Premier Outfit 54 Kit - Kontakt 5 Pack Known Bugs

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Tuning display changes after page switching. Dial in a value for the Tuning knob on the Kit page. Switch to another page, switch back to Kit page. Tuning knob displays a different value.

The EMT240 impulses are not loading.

We hope to have these fixed in a future update. If you find any other bugs please let us know.


Hi there. I just bought your Premier kit and I am having some issues loading the patch, and need assistance.

I have the full version of Kontakt (64 bit), version updated from their website. When I try to load either the light version and full version of the drumkit I get the following popup: "This patch was generated by a newer version of the application. Please upgrade your copy to load the patch".

I'd love to get this sorted out so I can use your excellent sounding kit. Please advise and thank you in advance.


Hi there

I think we just spoke over email but the basic issue is you need to be using the latest version of Kontakt which i think is up to v 5.2 now. I think we established from your mail you are on version 5 so just get your software updated to the latest version and it should solve the problems. Any further issues let us know.



Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent support emails. The problem was definitely Kontakt related (the update to 5.3 didn't work so well) and there were other issues that I needed to remedy via regedit.

Long story short: The drums work and sound fantastic. For those reading this, there really is a whole lot of reasons to be excited and pleased with this sample set offering. I'll get into detail in another post.

Cheers miloco.


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