Fractal Worlds - epic synth metal with female vocals (Celica Soldream)

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Are the vocals too loud? At least there is one part/phrase where it gets quite loud (where she sings very high). How do you like it? Is it ok as it is?
Thank you very much for listening! :phones: :borg:


The vocals are ok but every thing else is quiet and dull. Hard to make out the toms for example. There are times where the instrumentation is not following the vocal notes very well. I felt there was not much happening until the guitar (which was nice) entered. The piece does not need to be that long to be epic. I like the idea but a better mix, that doesn't rely on the vocal part entirely, and a shorter playing time would enhance this for me.
see ya 'round...


Yes, the vocals are too loud, it takes all the impact out of the rest of it. When the guitar comes in, you want the whole thing to lift and it just doesn't because she was louder from the start. There is plenty of free space to sit her in there, it's shouldn't be a problem. And it might help to have her really quiet at the start and turn her up a bit when she comes back in over the guitar.
NOVAkILL : Legion GO, AMD Z1x, 16GB RAM, Win11 | Zoom UAC-2 | MPK Mini+ | Studio One 6.6
ARP2600, ARP Odyssey, OB-EZ, SEM, OB-1, Prestige, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Saurus,
Invader 2, Olga, TRK-01, BA-1, Thorn, Spire, VG Iron 2


Thank you both foryour replies :tu: , I will rework it these days! I don't know if I can shorten it, because I love the vocals so much, I could listen to them all day long (Well, I do so :love: :hihi: )
I also love those emojis, that's why I do this:
:band2: :band2: :band2: :band2: :band: :band: :band: :violin: :harp: :hail: :box: :phones: :wheee: :bang: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu:




@vurt :is this a hidden message?


just some sexy emojis 🦔🦡


i agree with bones.
drop her back! then bring her up with the guitar for impact!!


Thanks, I will do that. At the moment i'm working on another track where I will consider the suggestions from the beginning on :party: :hyper:


Here is the new track, Beyond Sky City :borg: :party: :phones:
The other one will be reworked now!


So I've reworked the fractal worlds track now! This will be the final version (Hopefully :hail: )
I've adjusted the Volume level of the vocals, guitar, synths and the snare drum. I also made some velocity changes.
The metal part should have more impact now! :hihi: :o :hihi:
Thank you all for the feedback! :tu: :tu: :tu:

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