July Contest: Gossip

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Thanks for the reviews and votes!

wotgorilla: Your piece was outstanding. I was about to vote for it, but also got hung up on the misunderstanding that it was a vocal sample from a movie.

My mind was thinking, "Is he saying that's a sample from a movie character? How is that possible, that he spliced together movie lines into this here piece?" And I was thinking, "That's one of the strongest entries of the contest, but the sample thing has me wiggin' out." So based on that doubt, I didn't vote for yours. But it's outstanding.

Oddbod's piece reminded me of something I might do, if I were making a real song instead of jamming around. The song had so many familiar elements, but they were all really focused. Some of my own recent material has a few of those same elements - 'filtered vocals,' 'guitars playing tritones,' '60s organ, etc.; but my own stuff is much more ad hoc and disorganized. Oddbod always does great stuff; really well-crafted songs/productions.

Max's song totally jammed out, and would have gotten a high vote from me during any other month, but it seemed to be stretching the 'spoken word' thing a bit. Instead, it was a total instrumental jam with cool vocal snippets. I mean, great stuff... but just not quite enough in the vein of the contest.

Rachmiel's, and liqih's sounded most in the spirit of the contest. Rachmiel's is brilliant. It's got that fascinating, 'beat slicing' foundation underneath a well-recited poem.

I really liked the entries from D.H. Miltz and Knockman. Those were both incredibly theatrical; each in there own way.

In the end, the the Art of War was irresistable. That piece was phreaking, 'whoah.'

In large part, my voting is fairly well subjective and random. There are always those entries which should make the top 10 but don't. Each month though; that #1 vote is for the song which most 'grabs me.' Usually, there are 3 or 4 after that one which are 'almost #1s.' Then, choosing the last 4 or 5 to fill out the top 10 list is very difficult; because all of the songs are cool. From the get-go, it's really tough to say 'better' and 'worse' with any conviction, so it becomes more along the lines of 'i liked.' But they're all interesting and fun. I'm always on the lookout though for that '#1' that just has a 'certain energy' or something.


shrikant wrote:
shrikant The Art of War
I was expecting some traditional Chinese instrumentation, but synthy instruments kind of work and has quite a bit of tension which is well suited to the subject matter, some of the synths sound a bit cheesy though. I am afraid that just layering an audio book rendition of the Art of War on top is in no way sprechtimme - although on the plus side the music does dramatise the dry vocal quite well.
Sprechtimme rating *
Composition rating **
Overall ***
Thanks for the review.I have no faith in my own voice. This theme probably was the best opportunity to try it but I lacked courage.

Thanks for the comments.:D

Also thanks to robojam for the vote :D

Reading back on the review I think I was a bit too critical really, so apologies for that. I know how hard it is to put something even halfway decent toegther - there are so many things to consider and getting the production right is something else again. I cant sing for s***stimme and I grappled with my vocal delivery a lot - dont be a fear m'hearty tis only a game! :hihi:


mrblitz000 wrote:Thanks for the reviews and votes!

wotgorilla: Your piece was outstanding. I was about to vote for it, but also got hung up on the misunderstanding that it was a vocal sample from a movie.

My mind was thinking, "Is he saying that's a sample from a movie character? How is that possible, that he spliced together movie lines into this here piece?" And I was thinking, "That's one of the strongest entries of the contest, but the sample thing has me wiggin' out." So based on that doubt, I didn't vote for yours. But it's outstanding.
Shuzstimme! :-o I'm a clutz. I dont normally do humour and it seems its really backfired on me this time. As I said before there are no samples - the vocal really is my cockney roots - hammed up to the nth degree. I even attempted to play guitar on this one and did quite a few different versions of lyrics and vocal deliveries before going for what I thought was the most ridiculous accent and phrasing. Nevermind - I am glad you liked it. Im not really that bothered about the contest anyway. I'm mostly in it for the peer reviews. :D


o hai

Couldn't get inspiration this month, thought of doing a cover but in the end I just couldn't be arsed to do it.

Still, I have been doing something contest-related: I made this, which is a bit like Marklefords page but with the added bonus that it's automagically generated from the submissions page. It still needs to be tweaked here & there* but it seems to work properly.

*) resident awk gurus are encouraged to chime in ;)



In the end, the the Art of War was irresistable. That piece was phreaking, 'whoah.'


wotgorilla wrote:
shrikant wrote:
shrikant The Art of War
I was expecting some traditional Chinese instrumentation, but synthy instruments kind of work and has quite a bit of tension which is well suited to the subject matter, some of the synths sound a bit cheesy though. I am afraid that just layering an audio book rendition of the Art of War on top is in no way sprechtimme - although on the plus side the music does dramatise the dry vocal quite well.
Sprechtimme rating *
Composition rating **
Overall ***
Thanks for the review.I have no faith in my own voice. This theme probably was the best opportunity to try it but I lacked courage.

