NI FM9 ever?

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I use FM8 a lot but over the years I more and more hope for an update nothing revolutionary but evolutionary.
A bigger GUI, ability to change the effects within the row, individual envelopes for the pitch of an operator, adding a little waveform window like the little spectrum window on the left upper corner, two more operators, removing the "Quality" section on the master page. IMO there is no FM-Synth out there which can replace FM8 I mean I love Dexed (it's a almost perfect emu) but something like FM8 is unique and deserves an update. Sytrus could be a competitor when it gets also an overhaul like a new GUI and the possibility to move envelopes without disrupting the sound.

All in all I wonder why there are not more good FM-Synths. To complex? No market? And whats up with NI? Just Reaktor derivatives?
rabbit in a hole


Autobot wrote:And whats up with NI? Just Reaktor derivatives?
Yeah, and Maschine derivatives and Kontakt libraries. I've sorta given up hope that we'll see any updates to their standalone synths. I'm guessing that they are getting the biggest profits out of the expandable products, so there's little incentive to develop new versions of the old standalones???
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


Autobot wrote:I use FM8 a lot but over the years I more and more hope for an update nothing revolutionary but evolutionary.
A bigger GUI, ability to change the effects within the row, individual envelopes for the pitch of an operator, adding a little waveform window like the little spectrum window on the left upper corner, two more operators, removing the "Quality" section on the master page. IMO there is no FM-Synth out there which can replace FM8 I mean I love Dexed (it's a almost perfect emu) but something like FM8 is unique and deserves an update. Sytrus could be a competitor when it gets also an overhaul like a new GUI and the possibility to move envelopes without disrupting the sound.

All in all I wonder why there are not more good FM-Synths. To complex? No market? And whats up with NI? Just Reaktor derivatives?
The sound of the DX-7 and its software counterparts is kinda dated and overused if you just rely on the stock sounds. And it is bestial to program well, to take it out of its comfort sound.

The sound got ruined for me when I was watching a lot of Chinese wuxia movies, and it seemed like every damn movie soundtrack was chock-ful of the most syrupy DX7 abuse possible. Except for that one that just lifted huge chunks of Uriah Heep's "Salisbury" - and they did it very very badly.


cryophonik wrote:
Yeah, and Maschine derivatives and Kontakt libraries. I've sorta given up hope that we'll see any updates to their standalone synths. I'm guessing that they are getting the biggest profits out of the expandable products, so there's little incentive to develop new versions of the old standalones???

NI will probably release FM9 as a sampled Kontakt library and then to to convince us all that it is a synth...just like they did with Retro Machines v2...

No sampled library is ever a synth,no matter how they try to spin it...

And it certainly doesn't sound the same either....

The only 32 bit plugin I still use is NI's B4 II because it's a winner...

Once again,NI tried to convince us that the '57 Drawbar and then the Vintage Organs sampled libraries were a replacement for the B4 II...

That is an assault on our intelligence,because they are not even close..

The B4 II is an additive synth that feels alive,whereas the sampled libraries are monotonously mundane and feel as dynamic as a dodo...

Like many people,I have moved away from using sampled libraries in the instances where I can achieve those results from a synth for the reasons outlined above...

I still think that sampled libraries have their place for things such as drums,acoustic pianos and orchestral instruments,but there will be further developments in virtual modeling that will bring a certain amount of obsolescence to the large sample libraries...

I mean,what is to the point of loading many GB's of samples to get a crap sound ? :wink:

It makes good business sense for NI to be focused on developing their core platforms - Kontakt and Reaktor - and then just license the third party libraries after those people have done all of the hard work...

But that might not be the best solution for the end user....

That's why many of us are not buying it,or buying into NI's new vision of "the future of sound"....

So there ! :wink:
No auto tune...


Oops....double post....
No auto tune...


Sytrus did get a makeover... well only the FL version for now.


I'm impatiently hoping for a new absynth TBH.


Dasheesh wrote:I'm impatiently hoping for a new absynth TBH.
I actually want to see something entirely knew from NI ...and not a Reaktor ensemble.


It seems pretty clear that NI will have to update at least one of their synths eventually... FM8, Absynth, or Massive. If I had to guess, I would say they are in the middle of developing a new updated framework which could eventually support all of those. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I would hope that plays some role in their long term roadmap.
Incomplete list of my gear: 1/8" audio input jack.


NI needs to update their synths fast before they become obsolete. There are many synths now that can compete with massive and massive 2 would have to blow the comp out of the water to if they want to raise the price.

FM8 needs some new features, but luckily there isn't as much comp for FM synths.

NI seems like they are abandoning their products which is a shame. I guess they're just trying to sell komplete now, so instead of upgrading things they just make more new stuff so they can add it to komplete and make it look like you get more stuff.


digitalboytn wrote: NI will probably release FM9 as a sampled Kontakt library
sampled FM, when you have real FM synths, now theres a good idea.
almost as good as sampled ANALOG.


I'm still awaiting a Pro-54, so get in line! :hihi:


I'm very curious indeed about how NI will handle their main synths. They make a big part of the appeal of Komplete, so I feel like it would be crazy for them to discontinue them, however I wouldn't put it past them. I just don't thinkthey are developing them anymore. The thing is, those big three (FM8, Absynth, Massive) don't really need much in the way of new features for sound generation, but they could sorely use some modern updates like GUI resizing, polyphonic aftertouch or even MPE support etc. But given that their new keyboards don't even have aftertouch and their new products don't have resizable GUIs I don't think they are very concerned about those things. So yeah, super curious where they will go with this non-Reaktor, non-Kontakt stuff.


Currently fm9 is my only synth that don't have the option of setting bigger gui....
However this synth use so little cpu and gives so cool sounds - it's a shame that no "stunning" gui available.
Another problem with fm8 for me was it's slow database and preset browsing - then the solution was to turn off "database hit count display" and preset browsing was quick again.
Anyway, from time to time I wish it had a bigger gui,
and I think the current almost white gui is OK,
but a more colorful skin would be better for this synth - why not use the colors of fm7?

I also saw that the Kontakt vintage organs , but don't think NI could do the sampling with the FM8 to create a Kontakt "replacement". Organs are one kinda sound, but FM8 covers all type of sounds.


I'd be more than happy if NI would update FM8 so that it finally becomes possible to batch import FM7 sounds. Since years, you can only import FM7 patches one by one, at least on Mac OS and NI support has admitted the bug. But no fix. :x

If it were easy, anybody could do it!

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