IK and Gavin Lurssen set to unveil revolutionary mastering product at NAMM 2016

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Well, I bought Vienna Suite. I really did not have a grasp on compression, let alone multiband compression. TBH their videos helped a lot. The interface is clearer to me, more importantly per the multiband. I found out about letting transients happen per basic compression, slower attack which seemed almost counterintuitive. About compression as pertains to time. This wouldn't be breaking news to anybody here but I happened to see it explained pertinent to an interface which is more of a no-brainer than some others. Before this I had Cubase stock FX and didn't get on so well with them. None of these FX sounded like anything. The (interface for the) multiband comp in SX2 is just retarded. And so the VS multiband comp interface is nice and obvious. I have the IKMM one, and it's no mystery to me now but the interface - as to crossover particularly - is not as friendly to me. Also 4 bands, I like better.

I hardly use multiband compression today, which is a product of a more surgical outlook which is due to comfort with the tools; I came to like BFD's compression with more experience. And some others. I treat everything separately (which I would NOT be doing but for VE Pro and 8 cores), almost totally. I have many templates, however. BUT dealing intensely w. mb comp. informed my outlook considerably.

Also the VS Exciter: distortion 0-100%, above 50% is odd harmonics; there is a basic center freq.; drive and amount. A no-nonsense interface and I'm not making a mess. But also what the VE Pro host does is the automation for all the plugins is centralized and directly pertinent to its mixer, and it's all in the one list back in Cubase; as opposed to Cubase which is a PITA, its list a scroll-fest from hell IME.

Not much to it, I'm not about to turn pro mixer for anybody but myself, but I didn't know shit and while I will RTFM I don't like technical reading really. First time I used that mb comp, on drum kit which may not even be so advisable for the likes of me, it really sounded like something so now I felt less of an idiot.


Last edited by ghettosynth on Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Well, I bought Vienna Suite. I really did not have a grasp on compression, let alone multiband compression. TBH their videos helped a lot. The interface is clearer to me, more importantly per the multiband. I found out about letting transients happen per basic compression, slower attack which seemed almost counterintuitive. About compression as pertains to time.
I see, so it was really a combination of an interface and tutorial's that were intuitive to you. Thanks for elaborating.


Ladies and gentlemen - it has been revealed (and I slowly ask myself, why the f*ck we still have the NAMM Show, if everyone reveals their releases PRIOR to it?!):
http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2016/01/ ... sonicstate

From first looks, it's what T-RACKS was originally planned to be.
From second looks, it's once-more an "all in one solution with a ton of presets"
From third looks, it's how the loudness wars will never end.
From yet another look, it's "not" part of T-Racks (at least not yet).

And from a final look from a certain distance - I really don't want it.

Oh... and it's available for iPad, Mac and Windows.
And just like ROLAND does so... App is "merely 99USD", while the Desktop version is a whooping 299USD (plus VAT). Not counting intro pricing, etc. Fair pricing indeed. :dog:

Not to mention - what a truly "revolutionary product"!

After knowing what this is about, this is not the least interesting to me - I'll rather wait for the already hinted at next EQ from Tokyo Dawn Labs (if I read that right - a mastering EQ), and continue using my EQs/compressors/limiters from TDL, vladg, ToneBoosters and EIOSIS. More bands and/or just as "colorful", more flexibility, just as high processing power - only a fraction of the cost (TDL/vladg and TonerBoosters at least). Granted - not everything shoved into one GUI. And you know - competition is good for business and all that. I'm glad that it's existing (competitive products). But in the end, it's ultimately how you use your tools, not necessarily which tool you use in the first place (even "budget" tools can do extraordinary work!).

If it's your cup of tea - go for it. Turns out it was really just excellent executed marketing after all.

Now I've bumped this thread yet another time... :scared:
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yeah, it sounds kind of like 20 one-knob-mastering plugins rolled into one plus an EQ. i'll of course demo it just to see what it's about, but i won't hold my breath.
I don't know what to write here that won't be censored, as I can only speak in profanity.



Sorry Peter but this is getting frustrating and becoming a real habit with IK lately. tons of written text not actually giving needed information. (miroslav 2 still doesn't have any of the info i need on it's web pages for example, even after i have brought questions up about it time and time again - the same is happening here with the mastering plugin - far too vague.)

Is the limiter in there? The stealth one i presume? Can bits be turned off so we could use our own limiter? Is the edm compressor properly tuned to avoid kick pumping?

All these pics too and i can't even enlarge them as none are clickable.

so it's IK's one knob mastering thing i guess with a bit of control over the EQ..

probably a bit better than the recent waves thingy but also more expensive of course.

I guess i will demo it out of curiosity but that's about it. 300 euros normal price for a waves artist series type plugin with minimal controls is insane. Sorry.

And to be quite frank.. if someone who KNEW what they were doing were to buy this over ozone 7 which can do SO much, well, they would surprise me to say the least.

I guess it will suit those who just want to feed audio in and press a couple buttons and have a workable demo. That's it. So for those guys it will be worth it i guess.

But to price this substantially higher than ozone 7 is very very strange. good luck with it, i will try it for fun, but that's it till the group buy in a year or so.. if i really like it it i will wait for the inevitable killer deal on it.


What a revelation of a revolution - LOL.


IK Multimedia link: http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/lurssen/

I got bigger pics by right-clicking and "Open in new window" then savingthe images.

Looking at the "Chain" view, I wonder what those 5 modules (Tube Equalizer, Solid State Equalizer, Tube Limiter 2, Solid State De-Esser, Solid State Compressor) are based on. And I did not see any big GUis for them.

And my second thought - if they are new gear models, why not just add them into T-RackS with the presets?
It comes with 20 unique mastering templates, called “Styles,” that custom tailor its mastering processing chain for hip-hop, country, rock, Americana and more. These templates eliminate all the hard work of the mastering process;
... and the other 16 Styles are ?
Last edited by DarkStar on Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
Inspired by ...


This is just the start, I think it has potential


I am really getting pissed by this. If it's the same application, the costs are the same, so why should I pay 299 to run it in Windows or Mac OS, while if I run it in iOS I can have it for just 99?

When the applications wre not the same, and we were talking about cutdown, I could accept that, but being the same, I think companies have to start thinking better about their price policies. Either they can sell it for 99 (and in that case, the price has to be the same for ANY platform), or they can't, and in that case, the iOS app has to be priced the same.

Anyway, I also can't understand why this isn't part of T-Racks. Is it because of the wave display? They could very well add that to T-Racks also.
Fernando (FMR)


Last edited by Chapelle on Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


fmr wrote:Anyway, I also can't understand why this isn't part of T-Racks.
Where did you read that?

I am asking because this Lurssen Mastering Console sports the T-RackS dino logo...


it's probably powered by T-Racks tech in the same way SampleTank is, while being a separate product.
I don't know what to write here that won't be censored, as I can only speak in profanity.


It's not a bad idea, seeing how its all developed from one mastering engineer's chain of effects, but I think a little pricey for what it offers. Revolutionary... No. Good idea... Maybe.

So.... Does this mean IK is having another T-Racks sale soon? Lol
I read more than post = I listen more than I talk

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