Frequency Modulation Synthesis - Free Synths Recommendation

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Hello there! I am new to Frequency Modulation Synthesis and I would like to know if you have any recommendations for free/cheap synths (I already know Dexed, but it has a weird interface and I find it difficult to adapt)! Thanks in advance!


What's the price range you consider as "cheap"?


a cheep FM synth (that is most of times a PM synth, but o well..).... FM8? second hand..

or get Voltage Nucleus.... and FM the hell out of a chain of oscillators, well no ratio's, you have to calculate them, but you have ears...


Fugue State Audio - plugins, samples, etc.
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bazille cm with computer music magazine, think vital and tal noisemaker do a bit of fm


Exakt Lite for free, and 2getheraudio OpZilla FM Synthesizer for as little as 10 dollars if you're feeling a bit tight


exakt lite is awesome, by far the friendliest FM synth I've used. It sounds great too. No it doesn't have as many operators, it has 4... but then again the choice of waveforms actually makes it more versatile. The main thing though is that it sounds great (at least to my ears)!
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Bleass omega...basically a prettier version of the biotek implementation without the ability to use samples as carrier or modulator for $69...fixed algorithms...but all the usual played out sounds are on tap...hehehe
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If you have an iPad, pick up FM4. It’s very easy to use and learn on compared to things like Dexed, but once you’re comfortable with it, Dexed will be easy.
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Oxefm(free) -there are different skins if you don't like the original


OctaSine. A bit of a work in progress still, but seems to be receiving updates on a fairly regular basis.


Dexed, but this thread is old... What did you end up getting?
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Maybe it's better to start with simple options like, U-he's freebies( Zebralette, Tyrell, Podolski) or Kilohearts One is also free, understandable, and really warm sounding.


If you're on windows, you should check out audio nebula's Aurorafm I think. It's similar to dexed fm synth but is much more powerfull and easy to use imo, although as any fm synth it has it's learning curve too...

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