Tuareg and Tunafish -- not any more?

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion

Do we still need Tuareg/Tunafish?

Yes please!
Total votes: 61



brambos wrote:As promised... I have just added the Vintage Software Archive to my website. On this page you will find all my older software ranging from Tunafish, via the two Tuaregs, all the way back to Moonfish and PUMP.

Click the link in my footer find it.

Enjoy the ride!

Thanks! I am a registered user, and I only had version 1.7 (I didn't get around to downloading the latest version). Now I'm able to get 1.8. :-)



Yeah, slick production idea at the right price, imo! Keep 'em going!

Tim Henderson
The Music & Recording Toolbox



haven't checked since i got win7,haven't installed TU yet either.
just found these old bookmarks. :)


has no0ne found a way to get it to install on win7 yet?


spacedad wrote:has no0ne found a way to get it to install on win7 yet?
install exactly what?


oh,sorry,i meant the tufat15 setup.
i just got round to trying them on my new win7 machine.
actually i just noticed moonfish has setup exe too,and pump.
i tried changing compatibility mode and running as administrator,but no luck.


spacedad wrote:oh,sorry,i meant the tufat15 setup.
i just got round to trying them on my new win7 machine.
actually i just noticed moonfish has setup exe too,and pump.
i tried changing compatibility mode and running as administrator,but no luck.
It's strange, as I installed both Tu1.5 and the Moonfish and they run finely. Installing as administrator, and iirc I changed the compatibility settings to WinXP SP2. I shall look at the exact settings when I'm back home.


yeah,that's what i set it to.but i get a' not compatible error'.
it must be something i'm not doing.hmm.


do i need to 'take ownership' of it too?


I couldn't install tu 1.5 on win 7 but my old p4 has xp on it so I installed it there and just copied the folder over to win 7. The only thing not working are the icons for the tu files or the program itself.


Spacedad: just checked, the compatibility settings for Tu1.5 is Win98/Me, for the Moonfish -- no special settings. Both programs are set to run in normal mode, ie without administrator's privileges. Both were definitely installed from the administrative account (as this is the only way to install smth on my system).
But the icon for the Tuareg is missing, that's true.


no,still can't get them to install,logged in as 'owner' too.
tried win98/me compatibility too.
if anyone knows how to 'force' an install,please share.

yes,i will probably have to do what paradiddle says,and crank up the old xp machine.
but as most people will be on win7 these days,they are going to be disappointed when they try these.

i know bram probably doesn't want to do any more work on these but uploading them 'unpacked' with some instructions would extend there much deserved shelf-life!:)

(btw i can't install zap's little drummer boy either,which has a similar 'old' setup exe,i have a bunch of old classics i haven't got round to installing on win7 yet,and it doesn't bode well.boo microsoft.) :(


If you have win 7 pro, you can probably try to install in the virtual pc xp mode. I didn't try it but it should work.


i've only got home edition. :(

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