Where is Reason 13?

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electro wrote: Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:36 pm No offline option means we're not touching Reason with a 10 foot pole
IIRC Home Depot sells 12 foot pole.
Try that one :tu:
MuLab of course :D


Back to topic please.


I can imagine that Reason that would belong to this ... in a parallel universe with us :cry:

"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


I was surprised to read that the mixer in Reason doesn't impart any colour. I thought that was the point of fancy mixers.


It looks like those crazy Reaper theme :scared:
MuLab of course :D


Been out of the scene for a while, though looking to get back in, it's been a while since I used my Reason (version 7). I used Reason linked to Cakewalk Sonar X3 primarily to expand soundbank options and quality. The 'main work' (recording audio, midi, effects/vst etc etc) was always done in the DAW simply because...that was a DAW was always an expert at. I appreciate we're at version 12 and functionality has, as always, expanded. I'm also aware that there are those who use Reason on its own - this is, after all, an original selling point.

Reason is a superb, unique piece of software. Reason is what Reason is. A DAW is what a DAW is. Why reinvent the wheel?
Should Propellerhead divert resources and time on making Reason into a DAW when there are already experts out there...called DAW's? I think, for Reason to stand out, it needs to focus on it's core, original mission statement. As long at it continues to link into existing DAW's then the requested 'missing' Reason functionality isn't an issue, though I do appreciate that 'in the box' users would (always!) be lacking those features found only in a DAW.


I definitely appreciate how you use Reason with another standalone DAW as this is how I used it for years. At a certain point I just realized I could do everything inside of Reason I was doing in other DAWs anyway so I moved on to using Reason as my primary software. When I implemented the inline pitch editor I was sold as I actually prefer it to any third party pitch editor out there. I hear the argument for both ways folks use Reason but I think it can excellent at both. As long as they keep refining what it already does well and develop the software to help us all make better music I'll be a happy customer.
Windows 10 PC. Reason. Cubase. Waveform. Reaper. Studio One Pro. Epiphone Les Paul Pro II. Nektar Panorama t4. Yamaha RBX Bass. Faderport 2. Eris E5 Monitors. SSL2 Interface. Audient Evo 4. AKG C214. Aston Origin. MXL 990.


Joe91 wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:58 pm Reason is a superb, unique piece of software. Reason is what Reason is. A DAW is what a DAW is. Why reinvent the wheel?
Should Propellerhead divert resources and time on making Reason into a DAW when there are already experts out there...called DAW's? I think, for Reason to stand out, it needs to focus on it's core, original mission statement. As long at it continues to link into existing DAW's then the requested 'missing' Reason functionality isn't an issue, though I do appreciate that 'in the box' users would (always!) be lacking those features found only in a DAW.

WTF??? Reason has always been a DAW* - it's only started being a (mediocre) plugin rather recently.

And this thread illustrates quite nicely why it was a big mistake for them to go that route: the original
loyal userbase starts going elsewhere and gets replaced by people with just half a clue regarding Reason who believe the plugin was the real Reason - which it isn't in the slighest. It's a piss poor image that resembles the real thing (i.e. the DAW) by looks far more than by functionality.

Quo Vadis Props? See what you did to yourself?

*even when syncing it via Rewire it was still its own thing with its own sequencer, inter-track connecivity yadda yadda - everything the plugin doesn't have.
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


jens wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:13 pm *even when syncing it via Rewire it was still its own thing with its own sequencer, inter-track connecivity yadda yadda - everything the plugin doesn't have.
This is key. I think it was a mistake to drop Rewire when the RRP cannot do everything Rewire could. It seems like some workflows have just been abandoned?


Yes, it seems they abandon(ed) just about everything that is/was great about Reason in exchange for seeking to be some kind of wannabe Cherry Audio Voltage Modular instead... :?
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


We are definitely boycotting Reason 13 and all subsequent versions that feature online DRM. Do Not Buy Reason 12 or 13.
Psuper wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:08 pm It's been over 2 years and all we're seeing is the standard bug fixes and minor improvements, so virtually nothing most of use care about.

Their roadmap from a year ago indicates R13 may not even be on the map for 2024. And many loose promises aren't fulfilled (though I couldn't care less about those either).

Not that I use Reason much anymore sadly, but its been in my arsenal since v3.
Intel Core2 Quad CPU + 4 GIG RAM


I think there's some major version beta-testing going on right now if I'm not mistaken, so I think V13 will be out soonish... (April-June I'd assume)

Edit: nah, I guess I was maybe wrong...
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


I used to love Reason and have used it for years (the very early versions).

Now I'm just looking for that separate Reason Rack purchase, when will that happen? :D
Check out my OSC (One Synth Challenge) entries and more Logic Pro sequences on SoundCloud and YouTube.


cdbaksu wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:13 am I used to love Reason and have used it for years (the very early versions).

Now I'm just looking for that separate Reason Rack purchase, when will that happen? :D
Why not R12, you can have Reason as a rack already (but at an expensive price, I agree).


I guess I'm missing something here...
When did a DAW lose it title as a "DAW" just because someone likes another one better, or one company stalls on an upgrade longer than another?
A quick Google will show that famed Producers like David Wills (Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins, Diana Ross, some of the greatest hits ever recorded) still loves and uses Reason.... How on Earth can Reason not be a "valid DAW" at that level of success? Reason is "highly" unique in the DAW world, yes, but that difference doesn't make it less of a DAW by any means.

I get it, its normal to like different DAWs, change up at times, find new Inspiring things you love about "New DAW ***".... I am guilty of same too often trust me..... but they are all good in some sense if honest with yourself. They all hold unique ways of doing production processes... Sometimes that clicks with one person, and not another, sometimes one DAW will excel at something over others, but they all Record, Edit, Sequence, and Mix.... like a DAW. If bands can record, mix, and release hit songs on a damn phone app, then.... well, all major DAWs are capable DAWs.
Last edited by GregRband on Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:37 am, edited 3 times in total.

"Use what Talents you Possess; the Woods would be very Silent if no Birds Sang except those that Sang Best."
Henry Van Dyke

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