Invalid project file- Cubase 10.5 issue

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I am getting the following error when I try to open my project file in cubase 10.5.
i think i deleted the .csh file by mistake.. Is there a way for me to open the project file without it? Is .csh mandatory to open a project file?
cubase error.png
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Cubase probably corrupted the file last time you saved it. I notice there's a bak file there only 5 minutes older, try opening that.
Cubase creates csh files when it needs them. They're not necessary.


csh is a cache file, it will be refreshed next time you inform it which folder the project belongs in, after it's been moved or the folder's name altered.
It is not the cause of a fatal project corruption. Overheating is one cause.


how to resolve this issue?


I dump my csh files all the time. I forget what they even do.
rename your .bak file to .cpr...... and you can open it in cubase.
Strange I was just reflecting recently on a very important project that it has literally been over 6 years since cubendo has give me an invalid file with a released version, yet by habit I always make incremental save as versions as I go along.

good luck.
sound sculptist


I'm trying to open the .bak file and it gives the same error for stem master-01.. if you see the image, all of those files are around 6 gb


for that matter you can open a bak itself. saving it creates proj name.bak.cpr of course. Before I understood what .csh does, I would delete 'em. If Cubase needs it it's going to make another one. one of the things it does is, I have a video in another directory and do import video (with audio). It creates a reference to the original directory, .csh. If you rename or move the project folder, or the project into anything new, it's going to interrogate that and create one consquentially.

It's hard to imagine a project file of 6GB.

never heard of anyone recovering a corrupted project, it's burnt. kaput.
Last edited by jancivil on Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


IE: my current proj uses 7 64-bit fp two-files, weighing in at 2.2GB.
The .cpr is 1.7MB. It has ~120 lanes of host automation, 60 MIDI tracks, one event apiece and a whole lot of CC etc. 4:30 in length.
if all that were plugged into Cubase directly (vs VE Pro) it would be several more MB I guess? I used to do it that way, for years, and there's never been huge project files. One project used a couple hundred 2-files (and it was over-produced af), this does not add significantly to the project size if at all. 10MB is huge IME.

So, 6GB would tend to be a whole lot of accumulated junk (corruption), I can't even begin to account for that kind of size.


I talked to Steinberg and they said anything beyond 4 gigs will be considered as bad files by cubase..
They mentioned there isn't any way to solve this issue but to keep an eye on the project size in the future every time I save.
Lot of pain since so much of effort put in is lost :(


vignesh.vijay wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:45 pm I talked to Steinberg and they said anything beyond 4 gigs will be considered as bad files by cubase..
They mentioned there isn't any way to solve this issue but to keep an eye on the project size in the future every time I save.
Lot of pain since so much of effort put in is lost :(
Thanks for the heads up! I never knew it's a thing.


Could you please explain how you achieved such a big project file size?
For me project usually weights ~1-2 Mb. Audio files are referenced from the "Audio" folder.


It was the same for me .. but i guess its a glitch from cubase .. sometimes it binds everything together..


it doesn't through itself; something must wrong at your end. The size of audio files for instance, do not figure into the .cpr size. We can't know quite why it's that size but my experience tells me it's garbage, something is creating a lot of corruption.


Is there a way for me to reduce the size ?


if it's garbage, and it pretty much has to be, no.
as to avoiding it, none of us has the information about your setup to diagnose. About all I know anyway is from experience, CPU stays hot for a long while, shit goes south.

at this point I advise to save the MIDI and make safeties for the audio in case of needing to rebuild, it looks like you do now.

save to a new folder if it starts blowing up like that, make a backup ito a fresh folder... if you have a lot of audio edits, consolidate the offline processes while backing up (Back up project there in the File menu)

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