What you think is missing on the today soft-synth market?

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On the one hand, we now have all tools necessary to make great music in any genre and with any creative approach. Moreover, there seems to be some kind of market saturation and some softsynths which could potenitally be game changes 10 or even 5 years ago barely get noticed.

On the other hand, posts like "why there is no synth doing X" or "I wish synth Y could do Z in the way like synth Q does " etc appear here every now and then.

So what gaps you think are still not filled?

From my perspective, I wish there were more synths combining fat, characterful sound of analog emulations like Diva and Repro with flexibility of modern syntehsis like Serum, Spire etc. Basically if someone put Serum's wavetable engine and modulation options (matrix and drawable LFOs/MSEGS) into Diva and added Spire's arpeggiator and effects on top this could be my dream synth. Looking at most new synths, we either have that fat warm sound and basic waveforms with two modulation slots or we have each and every imaginable feature in one synth and cold and sterile sound at the output (ofc, I'm exaggerating a bit but you get the idea)
You may think you can fly ... but you better not try


Synths such as Spire or Hive basically offer those things, even if they don't emulate any specific analog synth. They sound pretty analog and offer lots of modulation and effects.

But really, I am content with what is out there today. Most of it is already way beyond my needs, after all synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:


What synths are missing?




Last edited by egbert101 on Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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fluffy_little_something wrote:synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Oh, c'mon, you don't really think so! :hihi:

Indeed, like others I have more synths than I actually need. Someone finally even made a proper Virus emulation :party:

So the question may be reworded like that: "what kind of synth would force you to open your wallet wide despite all these great toys you already have?"
You may think you can fly ... but you better not try


egbert101 wrote:As I stated in the thread I started earlier, there's a gap for a sample based synth. You stated something like Serum with Diva's effects, etc. Well, I'm trying to state something similar, but not wavetable based but sample based, perhaps with modern filters like Diva/Repro etc., but also with a hybrid of other forms of synthesis like Granular, FM, etc. All in a nice READABLE :hihi: modern GUI.
Between $100 and $150, when Diva itself is $169?

You've got a VERY long wait.


recursive one wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote:synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Oh, c'mon, you don't really think so! :hihi:

Indeed, like others I have more synths than I actually need. Someone finally even made a proper Virus emulation :party:

So the question may be reworded like that: "what kind of synth would force you to open your wallet wide despite all these great toys you already have?"
Aside from buying every new synth for my business (unless I can't read the GUI) the only thing that would make me open my wallet wide for personal use even if I never made ONE penny from it would be a modular synth that could literally sound like any synth ever made (meaning all filter types, etc) with unlimited modulation possibilities and routings, audio rate, blah, blah, blah and easier than Reaktor 6 to build something with AND a total replacement for Alchemy since those bastards sold out to Apple.

That's all that's missing for me. Everything else has been done and to death.


recursive one wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote:synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Oh, c'mon, you don't really think so! :hihi:

Indeed, like others I have more synths than I actually need. Someone finally even made a proper Virus emulation :party:

So the question may be reworded like that: "what kind of synth would force you to open your wallet wide despite all these great toys you already have?"
For me, it's now all about sound. I tried the demos of Avenger, Rapid, ANA 2, and Viper, to name the more recent ones, and couldn't find anything in those which would make me shell out 100 € or more, over what i already got (Spire, Largo, Sylenth1, Monark, Diversion, Thorn, Bazille CM, and others). I guess i kind of hit the saturation point, which is of course good for my wallet too. :P Also mainly a matter of taste as well, i guess.


chk071 wrote:
recursive one wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote:synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Oh, c'mon, you don't really think so! :hihi:

Indeed, like others I have more synths than I actually need. Someone finally even made a proper Virus emulation :party:

So the question may be reworded like that: "what kind of synth would force you to open your wallet wide despite all these great toys you already have?"
For me, it's now all about sound. I tried the demos of Avenger, Rapid, ANA 2, and Viper, to name the more recent ones, and couldn't find anything in those which would make me shell out 100 € or more, over what i already got (Spire, Largo, Sylenth1, Monark, Diversion, Thorn, Bazille CM, and others). I guess i kind of hit the saturation point, which is of course good for my wallet too. :P Also mainly a matter of taste as well, i guess.
Were I not running a business, I'd agree with you 100%. We're done. There is almost nothing left to get, at least as far as what's been coming out. Aparillo has a few nice twists and Infinite Pro is kind of unique (except all Wolfgang Palm synths are kind of like it) but really, what's left to do?


recursive one wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote:synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Oh, c'mon, you don't really think so! :hihi:

Indeed, like others I have more synths than I actually need. Someone finally even made a proper Virus emulation :party:

So the question may be reworded like that: "what kind of synth would force you to open your wallet wide despite all these great toys you already have?"
Well, I don't think buying any new synth would increase my musical output to put it this way. Whatever I don't achieve, it is due to my laziness, not the lack of synths out there.
I would buy the upgrade to an updated Sylenth1 if there were one, though.
Sometimes I think we have simply lost it in the West. There are people dying from hunger and simple diseases, while we have the luxury to waste our money and time on synths...


''What you think is missing on the today soft-synth market?''

Ideas, creativity & commitment. Oh wait wait these are not sold with a synth as effects. People actually need to provide these by themselves...


Last edited by egbert101 on Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
<list your stupid gear here>


chk071 wrote: For me, it's now all about sound. I tried the demos of Avenger, Rapid, ANA 2, and Viper, to name the more recent ones, and couldn't find anything in those which would make me shell out 100 € or more, over what i already got (Spire, Largo, Sylenth1, Monark, Diversion, Thorn, Bazille CM, and others). I guess i kind of hit the saturation point, which is of course good for my wallet too. :P Also mainly a matter of taste as well, i guess.
I actually think you need to give Viper a second run. Like its hardware prototype it heavily relies on effects. It's equalizer may seem very simplistic but this is what may actually bring the sound to life (same thing with Spire actually). Another thing to try is the LFO section with its preassigned modulations.

The other day I was trying to port my Virus TI patches to Viper and I noted that while it does the VA patches quite well, most of my own Virus sounds which I made over the time I owned it heavily rely on wavetable oscillators. I tried to recreate these in Serum with Virus wavetables but the Serum filter and effects are very different, I'd call them very precise and clinical sounding. Virus was never known as a proper analogue emulation, but it's filters act in quite non-linear, sometimes unpredictable way and have nice saturation, so they smoothen the digital sound of the wavetables and give nice overall character. To the extent I'm familiar with current wavetable synths (Serum, Massive, Rapid which I own, Icarus which I don't own but demoed many times) none of them has such filters - I don't mean exact copy of the Virus filters, but rather filters with overall analog-like behaviour.
You may think you can fly ... but you better not try


Synplant 2.


egbert101 wrote:
fluffy_little_something wrote:Most of it is already way beyond my needs, after all synths are not the center of the universe, let's get a life :hihi:
Cute :)

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