Percussion Generator and Scale Lock

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Apologies if this has been asked before. I did search but couldn't quite find this answer.

When I insert the percussion generator into my composition it locks to the scale of the project. So if I am using a drum assigned to C#4 but my scale is C Major, it won't let me program that particular drum. I've tried transposing the phrase, etc. but can't seem to make it work (the offending notes just jump to the nearest in scale note). Any tips?

Thanks in advance.


right click the track and set the track to percussion..


Thanks. I double checked and it is set to percussion. I even toggled the option just to be sure. Didn't help.

Appreciate the help.



Just figured it out. If you right click on the percussion generator phrase in the phrases generator menu (on the right) and click has this bug. Same if you drag the phrase from the phrases generator menu to the timeline. The only way it DOES work is if you right click on the track and fill with percussion generator. That seems to tell RC that it is exempt from the scale.


yea, if you use the arrow keys, there is a jump in the transpose. Looks like a bug, but, not sure if it was intended to work like that or not.. It probably shouldn't, if the track is set to percussion..

The work around is to use the transpose slider in the phrase inspector on the general tab..

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