Wusik SQ200 now on RC1, almost ready!

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


Great news, Wusik SQ200 is now on RC1 for V1.0.0, soon to be released officially!

You can download a fully working version at the link below.


What is Wusik SQ200?

"Wusik SQ200 is a complete Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) that allows you to record sequences of notes and automations using MIDI and hosting VST/AU plugins. You can create complete projects or just use it to chain other plugins into your host of choice."

Why should you care about Wusik SQ200?

- It works both as a stand-alone application and VST/AU plugin versions.
- Allows you to setup live performances with ease.
- Let you work on a different workflow, little mouse usage.
- Very low on CPU resources.

What are the main features of Wusik SQ200?

- Full 960 PPQ sequencer with up to 99 tracks and 99 sections.
- VST/AU plugin hosting, with internal 32 to 64 bits bridge (VST Windows only).
- Audio Track Streaming and WAV Acid Loop files support with time-streatching.
- Included Compressor with Side-Chaining support, done in a very easy to use way.
- Open-Source Hardware Remote Controller support, the Wusik SQ200 HD.
- Windows and OSX 32 and 64 bits application and plugin versions.
- Multi-Core Engine.
- Midi Learn for Plugin's parameters.
- Playback/Record Metronome with custom sounds support.

Other features:

- Track Mute/Solo.
- Each plugin (instrument) has: Volume, Pan, Limiter, Low-Pass and High-Pass EQs, plus 6 x Parametric EQs, 8 insert effects and a compressor with side-chaining support.
- Note events has support for quantizing and tripplets.
- The event's editor allows you to edit all events in a single screen. There's also a Piano View mode that allows you to use the mouse to change notes.
- Tracks can be looped. This works like this: if you have 4 tracks, each with 16 measures, and an extra track (5 total) with only 4 measures, when playing the section it will loop the 5th track until the section ends. You can enable/disable this option per track.
- Sections are played one after the other, to compose a song. You can set a section to repeat #N times. You also have the option to play and repeat a single section and change sections using the section selector.
- All plugin's parameters can be automated, with the option to enable automation write/read per instrument and master.

Check out the complete manual using the following link.

http://www.wusik.com/wusik%20sq200/Wusi ... Manual.pdf

Cheers, WilliamK


Honoustly , the gui is verry unatractive
I understand you want to give a hardware feeling look , but imho you failed in that department .
You could give it more sex appeal by getting rid of the fake 3D look , going flat gui style ,niceley balanced etc .
You work will only benefit from it ., have a look at the latest izotope gui's, clear flat and attractive
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


Thanks for the feedback. There's a guy helping me out getting another skin done but he's very busy right now to finish it up. I will contact him again just to check if he can get it done, as it was very good. :cool:

Cheers, WilliamK


Getting no replies in hosts/DAWs, so you decided to post about your host/DAW in instruments instead ?
Keep it to one thread, spamming the forum is ridiculous.


WilliamK wrote:"Wusik SQ200 is a complete Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
Please don’t read the above post. It’s a stupid one. Simply pass.


It's a hybrid design that is often called a Music Workstation*. They are both live performance instruments and studio sequencers.

Most music workstations are hardware-based and expensive. This is a more 'knobby' and less 'mousy' DAW in the familiar workstation format, but far less expensive.

It fills an important need in the market, so I hope it does well (particularly in less-wealthy countries).

* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_workstation


Michael, you got the point, thank you for the description. Will use on the site too. ;-) :hug:

Cheers, Wk


New Wusik SQ200 RC2 Files. Windows/OSX, Full and Demo updated.


Jun 27 2018 - V1.0.0 RC2


- ! Added a new Live Song Selection Mode, which allows you to use the keyboard to load songs without having to touch the interface. You can assign a key on your midi keyboard to enable to selection. There are also optional sounds that will play to inform about the status. This also uses a new file format, just for this, as the data is not saved on the song file. Check the manual that was updated with information on how to use this new option.

- ! Added MIDI Channel to Instrument Routing Selection. This way you can set instruments to particular MIDI Channel Inputs. By default is Automatic, so it will select based on the selected track. But when you open the instrument setting's page, you will see next to Volume and Pan, a new option: AU, use the Up key to go to channel 01 and up to channel 16. This is saved on the song file.


I just fixed all files for Wusik SQ200 RC2, as it was missing some skin files and the manual wasn't the last one. Sorry about that. ;-)

Cheers, WilliamK


New Wusik SQ200 Skin, to look more like the Hardware Remote. Still need to add the VU Leds and also make the White version. :-)



The new Default skin and variations, to look just like the Hardware Remote we are about to release. :hyper:






New Wusik SQ200 RC4

Jul 01 2018 - V1.0.0 RC4


- ! Added a New Default Skin with 4 variations. The new skin reflects the to-be-released-soon hardware remote controller. Check the manual for screenshots.

- ! Added MIDI Processors for tracks. Check the manual for details on how to use it.

- Changed how tracks midi input and output are set, check the manual for details.

- Several internal fixes for bugs and crashes.

The MIDI Processors plus the new way tracks are selected via MIDI allows new usage specially when using Wusik SQ200 in live mode. Now you can have multiple tracks playing at the same time from a selected MIDI Channel and have the MIDI Processor Key Switch change from one to another using the MIDI Keys. Check the manual for details.




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