"real"izing diamond strings with volume and mod controllers

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So I'm trying to figure out how to make my diamond strings sound more realistic.

Ive been experimenting with giving individual notes volume and mod CCs basically like this picture:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qoipbw5w0nhc5 ... M.png?dl=0

Generally better results than doing nothing, but here's a tricky passage with some re-articulated notes. THere are volume/mod drops in between each note, and I'm thinking that that's the reason this passage sounds unnatural. Any thoughts on it?

Here's a quick mp3 of the passage in question: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2m8k4bo9a7frd ... x.mp3?dl=0

Sorry if this is a newbie question, just getting into figuring out how to use sampled strings.



Well, I did a little massaging of my volume and modwheel curves in logic's hyper editor to make the transition between two same-pitched notes a little more realistic sounding.

Seems like, to my ears at least, there maybe is a bow direction change between two same-pitched notes, but maybe not much actual volume difference, so perhaps I should just keep the same volume and mod settings during the transition and maybe just use an articulation that has a slight attack at the beginning for the second note?

Any thoughts on this?



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Oh hah!

THe audio example I posted from my track has these dropouts in between notes. To me they sound unnatural when there are two notes of the same pitch in a row, but don't sound quite as weird when the notes are moving up or down...

THe picture is a picture of the volume and vibrato evnelopes of a note a string player might play. basitcally the volume has an fast initial increase in volume and then a very slow decrease as the note progresses. I presume this envelope holds for shorter notes; for longer ones the volume level might sustain.

The mod envelope is a quick initial increase in modulation intensity, followed by a slow gradual increase as the note progresses. THen at the end of the note, there's a quick decrease in modulation (vibrato) intensity.


I think I may have sorted it my simply removing the volume and mod drops in between notes of the same pitch.


It still doesn't sound totally natural though.


Here's a "fixed" audio example with the modified mod and volume curves:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/rv6i08ozahljm ... 2.mp3?dl=0


Lemme know your thoughts and tricks!

I haven't yet experimented with the KH slides/portamentio/glissando at all. I'm using the diamond orchestra package (TVEC 3)


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