Free 10-band parametric EQ from ddmf

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
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Hi everybody,

complementary to the LP10, which is a linear phase EQ for mixdown/mastering purposes, the IIEQ is a minimum-phase 10 band parametric EQ for VST under Windows. The goal was to design a track EQ that can be used in many instances while offering more control than the usual EQs that come with DAWs. It is available for free at Any feedback is, of course, much appreciated :D !

Enjoy (hopefully), docdued


Good work, thanks for this!

I have a few requests though:

- Linear knob movement please! I hate circular ones..
- Ability to type in Freq, Gain & Q values directly.
- Individual bypass for each band.

Also I spotted a typo on your web page: I think the line "plus 8 shelving bands with variable gain, center frequency and Q" should read "plus 8 peaking bands with variable gain, center frequency and Q"



Also, the level meter scale seems a little arbitrary: a 0dBFS test tone reads as if there is still lots of headroom..

I like what I hear though, and I really like the fact that there is no poncy graphic curve display; it forces you to use your ears!


Thanks for your suggestions! I will try to implement them asap. Concerning the level meter: I have constructed it such that 0 dB corresponds to 75 percent on the scale; thus in principle everything works as expected. I should draw a line or something at 75 percent to make it more clear that this is the 0 dB limit though.


I have some addiction, I download almost all DLL's, even if I'm sure I don't need them...

Anyways, I have no need for your EQ, so perhaphs you can just forget my remarks; in Logic for PC (old software, so not a big problem for you) the EQ pumps on the attack of incoming audio, like a compressor, or some-one speaking too loud in the mic.
It's a cool effect, but perhaps not intentionally created?
Bug or feauture?
Who knows :)

No keeper for me though, but that's more because I have recently thrown away hundreds of DLL's / VST's to finally start making music instead of downloading all this free plugins...
-- Regards MrM --


Thanks for this! Will give it a shot, as well as demo your commercial plug.

Peace 8)
Pro-Sounds : Sound....Different

-=ToTc Owns You=-


MrM wrote:... in Logic for PC (old software, so not a big problem for you) the EQ pumps on the attack of incoming audio, like a compressor, or some-one speaking too loud in the mic.
It's a cool effect, but perhaps not intentionally created?
Bug or feauture?
That's not intended :( . I really have no idea at the moment how this can happen, and with Logic for PC no longer available it's gonna be difficult to find out...


Well, I was looking for a decent free EQ recently ... :D


:o :shock: WOW - finally an eq-plugin that does what it should - it works like hardware - dunno how to explain it - it just sounds really really good... :love:

Thank you so much! :hail:


IIRs wrote:
I have a few requests though:

- Linear knob movement please! I hate circular ones..
- Ability to type in Freq, Gain & Q values directly.
- Individual bypass for each band.
Request 1 and 3 are now implemented...


Quick work, thanks! I'll have a play with the new one now.. :D


Very nice EQ :D



Seems a little buggy in Cubase SX3, and similar in Wavelab. Sometimes the knobs stop making changes to the sound, i.e. they move but the sound is not affected. Also I get some pops when inserting the plugin.

Finally, the frequency values stated do not seem accurate, the 16 khz cut / boost seems to actually be at 20 khz ... am I incorrect ? I can reproduce the sound of the GEQ for the most part, but the frequency values do not agree :)



is this synthedit? or c++? or something else? :) anyway. sounds superb! and my cpu love it! and it's free ;P Thanks alot man!


Really nice EQ, but got the same bug here that soundpalace wrote about - sometimes knobs stop making changes to the sound :(

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