The Roland hammer hath come down...

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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peejunk wrote:
kevink wrote:
rhythmtech wrote: what are roland hoping to achieve by this? senseless really.
In US intellectual property law, if you've got a trademark on something, whether it be a name or a packaging design, and you fail to defend it when someone else infringes, even "harmlessly", you can loose all protection on the trademark. This creates lots of work for corporate IP attorneys, and leads to companies making themselves look bad by stomping hard on small, friendly animals.
I don't get it. You NEED to defend your trademark from every attempt at infringement or you lose your IP!?! Makes no sense..
It's not really that simple. The law does not require trademark owners to sue every conceivable infringer into oblivion. Certain companies use this interpretation as an excuse to be litigious, sometimes to their enormous discredit.

I did my part a few times:

The US arm of the Volkswagen corporation went hard and heavy against the vintage VW enthusiast community, getting takedown orders against all kinds of websites, cracking down on reproduction parts vendors, you name it. When it was time for me to buy a car, I bought a Volvo, even though I was negotiating with the VW dealer over a Passat. I enjoyed telling them that their company was in an intractable position with me and that I would never do business with them again (and driving away in my 1962 VW van :-)

The California restaurant chain Z-Tejas threatened a local restaurant, Z-Teca, over a trademark dispute. I will *never* eat at *either* restaurant again: Z-Tejas, for being overly litigious, and Z-Teca for caving in to the request without forcing Z-Tejas to get a court order. They *BOTH* lost my business *FOREVER.*


I'm sure both companies are weeping over the loss of your business.


longbongsilver wrote:Nepheton better still be coming out. I don't care if they have to make the face of it blue, I want it.
Well, even if it doesn't, there will be the upcoming AudioRealism product that'll emulate the 808 and 606.


brok landers wrote:not to offend in any way, but who needs a tr909/808/303 clone anyway?
the 303 was covered already vsti wise ...
cause some of us prefer the d16 one to the audiorealism one!


Compyfox wrote:This wouldn't hold of Roland, as they did with several other "clones". Sad thing, the sound mostly didn't matter, they only went off on the GUI's.

I'd also say that it's a shame. Roland should finally lighten up. Other synths are cloned too, and those firms don't go haywire.
well korg did at reFX but then they really did release their own emus....

Roland goes berserk (i guess they have a right to) but for some reason won't release any vst of their own!


so is this 909 emulation any good? I must admit I want it, but the price is too steep for me to justify.



dusted william wrote:so is this 909 emulation any good? I must admit I want it, but the price is too steep for me to justify.

yes it's good it reminds me much of my old hardware novation drumstation.

the price was much cheaper recently, you missed the 1 year anniversary sale?

I just like it cause i used a drumstation for many years and I feel with the d16 product i have "control" over it again, the knobs and buttons I am used to.


I remember the sale, even then it was too much for me to pay at the time. O well.



if anyone wants to sell their's pm me.



So I guess for the time... rebirth is still king?

say yes.... its all I have atm


dusted william wrote:if anyone wants to sell their's pm me.

I already sold mine because it was incredibly noisy, and the 909 kick just isn't what it should be: for one it's too short and it's just not quite as fat, i suppose.

Thebn again.. i did have a lot of fun with it :) But all the plugins made it redundant, so away it went ;)


- beautiful GUI. The designers involved should be proud.
- does the market really need yet another emulation of these Roland devices? i count at least 5 (there must be more, but i'm being conservative because i'm not literally doing the counting right now) and that doesn't include the endless reproduction of the sample sets all over the Internet and within commercial and freeware sample players.
my music @ SoundCloud


so can we still use royalty-free drum samples of 808's or 909's,or is that illegal??im confused .still.


sinister1 wrote:so can we still use royalty-free drum samples of 808's or 909's,or is that illegal??im confused .still.
any sample with the number 8 in its name, will have to be cleared by Roland first.


I think d16 should have come up with something original in the first place. Why would they get away with riding on another company's succes and clearly using it's look to sell their instruments. It was all to be expected, if you think you can get away with doing a 1 on 1 copy of a commercial product you must be very, very naive.

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