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Fyler RapidComposer



I could not reproduce this crash, but I sent you the demo version with debugging symbols to your e-mail address. Please send me the crash dump so that I can see what is going on.

Thank you!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


in the mac version if you turn looping on after one or two repeat it's stuck playing. no matter how many times you hit stop or spacebar and the rest of the program is unresponsive. Then usually after a short while all the clicks and spacebar presses catch up and it stops and starts a couple times and you are finally able to make it stop.



this after just adding a track and browsing the track options. the top track disappears and there doesn't seem to be a way to make it show again... also the playhead errors out. Every time I open the program it seems to error in a new way. I just tried again and the top menubar turned into a green garbled mess. This is in osx. It would be understandable to have bugs in a new release, but if you are charging $250 I believe people expect a reasonable level of stability, as it is I would say this should still be in beta test mode. I find it almost unusable on osx, and at the very least frustrating to deal with. Which is a shame because I really like the concept.


Please send me your OS X version and machine specs. Is there any special software installed on your mac that may interfere with application or window message handling?

We tested RapidComposer continuously in the last two months and I must say this is the most solid release we have ever had. Hundreds of people downloaded the OS X demo, plus our existing customers, so far you were the only one who reported such a weird behaviour.

I am not saying that there cannot be more bugs in the software. I am sure there are. We are doing our best to release bug fix updates frequently (v2.01 is already uploaded!)

Thank you for reporting this, and please send me the details so that we can try to reproduce and fix these issues.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


The only thing I can think of is that I am running a retina macbook pro. I updated to the most recent version and tried running with nothing else running. I have the latest version of OSX. the loop freezing thing still happened. I started a new composition from scratch just in case something weird was going on. I tried editing one of the sliders in a phrase generator and the program crashed, I had to force quit it. if I think of anything else that could be creating a problem I'll let you know.


Thank you, I'll make sure it is tested more thoroughly on 10.8.2.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18



I have had a number of crashes on a Mac Pro w/Retina OS 10.7.5 running v2.01 of RC

Steps to reproduce:

1. On composition view having just opened the software.
2. Click to show scale browser window.
3. Resize the app window horizontally to make it a bit wider.
4. Drag and move the scale browser window over to the right.
5. Having dragged the window the program will crash.

I've tried this several times, same thing happens. I can provide the crash report if you want.

I also have crashing issues when using the idea tool with VST plugins (Lounge Lizard v4, Native Instrument FM8):

1. Go to idea tool and add a phrase
2. Select VST plugin (Lounge Lizard in this case)
3. Generate & it plays, fine.
4. Close the VST window and the edit button no longer works to show it again (BUG)
5. Change the instrument selection to something else, then change it back to the VST
6. The VST window appears again, then the program crashes.


Thank you for reporting these issues.
A bug fix update (v2.02, OS X only) was uploaded that should fix all bugs reported in this topic.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Thanks for providing a prompt update to RC. This has resolved the issues that I outlined, but the program still crashes frequently (I am lucky to go 5 minutes without it crashing).

I'll try to summarise some of the simple scenarios I have seen crashes/bugs with (I can't use the program long enough to get anything more advanced done):

1. On reloading the software after recovery, where the instrument selected was a VST plugin the Edit button is not available until you change it to something else and then back again. No sounds are generated either when playing back. This happens on both the Composition View and the idea generator.

2. On the composition view, I had two tracks, one with a generic generator. The second track was to handle the bass, so I drag a base generator from the phrase window and it crashes. This is repeatable. On recovery the bass generator was added, but if I try exactly the same thing, it crashes once more. The instrument selected was the bass sf. Using the right-click menu doesn't crash the program however.

3. Having selected a phrase/generator on the composition view and pressing the backspace key crashes the program.

4. Changing the selected VST instruments frequently crashes the program.

5. RapidComposer crashed on exit and now will not restart. It continually falls over when it says recovering last session. Do I need to re-install it?

The last issue is obviously a complete show stopper and I'm sad to say that RC is probably the most unstable software I've ever used (this includes v1 as I experienced a similar level of issues with it).


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

1. This is known behaviour. The solution is to set 'Save VSTi State In History' in the preferences. During crash recovery the last saved composition is opened from the history, but if no VSTi state is saved the plug-ins are not loaded.

2. I managed to reproduce this, and fixed it.

3. I could not reproduce this bug, but some extra checks were added, so it is likely this won't happen next time.

4. I'll continue to test VSTi plug-ins. Does it happen when you select another VST instrument for a track?

5. Hold down the Ctrl key when starting the RapidComposer. Or you may delete the file LastSession.txt in ~/Documents/RapidComposerV2
Today I fixed a hard-to-find bug about history handling too which caused crashes.

A new update will be uploaded probably on Monday. The OS X version had historically more stability problems. I could explain how hard it is to make a multithreaded application to work with the single threaded everything-is-handled-in-the-application-thread OS X architecture, but I won't :(

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hi Attila,

Thanks for being so responsive to the issues. I have installed v2.03 and on an initial run it seemed much better. However, when I exited the program it hung, so after waiting for several minutes I had to kill the process. Upon restart it managed to recover part of the project (one whole track was missing). When I reselected one of the VST plugins it hung again.

To help you debug these issues I have swapped to using some freely available plugins. I am using: Crystal and TickyClav (both available via KVR links).

So the above happened having created three tracks, two using Crystal (chord & bassline generators), one using TickyClav (fingerpicking generator). Nothing complicated, everything left at defaults with the exception of selecting suitable patches.

An additional issue I noticed was that the mixer window only allowed the volume to be adjusted for one instance of the Crystal VST, even though there were two being used, i.e. I could only adjust the bassline volume.





thank you for the detailed instructions.
The problems when unloading VSTi plug-ins was fixed today. You need to download the program again to get the fixed version. I did not advance the version number as it was just a single change, let's call it v2.03R2.

If you find anything else, please let me know.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Win 7, RC LE 2.04: When app window is maximised, it resizes when any instrument is clicked in the Instruments window.

edit: Monitor resolution - 1366*768



I try to enter the title of a composition and the composer. Right-click on the master-track opens the structure tab, then right-click on "untitled" brings up the master träck tab additionally. Now I enter the title and composer (the tab key doesn't function to jump from one to the other), set the tempo and the just entered title and composer are lost again. Rather weird, isn't it? Anyone an idea else than a bug?

Win XP SP3, Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio
Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth 1.7

Abandon corporatism (economic fascism)


Yes, that was a problem with the OS X version. Please download v2.05 where this issue is fixed.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18

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