How can I release my music

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Hallo everyone,

I spent time for music production for many years now and I often get feedback that it sounds quite good. So, I think about releasing my music on spotify. How can I do that. Where can I find labels that are attracted to my music? I am on Labelradar (not a pro user) but only get rejections. I mainly produce trance, house and dance music.

Kind regards


Go totally indy. So not only write, arrange, play, record, produce & master everything yourself, but also DIY the publishing. That's what a label does for you, but why not shield yourself from more rejections and keep money in the pocket they would take.

So... I googled "how to publish spotify" (that seems to be your goal) and it looks quite simple:
a vampr blogger wrote: How to Publish Your Music on Spotify as An Artist
  • Create a Spotify account
  • Claim your artist profile
  • Upload your music
  • Fill out the information about your songs
  • Submit your music and that’s it!
Pro Hint: create an entity for the publishing, so you can be "a label" for others too ;-)
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


Thanks... I will try it.


That list of steps seemed a bit simplified and a vampr honeypot.
Here's more practical info:
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


You will need a distributor to put your music online so someone like distrokid, tunecore etc but you can totally do this as an independent. There are also options for publishing on other mediums like bandcamp.

The advantage of releasing on a label is they usually have their own fan base and potentially contacts with djs, radio to advertise. The downside from what I have heard from people releasing on labels is that sometimes they don't get paid or the track does not do well enough to make money after the labels expenses are taken.

Releasing yourself means you get all the money (or most of it dependent on distribution deal you sign up with) but you have to do all of the hard yards building a following and getting your music out there. Also factor in that thousands of records are released each day so loads of competition regardless.

Me personally I release my own stuff on spotify but don't make much money. My music occasionally gets me a few free beers or a nice meal. It is slowly increasing over time though.


Send your demo to all possible labels that release the the music genre you make. That's how I got my music released. A small German label.


Bandcamp is a great choice
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kvruser1000 wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:16 am Hallo everyone,

I spent time for music production for many years now and I often get feedback that it sounds quite good. So, I think about releasing my music on spotify. How can I do that. Where can I find labels that are attracted to my music? I am on Labelradar (not a pro user) but only get rejections. I mainly produce trance, house and dance music.

Kind regards
You could try the SoundCloud route. Release a track, try to get on a couple of bigger playlists, repost others... it's an old route that might or might not work, but since you do EDM, it might be worth it to give it a shot.

If you want to release on DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, and others, yes, then you need a distributor like Distrokid, Tunecore, CD Baby, or others. Do your research there and compare them, so you'll know which one is the most fitting one for you.

Once you have done that, you could try to use Submithub for new releases as a different route to get on playlists on DSPs.

And after that, if you really want to get "tickle the algorithm", meaning get a chance to be on huge playlists on Spotify that are not curated but created for each user by their algorithm, run ads on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.


jules99 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:58 am
kvruser1000 wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:16 am Hallo everyone,

I spent time for music production for many years now and I often get feedback that it sounds quite good. So, I think about releasing my music on spotify. How can I do that. Where can I find labels that are attracted to my music? I am on Labelradar (not a pro user) but only get rejections. I mainly produce trance, house and dance music.

Kind regards
You could try the SoundCloud route. Release a track, try to get on a couple of bigger playlists, repost others... it's an old route that might or might not work, but since you do EDM, it might be worth it to give it a shot.

If you want to release on DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, and others, yes, then you need a distributor like Distrokid, Tunecore, CD Baby, or others. Do your research there and compare them, so you'll know which one is the most fitting one for you.

Once you have done that, you could try to use Submithub for new releases as a different route to get on playlists on DSPs.

And after that, if you really want to get "tickle the algorithm", meaning get a chance to be on huge playlists on Spotify that are not curated but created for each user by their algorithm, run ads on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
I have music on Soundcloud, but, more and more, their Legal info sounds like you cede some of the rights to your music. I'm done posting anything new there.


vitocorleone123 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:54 am
jules99 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:58 am
kvruser1000 wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:16 am Hallo everyone,

I spent time for music production for many years now and I often get feedback that it sounds quite good. So, I think about releasing my music on spotify. How can I do that. Where can I find labels that are attracted to my music? I am on Labelradar (not a pro user) but only get rejections. I mainly produce trance, house and dance music.

