Only 1 DAW & 1 xtra synth - what would you choose?

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Live 10 Suite because that's what I use. I'd still go with Live 10 sans Suite because it covers enough and familiarity is nice.

Love messing with different synths and setting what I can come up with so that's a tougher choice. If I could choose one plug in, synth or no, it would be Output Portal. The things it can do with even a basic sound in Simpler cover enough ground to keep me happy for a while. If I had to choose a proper single synth, probably Serum. Good options and sometimes I like the too clean oscillators, overly digital, make your ears feel wrong thing it does.


Live and Reaktor (which is def cheating) First choice or Nuendo and Reaktor or Nuendo and Omnisphere Or Bitwig n Reaktor Live and Omni. I would actually need to do a bit of research on the DAW part maybe and if Reaktor was disallowed then probably Alchemy v1 or even Absynth. I sometimes randomise what i use. I have a few lists of plugs that i feed into and then pick the first 3 or last 4 or 1,5,9, etc. i work out that second part first, decide which numbers.
gadgets an gizmos..make noise Restocked: 3/24
old stuff
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).

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