where do I start?

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themixtape wrote:I am working on some YouTube tutorial videos for RC... it's going to take a while to get everything going, but I figure they are necessary!

I've been emailing with Attila letting him know that I am doing this and he is most grateful.

I'm trying to think of what needs to be covered and to what extent--

Video One-
getting familiar with all the functions of the program. How it works, what everything does, and how you can come up with cool chord progressions right off the bat

Video Two-
using MIDI with RC-- inputting chords from your keyboard... changing the voicings of the chords by playing the keyboard, using VSTs, etc.

Video Three-
coming up with a multi-track idea (piano, bassline, guitar part), layering, etc.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, everyone! Thanks!!

Have you (or anyone for that matter) made any progress on making some videos? I just purchased Rapid ComposerLE and all the tutorials seem to use the older version and what I am seeing on my screen looks nothing like the screen shots on the tutorials.

Thus I am totally and completely lost. :help:



Chris is preparing videos but he had some questions that I need to reply first. I am trying to catch up because of my travel last week.

Updating the tutorials and screenshots on the web page is top priority now and will be done until the end of this week.

Thank you for your patience.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


themixtape wrote:I am working on some YouTube tutorial videos for RC... it's going to take a while to get everything going, but I figure they are necessary!

I've been emailing with Attila letting him know that I am doing this and he is most grateful.

I'm trying to think of what needs to be covered and to what extent--

Video One-
getting familiar with all the functions of the program. How it works, what everything does, and how you can come up with cool chord progressions right off the bat

Video Two-
using MIDI with RC-- inputting chords from your keyboard... changing the voicings of the chords by playing the keyboard, using VSTs, etc.

Video Three-
coming up with a multi-track idea (piano, bassline, guitar part), layering, etc.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, everyone! Thanks!!

>>-- Chis,
I can't fund these youTube Videos ?? -- some help please
-- atonal


Just a bump for the video toots :D
Amazon: why not use an alternative



I ended up buying Version 2 after my frustration with the learning curve on Version 1, and am finding myself in the same place:

Wanting to see some training videos!


Exactly ...

The days of users trying to decode some 'black-box' are a thing of the past, and pretty much over.

Even bad music tools/apps have some video/YouTube 'mini drama' out there, and Rapid Composer is such an excellent, advanced piece of software, that one would think that after 'SEVERAL' years of guessing by users, some consideration might by directed to the customer base.

In my opinion, Rapid Composer is far ahead of the others in several sophisticated Algo Composition areas ... it might be nice to have some assistance and direction in understanding these features ... Also, at these prices, it might be more beneficial if prospective/potential customers are given wider familiarity with the features and functionality of this tool. ( if you have an exceptional piece of software, flaunt it !! ) . . . While the price is somewhat high, I don't mind purchasing it, if only I knew what was under the brown-paper wrapping ! (uhmmm) . . There is still not even a comprehensive, professional 'Organized' User Manual or Guide . . . .

take care -- atonal


Hey Atonal (and anyone else curious)... I have 4 videos done so far.... don't know how often you guys check the forum but here are the links to the videos (mostly done in September 2013). A lot more coming!

video 1


video 2


video 3


video 4



This is cutting edge software, and I suspect Attila is the main and only programmer.. Which means we have to patient, and try to make our points clear.. I sometimes will work with it, then leave it alone for a while and then comeback.. and see the improvements and videos he's come up with..

I bought some very expensive software .. It is extremely expensive and exquisitely esoteric. I initially decided to dedicate 2 years to master it.. I have not gotten far at all.. The programmers design philosophy is really alien to me.. I just can't find much logic in his designs.. As a result. I go thru periods of abandoning it.. Then I come back to it on occasion.. I've had several discussions.. I've been using computer music software since the late 70's.. Actually worked for a number of them.. and saw both sides of the coin.

I know quite a few users jumped ship to RC. It is 10% of the price and about 70% of the power.. And Atilla seems VERY attentive to his customers..

I would ask users to post questions, comments, here, so that others might learn, and Attila won't have to repeat himself..


I bought some very expensive software about 6 years ago. I haven't used it once.

I wish it didn't require an iLok. My laptop has limited USB ports and being forced to part with one of them can be a real downer.

Anyway, I'll try RC and see how it works. It might help me out...depends on what I really want...but being on special I might just have to get my feet wet, and see for myself what it can do. I'm sure it's extremely useful. With all those generators, it will prove useful as I have writer's block.
Little Black Dog - 2008-Present


Hi benjamind,

Thank you for your feedback!
You will find more videos on this page:

Fortunately RC does not require iLok or on-line activation...

Best regards,
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18




cj31387 wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:21 am The only thing stopping me from buying this program is a lack of video tutorials, or explanation, or a good manual. I think a song needs to be made from start to finish showing most or all the features of the program in the process of making it.
I feel your pain. Videos are less than useful due to unscripted presentation, and often distracting style. A good up to date manual will increase sales for sure
what she order? fish filet?


those are the wrong videos.. that is based on a really old version of RC. There are newer videos on the site. The v3 videos are for the current version of RC.


For complex programs, tutorial exercises which teach by example are very useful. You have very rich descriptions of the "what" of the program. Step by step tutorials which teach the "how" through simple example exercises would be very valuable. And I too would like to have an even faster tooltip setting or more text under icons. I appreciate all the effort that has gone into manuals, wiki, and vids to make this accessible to new users.


Suppose I should have posted this here before as well.. This is the v3 playlist set of videos.. more to come!

The text link above the below video is the playlist link, click that to see ALL the videos in the playlist!

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... uGp7iqUdMY

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