VST Electro Harmonix

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


I was wondering if anyone has seen any electro harmonix plugins???? ..... or anything comparable???
Their stomp boxes are so popular, that I'm kind of surprised nobody has (at least attempted) to replicate their sound.

I am also looking for TRUE sound morphing - vst effects - as I'm an electric violin player using a vst host software for my 'rig'......it's sooOOOooOOOo disappointing how little vst effects there are can truly morph sound from an analog perspective [not MIDI]

Any knowledge of such plugins would be greatly appreciated!!




And Zynaptiq Morph 2: http://www.zynaptiq.com/morph/

If it were easy, anybody could do it!


VmusicV wrote: Their stomp boxes are so popular, that I'm kind of surprised nobody has (at least attempted) to replicate their sound.

Their classic boxes are a staple of VST emulations...







So I am kind of surprised you say that you were kind of surprised nobody had (at least attempted) to replicate their sound.


Check out Distorque's Face Bender:

Not exactly a Big Muff but with some post-EQ'ing you could get in the ballpark.

EHX do some pretty amazing effects pedals like changing a guitar into an organ sound. I love their 'Freeze' too.


EHX pedals are in Amplitube.

d16 Antresol
Intel Core2 Quad CPU + 4 GIG RAM


Thanks for all of the suggestions - some of them are very interesting.

Amplitube has replicas of EHX pedals (their products say "based on"), and I'm sure they're good quality.


Guitar Rig has a copy of their Microsynth. Maybe some others too, but of course the names are always obscured.
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


Reaper users can try the free JS plug "wuff".


NI's Guitar rig has
EHX Big Muff
EHX Small, Stone phaser
EHX Memory Man Delay and
EHX micro-Synth

amplitude has permission to use the EHX brand and the FX pedals' names
this makes me assume its good
If your plugin is a Synth-edit/synth-maker creation, Say So.
If not Make a Mac version of your Plugins Please.


...everyone is out to get me!!!!!!!


Bassballs EHX: BASSROLLS rack extension for Reason

Small Stone EHX: SmallStorm rack extension for Reason

BadStone EHX: BadStorm rack extension for Reason
Turn2on - rack extension developer


There's also the Delay Brigade by Arturia, which is based on the Memory Man.

The "classics" are more or less covered by various brands, while the more "crazy" EHX effects are only avaible as hardware as far as I know...

If I want to completely change a sound, EHX wouldn't be my first choice: some effects are indeed crazy, but the stompbox format "limits" their scope of control; they do "only so much"... If I have to use a computer, I'd probably look into a native software solutions, not something limited by the "stompbox approach". Maybe it's harder to use than an EHX pedal (they are designed so their controls have a more or less "sensible" scope).

If I want a classic tone/effect, then it's a different subject (and EHX emulations - if done well - are appreciated). I'm not a guitar player so I can't really comment on things like Amplitube (I don't like opening a full suite just to load a pedal emulation on a synth, it doesn't fit my workflow well... it would be different if I was a guitar player using the full suite to create my sound). Just my opinion, of course.
free multisamples (last upd: 22th May 2021).
I vote with my wallet.


sin night wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 4:54 pm There's also the Delay Brigade by Arturia, which is based on the Memory Man.

The "classics" are more or less covered by various brands, while the more "crazy" EHX effects are only avaible as hardware as far as I know...

If I want to completely change a sound, EHX wouldn't be my first choice: some effects are indeed crazy, but the stompbox format "limits" their scope of control; they do "only so much"... If I have to use a computer, I'd probably look into a native software solutions, not something limited by the "stompbox approach". Maybe it's harder to use than an EHX pedal (they are designed so their controls have a more or less "sensible" scope).

If I want a classic tone/effect, then it's a different subject (and EHX emulations - if done well - are appreciated). I'm not a guitar player so I can't really comment on things like Amplitube (I don't like opening a full suite just to load a pedal emulation on a synth, it doesn't fit my workflow well... it would be different if I was a guitar player using the full suite to create my sound). Just my opinion, of course.
Another EH delay to check out is Dark Memory by Audiority:


And if Amplitube doesn't fit your workflow, try MixBox that contains the Electric Flanger and Small Phazer modules.

https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/m ... x.php?p=fx


Audiority also has Electric Matter which is an Electric Mistress model.

Kuassa has Harmonitron, a POG2 model, and Moon Muffin, which models a bunch of different versions of the Big Muff Pi.

Other developers who have modeled versions of the Big Muff include Audiority (Big Goat, V2), Nembrini (Big Stuff, V9), and Fuse Audio Labs (Big Sur, V4), and Universal Audio (Bermuda, V1), which is DSP only.

Fuse Audio Labs also has El Germano, which is a model of the EHX Germanium OD.

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