Dawesome MYTH

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Any chance of adding an overlay view to the envelope editor so that all active envelopes can be seen at once and switched between for editing?
Don't F**K with Mr. Zero.


I’m absolutely flabbergasted with this synth. Granted, I dig the visuals as well as the sound, but that’s a given with (D)awesome synths. Myth and Novum make my days, Abyss and Kult are no slouches either.


i had three sessions with the demo.
long winded post. Don´t read if it does not fit you !

i like some of the sounds (presets) very much.
i´m not into track making / production works. But with some sounds, i really just wanted to start a track immediately.
Songs, Pink Floyd never made, haha....you know that: "Ohh, Wow, thats Pink Floyd" feel ?
i usually only have such feels with whole -big and complex- patches, not with single sounds. Feels Great ! ;)...and tells something, no ?

Agreed on the visual feedback !
And this turns now a rant. (couln´t keep it shorter. sorry)
How the UI is built, thats a NoGo for my taste.
Do NOT do that please!
Do not give me abstract symbols => with no other visual feedback on top of it.
Means, as is, would i have to learn the GUI again and again fresh, ....but i still would never know what values are set vs. the single parameters. For example add rings around your symbols to reflect the set value ?
Remember; if you look at a HW analog one, you see all set values in one go !

I see the value vs. trying to walk new pathes.
But the visual feedback should not be scrumbled, imho. Otherwise are you making my experience with such a tool a unpleseant one. But thats just me ofcourse.

Then the preset browser. it´s a bit matured vs. "Kult" i guess ( long time no see).
but still feels not good enough vs. "what i hope to get from such a product".
What puts me completly off is: the colour you´ve chose to highlight the loaded preset.
I can´t see anything on my 27" screen. And it´s even on my 40" screen not allways simple to see what preset is loaded.
It´s a nice purple, true. But why would you not just give it the same colour as the FAV asteriks has ? That orange.
I don´t get it.

Many, if not most of us, are dealing with not only dozends but in the meantime hundreds of plugins.
Visual feedback is everything ! -For me- things do stand or fall here.
I have other good sounding synths on my disposal anyway. That alone is not cutting it.
The whole experience must fit. YMMV

i REALLY dig Arovanes preset work ! Well donne dude ! well donne.
i had so so inspiring jamms with some of those.
(still plenty others open to dig thru)

and then this:
add some nifty dynamicEQing to it, and see how much better it can sound (Tipp).
Many of its sounds are the perfect match for that little trick ;)

ahh, ADSR, as so often the case. the "linearity" vs. the controls are not refined. "Release" needs a rework in my opinion.
I mean, i load my plugins in GigPerformer. I can -and do- adjust the curvatures there.
but "Release" was even there a stretch to deal with.
( this "problem" is not that seldom. found in many plugins)
I would not want to know how these parameters would feel when CC mapping it in a DAW without any curvature remapping feature.

sorry for long post.
at least it´s on topic, haha


Been getting good results dumping wavetable files into the Iris.

And by wavetable files I mean short wave files I made to import into Animoog Z, 16384 samples long (roughly .341 seconds I think it is).

Adjusting the transformers goes pretty wild with them, offering up a wide range of sound. Wider than the other longer samples I was using before.

The files are 48kHz, 16bit, mono. Don't know if mono makes a difference or what.

Completing a patch feels like an exciting but fragile process. One little bump of a transformer, or an addition of one of the unique effects, can throw everything into chaos.

Decided to try to keep things relatively simple, no long filter or effects chains, balancing out the wildness with a mix type module. End results can be captivating, a mixture of tamed sloppiness and odd beauty.
Yo Leroy!


I almost missed that this synth was out due to there being no release thread and people instead using the pre-release thread as the release thread.


MYTH and another recent product came in for a bit of a well-intentioned thumping by Skippy on his PlugInGuru YT channel this weekend. It's worth the watch - the KVR crew can draw its own conclusions.

