
The world was not given to you by your parents it is on loan from your children, respect !!!


Wow, that demo tune REALLY reminds me of Fad Gadget! Can't wait to see how this one turns out...
There are rocketships outside of my window. Really:


Hey Ian would this be an EDP Wasp clone by any chance
Hey , now you come to mention it there is quite a similarity, purely coincidental, of course..


damn that looks sweet, i must ask can this do acid?
I don't hate people with Macs, I hate people with Macs that are militant about it.


Both the EDP Wasp and the OSCar were designed by Chris Hugget, the one-time washing machine designer turned EDP founder, turned OSC founder, turned Novation Bass/Drum Station designer. Now we've got both a wicked looking Wasp-clone (am I right in saying this is the end goal?) in the works and GMEDIA's beautiful new impOSCar! Very cool!

Now if someone could only make me an ARP Pro-Soloist/DGX....


ianweb123 wrote:A recreation of a famous landmark synth of the 80s. If you like it Black and Yellow you'll like this one, Keep watching
Hi Ian

Nice synths. I like the look of the K-700 although I haven't had chance to try it yet as I'm at work :D

I want to ask a question without offending you so please don't read it the wrong way :)

I have Synth Edit and see that it is still in beta version and there are still many issues with it (especially regarding the "save as vst"). I see that you, and a few others, are asking for a small amount of money for their creations. Now, I can see that the money is not gonna make you a killing and that a fair price is asked, and I suspect it is a really a nice way of receiving some sort of recognition for your hard work by seeing that people are willing to pay for the privillege of using them which is cool 8)

My question is (yes I finally get to the point!!): Is the quality of synths made in Synth Edit up to the standard that they can be offered as a viable commercial product?

Now, I don't mean the standard of yours, or anyone elses, particular creations and GUI design (which I see is top notch after trying yours and other peoples SE VSTi's! :D ). I mean that Synth Edit is in beta and there are problems and bugs and many of these problems are carried through to the VSTi's that are being produced (e.g. instabilities, crashes, very high CPU consumption, some don't work in some hosts while others do etc.). Many of these problems can only be fixed by the future updates of the SE beta and that we are almost relying on this to solve any issues we may have with the synths.

I appreciate yours and anyone elses view on this if we are to see more synth edit creations being made available commercially.


(e.g. instabilities, crashes, very high CPU consumption, some don't work in some hosts while others do etc.).
Thanks for your comments Alex. You are quite right that the reason that I feel justified charging for these is
  • ...a lot of work has gone into the gui
    ...I am only charging a nominal fee to keep me interested.
    ...the end user should base thier purchase on whether they are satisfied with the product, irrespective of the development environment.
All of the products that I will be releasing will be available as demo down loads first, SynthEdit is a pretty reliable product at the moment, for instance, my sample loops using 3 instances of my plugs are giving me 6% cpu in fruityloops on a P4 1.7. Everybody can download the plug-in demo and if it works satifactorally for them, subsequently load the full version.
I, and others, are making no secret of the fact that I am using synthedit, despite the fact that the skinning of my products would make it not too obvious. I suggest that users may already have downloaded other commercial products which have been developed using synthedit and would not be aware of that fact.

Synthedit is an important product. It enable developers with valid ideas to get those ideas to a wider audience and for the music community at large this has to be a good thing.

Like a lot of these things there will be a lot of 'first trys' and 'just playing with it' products developed, (my Osigator product was like this, which is why its a freebie). However the gems that will come out of this, new ideas and concepts that nobody else have thought of will make it all worthwhile..




ianweb123 wrote:
(e.g. instabilities, crashes, very high CPU consumption, some don't work in some hosts while others do etc.).
Thanks for your comments Alex. You are quite right that the reason that I feel justified charging for these is
  • ...a lot of work has gone into the gui
    ...I am only charging a nominal fee to keep me interested.
    ...the end user should base thier purchase on whether they are satisfied with the product, irrespective of the development environment.
All of the products that I will be releasing will be available as demo down loads first, SynthEdit is a pretty reliable product at the moment, for instance, my sample loops using 3 instances of my plugs are giving me 6% cpu in fruityloops on a P4 1.7. Everybody can download the plug-in demo and if it works satifactorally for them, subsequently load the full version.
I, and others, are making no secret of the fact that I am using synthedit, despite the fact that the skinning of my products would make it not too obvious. I suggest that users may already have downloaded other commercial products which have been developed using synthedit and would not be aware of that fact.

Synthedit is an important product. It enable developers with valid ideas to get those ideas to a wider audience and for the music community at large this has to be a good thing.

Like a lot of these things there will be a lot of 'first trys' and 'just playing with it' products developed, (my Osigator product was like this, which is why its a freebie). However the gems that will come out of this, new ideas and concepts that nobody else have thought of will make it all worthwhile..


Glad you didn't jump on me (as some others might have!) :D


can i just second everything that ian said in his last post here ...

... cheers :? rob

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