Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


There is no kind of any licence text on your site or inside the sequin archive.
Not even a copyright sign. How should anyone know you retain the exclusive right for redistribution?

So I can't see any misbehaviour on's part.



Andy I wasnt trying to come off such as an ass, but you are indeed bitching. They are hosting links to your software. That comes under nothing more than free advertising. The links may be outdated, and that may be frustrating, but I ask, if your plugs are listed here did KVR contact you first? It may be more customary to do so, but the fact of the matter is this: You are the one winning here. You are getting more viewers to see your plugs. Think about it: I make a plug, and put it on my website, who will find out about it? None except for those that random google search on VSTs. My page might come up on page 126 of the random search, 57 if youre lucky. Other than who you tell and word of mouth, who will find out about your creations? So you have this site that not only sells plugs, but link to sites of good freeware VSTs. A virtual GoTo place for plug showcase (other than here!), and Im sure they get wayyy more hits a day than your site. So now people have insight as to who you are, and where to find you. And this is free! To be honest you should write them and thank em if at least. If the links are bad, then take the initiative and let them know. Thinking back, i had a friend that won a car on the Price is Right, funny thing was, all he could do was complain that he had to pay taxes on the damn thing. Life does suck, doesnt it?
Why cry about your own desires, when I could have them and leave you standing in the sadness of your own....


bleebsen wrote:There is no kind of any licence text on your site or inside the sequin archive.
Not even a copyright sign. How should anyone know you retain the exclusive right for redistribution?

So I can't see any misbehaviour on's part.

A common mistake that people make bleeb is to assume that something isn't copyright protected unless it says so. While that was the case in the past, these days it is not. Most countries now follow the Berne convention which means that from 1st April 1989 anything created privately and originally is copyright protected whether it has a notice or not.

Furthermore, nothing puts freeware in the public domain unless it is clearly stated that it is the intention of the author for it to be so. In other words; there is no legal requirement to include a license that states who can or cannot distribute the property.

Regards, Andy M.


I can't even pay my real taxes right now :)

Uhh.... no wait.. . now they know.........


johnnytluxury wrote:
intellectual property is something you should have read into BEFORE you make something and give it away.
Well its clear you know f**k-all about it... :?:
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


whyterabbyt wrote:
johnnytluxury wrote:
intellectual property is something you should have read into BEFORE you make something and give it away.
Well its clear you know f**k-all about it... :?:
Spoken so clear as it was me who came up with the topic, correct? No wait, that wasnt me, it was me who has been offended by others for them linking to my free software. No that wasnt me either. Hmmm, cant seem to figure it, you obviously can, so speak on it my friend of infinite knowlegde.
I do know, as you put it, f**k-all about law, and there is NOTHING illegal about LINKING to a website of such content. I could all I want in reference to free software, and I am breaking no such law by doing so. This kids rant is for the most part senseless, and frankly so are you.
Last edited by johnnytluxury on Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:55 am, edited 2 times in total.


johnnytluxury wrote:Andy I wasnt trying to come off such as an ass, but you are indeed bitching...
We're cool Johnny, I know you're not an ass and you do have a good point - free advertising. But I wasn't talking about that. My main gripe is; because dontcrack didn't contact me in the first place, they ended up publishing the wrong information on their site. I did indeed contact them two weeks ago, but they haven't got back to me and the links are still the same.

The main reason for making my initial post here was to inform other KVRers about the situation as, if it affects me, then it might be the same for others.



Indeed we are cool, and i do see how the misrepresentation can be offending, but take it with a grain of salt. Its all good.
Why cry about your own desires, when I could have them and leave you standing in the sadness of your own....


I guess so... Anyway, it's time for a beer now.




When I click the link, I get 2 pop-ups, neither of which lead to the synth.
But I think we've already established that. :hihi:


johnnytluxury wrote: Spoken so clear as it was me who came up with the topic, correct?
No, spoken because of your ill-informed post on the topic.
Hmmm, cant seem to figure it, you obviously can, so speak on it my friend of infinite knowlegde.
Redistribution of copyrighted material without the premission of the copyright holder is illegal. Dead simple. Nothing to do with
whether it was made 'for the masses to use', nothing to do with it being 'f**king FREE'.

So in other words, your statement that
You cant sue, and intellectual property is something you should have read into BEFORE you make something and give it away.
is utter bullshit. Learn and live.
I do know, as you put it, f**k-all about law, and there is NOTHING illegal about LINKING to a website of such content.
Thats not what you were addressing, though, was it when you said
Do you honestly think that because someone dl'd the synth from another site
Not linked. Downloaded. So please dont lie about the context, okay?
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


It makes no difference what I had said before. My words of the later post corrected that. If you feel that has bearing, then I can easily call you an imbecile because at one time or another you believed in the toothfairy or such. But since all was corrected BEFORE you happily chimed in, then your simply point stands for not. You critisize errors after they had been corrected. Enjoy your posting, CrakaRabbit...




johnnytluxury wrote:Damn people bitchin aboput free advertising? This is why the world is f**ked up. Didnt you make the synths for the masses to use? And, let me say this delicately, isnt it f**king FREE?? Do you honestly think that because someone dl'd the synth from another site that they would NOT at visit the maker site if they liked the damn thing? You cant sue, and intellectual property is something you should have read into BEFORE you make something and give it away. Stop bitching or create a synth for a fee that the hackers could advertise for free. Your choice. Im tired of people killin trees for tears of no substance.
I can only agree with you.

First of all you release a synth, for free. And then someone advertises your synth, for free. I've had this happening to me. Did I bitch about it? No way I did. Why? The more the better. I've had people writing about my plugins in asia, I've had people recommend it in a sh*tload of forums all around the world. I've got customers around the globe who like my synths and effects. Proof: Some friendly soul added JBM RazorEdge to the kvr database. Did I ask someone to do it? No way I did, and did that idea ever struck me to add it? No way. And since somebody added it to the database I've got 434 downloads, downloads that would never reached above 30 if this wasn't added. So shut the hell up with your bitchin' about requesting permission to post it on other sites and be glad that someone actually do the work you should have done to advertise your own plugins! I work 12 hours per day with my plugins, I sleep 4 hours a day and the rest I am spending with my family. And in these 12 hours I have to put off time for advertisment. So if anyone here wants to add a plugin to the database here at kvr or any place else, go ahead and make my day.
Best regards from Johan Brodd.
JoBroMedia since 1996.


johnnytluxury wrote:It makes no difference what I had said before.
Yes it does.
My words of the later post corrected that.
Doesnt matter. That wasnt what I was responding to. I was responding to comments you made in your original post regarding downlaods, and intellectual property. The fact that you later changed your comments with regard to [this thread's instance of that in light of the fact that it wasnt actually about downloaind after all doesnt change the fact that you were factually innacurate in the larger case.
If you feel that has bearing, then I can easily call you an imbecile because at one time or another you believed in the toothfairy or such.
It has bearing because you had not changed your comments regarding your original perception of the case, only the corrected one.

In other words, you have not corrected you assertion that its alright to distribute someone else's software free or not.
But since all was corrected BEFORE you happily chimed in, then your simply point stands for not.
My point still stands.
You critisize errors after they had been corrected.
No, I was still addressing the original case.
Enjoy your posting, CrakaRabbit...
I do, JonnyTFuckwittery.
my other modular synth is a bugbrand

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