Kind regards
You could try the SoundCloud route. Release a track, try to get on a couple of bigger playlists, repost others... it's an old route that might or might not work, but since you do EDM, it might be worth it to give it a shot.

If you want to release on DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, and others, yes, then you need a distributor like Distrokid, Tunecore, CD Baby, or others. Do your research there and compare them, so you'll know which one is the most fitting one for you.

Once you have done that, you could try to use Submithub for new releases as a different route to get on playlists on DSPs.

And after that, if you really want to get "tickle the algorithm", meaning get a chance to be on huge playlists on Spotify that are not curated but created for each user by their algorithm, run ads on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
I have music on Soundcloud, but, more and more, their Legal info sounds like you cede some of the rights to your music. I'm done posting anything new there.
Citation needed.


jules99 wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:13 am
vitocorleone123 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:54 am
jules99 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:58 am
kvruser1000 wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:16 am Hallo everyone,

I spent time for music production for many years now and I often get feedback that it sounds quite good. So, I think about releasing my music on spotify. How can I do that. Where can I find labels that are attracted to my music? I am on Labelradar (not a pro user) but only get rejections. I mainly produce trance, house and dance music.

Kind regards
You could try the SoundCloud route. Release a track, try to get on a couple of bigger playlists, repost others... it's an old route that might or might not work, but since you do EDM, it might be worth it to give it a shot.

If you want to release on DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, and others, yes, then you need a distributor like Distrokid, Tunecore, CD Baby, or others. Do your research there and compare them, so you'll know which one is the most fitting one for you.

Once you have done that, you could try to use Submithub for new releases as a different route to get on playlists on DSPs.

And after that, if you really want to get "tickle the algorithm", meaning get a chance to be on huge playlists on Spotify that are not curated but created for each user by their algorithm, run ads on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
I have music on Soundcloud, but, more and more, their Legal info sounds like you cede some of the rights to your music. I'm done posting anything new there.
Citation needed.
https: //

I'm no lawyer so could totally be wrong, though I'm still going to continue not putting anything new on there.


Yeah, Piss on soundclod... Well over a year ago they started making me confirm email just to upload & this is on a free account I have talked to others that have pro & they say they don't have to do any of that crap...

So I said close account & delete EVERYTHING!... They say OK your account is queued up for deletion but it's still there plus I cannot access it anymore...

Got tired of the ads anyway way better just to upload music for others to listen to... as far as monetizing forget it, nobody has money these days & if your music is any good it'll probably get stolen & you'll never know. I never upload anything that is real good to the net just short little tracker tunes nobody would ever steal as nobody likes my style anyway or concepts/ideas...

The world is entering a crapstorm much online anything business will soon be gone time to make money would be 20+ years ago...


AUTO-ADMIN: Non-MP3, WAV, OGG, SoundCloud, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter and Facebook links in this post have been protected automatically. Once the member reaches 5 posts the links will function as normal.
BertKoor wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:05 am Go totally indy. So not only write, arrange, play, record, produce & master everything yourself, but also DIY the publishing. That's what a label does for you, but why not shield yourself from more rejections and keep money in the pocket they would take.

So... I googled "how to publish spotify" (that seems to be your goal) and it looks quite simple:
a vampr blogger ( wrote: How to Publish Your Music on Spotify as An Artist
  • Create a Spotify account
  • Claim your artist profile
  • Upload your music
  • Fill out the information about your songs
  • Submit your music and that’s it!
Pro Hint: create an entity for the publishing, so you can be "a label" for others too ;-)
This post is so inaccurate you should delete it. You've never been able to upload music directly to Spotify without a distributor.


sickpie98 wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:53 pm This post is so inaccurate you should delete it.
Read on, an you'll see I did rectify it.
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


For the games I will release on Steam I will both sell the soundtracks on Steam itself of course and then probably I will use Tunecore or some other service like that to have the soundtracks everywhere for some possible extra income and anyway at the worst as a cheap advertisting for the games.
Obviously for generic music not linked to other products like movies and games it is not really the same.
Still as a poor solo indie developer trying to start a small business I have no other option but to try.

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