Looking for a real time Resampler

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


Hi there,

I’m looking for a real time Resampler plugin (or 3dr party software) similar to the WaveLab one. I want to use the plugin in Cubase main out. The reason is that my new projects are at 96kHz and my new computer is connected via SPDIF digitally to the old computer which has amazing DSP cards which are up to 48 kHz.
Products: ART Pro X-DAW; VEP Multi Instance; Bulgarian Vox Trilogy ORPHEUS; Vox De Bulgaria s.a.g.e vocal pack for Stylus RMX etc


rolling sampler by bird things
Studio One 7Bitwig Studio Former Logic Pro X User (left in v11 drop) • Diva, Serum and Spire are my Daily Drivers • Harrison 32c Enjoyer • Cradle Audio Enthusiast • Apple M2 Max • UAD + Spark • DJM V10 x CDJ3000's • Dance Music


I'm sorry but I'm looking for a realtime audio Resampler (say 96khZ to 44.1 kHz) like the WaveLab realtime Dock resampler!
Products: ART Pro X-DAW; VEP Multi Instance; Bulgarian Vox Trilogy ORPHEUS; Vox De Bulgaria s.a.g.e vocal pack for Stylus RMX etc


Check out Degrader by Klevgrand.


Thanks, I will try degrader.
Products: ART Pro X-DAW; VEP Multi Instance; Bulgarian Vox Trilogy ORPHEUS; Vox De Bulgaria s.a.g.e vocal pack for Stylus RMX etc


they used to be called "Sample Rate Converter"s (SRC)

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