One computer, lots of doubts...

Configure and optimize you computer for Audio.
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Ok :)
No, I don't push my computer to the limit, far from it.
Switching to the Ryzen profile definitely turns core parking off, with any of the other profiles 2 of the 8 threads (or 1 of the 4 cores) seem to be off in Task Manager -> CPU.
It's interesting as Mulab (my DAW) automatically set 6 "cores" (seems it considers threads to be cores) when I first launched it on this computer, obviously not recognizing the two remaining "cores".

I am really impressed how powerful that 4-core processor is, just 5% CPU usage (with the CPU running at 2.45 GHz rather than the full 3.5 GHz on all cores) when running a DAW project :)


If you want you can turn off 2 of the cores in bios. That's possible.

LE: I think 2.4-2.5Ghz is the lowest it goes so it can keep it stable.


Might sound like a silly question, but do people nowadays turn off the computer power supply?
I am wondering because I just read that it is not possible to configure Bios/Windows so that when shutting Windows down, USB devices are no longer powered. I hate it when the lights of my USB devices are still on.

In W7 it was possible to turn off all USB devices, but in W10 I can't figure out how.
Nor is there such a power management option in the Bios.


It seems it's not an obvious option with ASRock boards, but try this and see if it works.
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