Thanks for the comments.:D

Also thanks to robojam for the vote :D

Reading back on the review I think I was a bit too critical really, so apologies for that. I know how hard it is to put something even halfway decent toegther - there are so many things to consider and getting the production right is something else again. I cant sing for s***stimme and I grappled with my vocal delivery a lot - dont be a fear m'hearty tis only a game! :hihi:
This does not warrant any apology.For me the reviewers are the best part of this place. Have great respect for whoever responds to my work. I love it when people say things honestly and spontaneously.I have learnt a lot from such openness .
All the best.:hug:

Laguna Rising thanks for the vote :D


Last few reviews:

oddbod - I'm coming to get you
I love the drum sound. Also the spy movie guitar lead. Also the backing vocals.
Theme points: 4
Sprex Timmy sez: Nooooooooooooooo!

wotgorilla - the cemeteries inside
Somewhat interesting music. The plucked or struck string instrument that comes in at 0:13 on the left is way too loud. The vocal is too low in the mix.
Theme points: 5.3 -1.5 for not tagging = 4.8
Sprex Timmy sez: They're not dead, they're just resting their eyes!

Knockman - The Cat Has Left the Room
Well done and much enjoyed. Were I not being strict and pissy this month, this would be one of the top two certainly.
Theme points: 7.3 - 7.3 for tardiness = 0.
Sprex Timmy sez: Mustn't waste Arnold's time!
No longer a moderator.


farlukar wrote:Still, I have been doing something contest-related: I made this, which is a bit like Marklefords page but with the added bonus that it's automagically generated from the submissions page. It still needs to be tweaked here & there* but it seems to work properly.
Neat. Thanks.

Thanks to oddbod, liqih, and wotgorilla for the reviews and to mrblitz000 for the kind mention.
No longer a moderator.


D.H. Miltz wrote:Last few reviews:
Knockman - The Cat Has Left the Room
Well done and much enjoyed. Were I not being strict and pissy this month, this would be one of the top two certainly.
Theme points: 7.3 - 7.3 for tardiness = 0.
Sprex Timmy sez: Mustn't waste Arnold's time!
thank you for listening. i was so gutted to miss the deadline (by just a couple of hours). it only happened because my wife's bicycle was stolen, leading to a whole series of revised scheduling that day. :cry:
the track isn't quite right, but i really enjoyed producing it and was pretty pleased with the absurdist drama. i'm sure the neighbours were alarmed by the sounds going on next door :)


D.H. Miltz wrote: wotgorilla - the cemeteries inside
Somewhat interesting music. The plucked or struck string instrument that comes in at 0:13 on the left is way too loud. The vocal is too low in the mix.
Theme points: 5.3 -1.5 for not tagging = 4.8
Sprex Timmy sez: They're not dead, they're just resting their eyes!
Thanks for the review - I dont think I will ever be able to mix stuff right with my cheap setup - also what's tagging?



i'm sure the neighbours were alarmed by the sounds going on next door
If they're not, you're doing it wrong.


wotgorilla wrote:Thanks for the review - I dont think I will ever be able to mix stuff right with my cheap setup - also what's tagging?

Mixing on a cheap setup: I know the feeling.

Tagging: http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/ ... 700,00.asp

It isn't a requirement for the contest, though I think it should be. It just makes things easier.

Also, I just noticed a problem with my math (typo) in your review. Should be 3.8, of course (though as noted the numbers don't really mean anything).
No longer a moderator.


I'm pretty surprised that the Monthly Contest doesn't get a mention in the newsletter that's emailed to KVR members - especially as there's even a section titled "Competitions"

Perhaps having a mention of the contest and the month's theme in the newsletter might drum up few more participants.

just a thought 8)


farlukar wrote: Still, I have been doing something contest-related: I made this, which is a bit like Marklefords page but with the added bonus that it's automagically generated from the submissions page. It still needs to be tweaked here & there* but it seems to work properly.
That's very cool, not to mention useful :)


So I'm finally off the hook after 1.5 years or so? :)

Nice one, farlukar!

- m
Markleford's band, The James Rocket: http://www.TheJamesRocket.com/
Markleford's tracks: http://www.markleford.com/music/
Markleford's free MFX, DXi2, DR-008 modules: http://www.TenCrazy.com/

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