2 New Plug-Ins but something is missing...
We shall see orchestral machines with a thousand new sounds, with thousands of new euphonies, as opposed to the present day's simple sounds of strings, brass, and woodwinds. -- George Antheil, circa 1925 ---


Another one... may you draw your own conclusions. :?

You can be creative in any right place on Earth, and not only in the wealthiest cities. Bring the world feelings from everywhere, and not only feelings of capitalistic or jail environment.
― Aleksey Vaneev


gnu23 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:04 pm MYTH and another recent product came in for a bit of a well-intentioned thumping by Skippy on his PlugInGuru YT channel this weekend. It's worth the watch - the KVR crew can draw its own conclusions.

2 New Plug-Ins but something is missing...
TBH I think it's a fair comment, maybe more so with Battalion. Its a drum machine with hardly anything to show that's what it is.If you go into Myth as an a synth you really need to experiment with to get results, then fair enough, you will however be disappointed if you want anything else. I don't think most of the presets included show off what Myth is capable of.
Mac Studio
Cubase 13, Ableton Live 12


What sort of presets should have been included to show off what Myth is capable of?


cb8rwh wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:56 pm What sort of presets should have been included to show off what Myth is capable of?
Well as an example go through what they categories as Bass. I know there is a certain amount of subjectivity here but there are some patches which are nowhere near it in any sense, also volume matching of presets is extremely poor. I don't want to go and call any individual sound designer here that's not fair, but the presets should have been curated and at least volume matched better than this. I am a Dawsome fan and have all of their previous stuff, still really on the fence about this one. I will also add that there is generally extremely high CPU usage on what seem like very simple patches, there needs to be far better optimisation, you should be able to set the poly option globally for all patches if you want, some of them max out a Mac silicon machine with a 5 note chord, this crazy
Last edited by woodsdenis on Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mac Studio
Cubase 13, Ableton Live 12


You don't have to call out any of the designers (I'm one), but if we know what is missing we can possibly add some of the missing types.


Funky40 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:28 am Agreed on the visual feedback !
apologies ! i was yesterday very ranty.
ofcourse has Myth also alots of VERY good things available vs. that whole "visual feedback" thing !

i´ve worked now with my own samples to see where i get it to be, and i see now also way more visual feedback within the Iris. I might have missed some, or my samples might just have a more interesting, more diverese spectral content.
There IS alots of good things built into Myth in regards vs. the visual feedback.

vs. Sound, i also feel like alll sounds a bit samey.
But i in fact like that in this case.
It creates in my brain a specific place, and maps "Myth" to that place / these sounds.
Means, i exactly know which sounds "I" like the most.
It makes it way more distinct, and way more easy for me to drive into the right direction quickly.
It really gives me a very distinct feel.

I´m not asking for synths which can do just anything.
I in fact even don´t like it.

the other thing:
What i again and again stumble uppon are synthsounds that create a sort of Groove.
It might be fun to have the quasi same Engine specifically tailored towards a "groove creation machine" as another own product. But i couldn´t tell how this had to look.


You can be creative in any right place on Earth, and not only in the wealthiest cities. Bring the world feelings from everywhere, and not only feelings of capitalistic or jail environment.
― Aleksey Vaneev


cb8rwh wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:10 pm You don't have to call out any of the designers (I'm one), but if we know what is missing we can possibly add some of the missing types.
Thanks for your response, I guess I am echoing what Skippy said, its much easier to judge a synth if you have a curated selection of Factory patches at the first level rather than the way that its done now with a list of the designers and a BASS list as an example of all of them. There needs to be a best of, if you know what I mean and that can only be judged by the Dawsome team internally to best show off what they know the synths strengths are.
Mac Studio
Cubase 13, Ableton Live 12


I do get what you mean, but looking at some of the other synths I have (Pigments, Dune, Zebra, Hive, Generate, Avenger), none of them have a curated 'Best Of'. That isn't to say that it can't be done with Myth. I can ask.

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