Now that you’ve had Rift for a while, do you still use it?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


I’m a little on the fence with this and wanted to know if it is still as relevant to you as it was when you bought it? Or has another plug taken its place? Thank you.


Nope. They broke the login for a while so I thought I was withdrawn. It went missing during a client session which was not impressive for anyone. However, pretty easily replaced with the stock Sweeper in Reason so I soldiered on.

Worse Minimal gave a huge amount of abuse on my YT when I talked about their bouncy EQ that I was asked to review for Higher Hz but could not due to 'buy before try' marketing. They gave a ton of personal abuse, used a sock puppet to also abuse me, then tried to use my video to prove what champions they were by giving their sock puppet a free copy (that they made clear I wouldn't ever get) for the sock puppet having to take my abuse. So they gave their invisible friend a free copy - generous. After a few days, Minimal removed all their abusive comments - incl the sock puppet. This made it clear that they have poor manners and eventually realized that - but not enough to behave like gentlemen either in the first place or to recover their lost dignity (which I don't believe they ever desire to do seeing they clearly didn't have it in the first place - using sock puppets!!!)

I do have RiftFree back now - found it when looking at the Vital rebadge :-O but I have never used it. Dramatic but not so useful for me. Easy thought o replace in many ways - as I dared show with the bouncy EQ.


I like their stuff myself, tho I got most of what I have for either free or cheap. My fav is the compressor. Rift looks interesting, but the price would have to come down pretty far for me to actually buy it. :shrug:


I got Rift right after it came out and use it in almost every project :tu:


I thought Rift pretty good but sold it as I prefer working with Arturia's Coldfire and there was no need to have both. I also had their morph EQ which was also interesting but again I ended up thnking I was doubling up with other products so I sold it. But I could easily have kept theMinimal products and sold Coldfire etc. I think their products are good quality but as with all software I would either buy secondhand or on sale if at all possible


Another one that bought it when it first dropped but I hardly ever use it anymore. I liked the morphing filter in it, but the distortion is quite often just 'too much' to do. Same with Coldfire which I got shortly after. I went back to either just using input gains in the channel strips or good old Decapitator as it's so simple and 'just works' when you need it.


Rift is primarily a sound design tool imo, not compatible to normal saturators / distortions


motomotomoto wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 8:22 pm Rift is primarily a sound design tool imo, not compatible to normal saturators / distortions

And yes, I still use it fairly regularly.


motomotomoto wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 8:22 pm Rift is primarily a sound design tool imo, not compatible to normal saturators / distortions

Its USP is its bipolar capabilities. That really comes into its own in sound design.

There is nothing comparable to Rift for tear your face off pulse wave distortion.


I have Rift included in all of my Logic Pro X templates, so I use it quite a bit. I was an early adopter of Minimal Audio's software and I love their entire lineup. The sound, functionality, and attractive GUIs just seem to fit my needs like a glove.

Sometimes I use Rift sparingly for a bit of saturation and harmonics when addressing bread and butter processing duties. Then there are projects where I'm focusing entirely on the sound design aspects of my music, and that's when Rift really shines for me.

I personally like extremes when it comes to sound design, so Rift plays an important role with animated, morphing filters and the modulation system. It's a proper multi-effect that gives you serious tone-shaping abilities and movement. It's so much more than just a distortion plug-in and that's why I enjoy using it. 8)



... it's been Rift 2 for quite some time. (Though checking on it made me realize, the latest is 2.2 and I had 2.1 something.)


I did buy Rift 2 today to take advantage of the anniversary sale. Very nice! I do like the Minimal Audio effects, only missing the chorus and reverb now, likely will pick them up at some point or upgrade to the bundle. This is the last weekend for the 50% off sale btw, which makes it cheaper to get stuff individually as opposed to the bundle upgrade, for me at least... :tu:



I only just got Rift recently and haven’t really used it in anything yet but I really like it,should be a good replacement for coldfire because I sold my Arturia fx collection,actually I sold my Arturia FX and bought Rift and some other stuff including Fuse compressor. I quite like Minimal’s plugins,went from none to almost everything except the reverb and chorus in about a week

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