Budget mic - expert advice sought!

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


DuX wrote:A word from the oldskool: get Sure SM-58 and you won't regret it. It's a superb vocal mic, and you can record instruments with it, especially drums, it's an indestructable mic ;-). Next, if you spare enough money, Rode NT-1A is around 300$ and it's worth every cent of it, and you can record everything with it.
Aaargh! I am very tempted by the Shure's for that exact reason...

If I could try one out on an acoustic...

Hang on, isn't there a UK retailer that does a try-before-you-buy deal on all the mics they stock? :idea:


SM58betas aren't all THAT bad for acoustic gits (read: you could eventually manage to record some useful signals), but the price tag is quite higher as well.
Using a plain SM58 for ac.gits won't satisfy you too much I'm afraid - unless you don't move at all while playing, that is, and even then it's a difficult task.

Apart from that it's a highly useful mic for all sorts of purposes, working well for "rocky" vocals, electric gits, snares and the likes - anything with a rather high output.
The good thing is that you can easily get those used for cheap (and in good condition) at eBay or somewhere else.
I bought one of the two I have for 80 DM (that's around 40 €), including a nice K&M mic stand 3 years ago. Almost unbeatable.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


right, the problem with sm-58 is that it is not as good as condenser mics for recording instruments. acoustic guitars should be recorded with condensers, and as far as I know, for as "little" as 300$/euros you can get a Rode NT-1 [or NT-1A, even better] to record instruments superbly, as well. actually, Shure SM-58 is mostly a superb live vocal microphone and can be used on snares as well, but I have one and I can tell you - never regreted the 50 euros I payed for it 8-), but recording acoustic guitars can be tricky with it, and that doesn't mean "no good", just "tricky" ;-), condensers are plain better for that purpose and that's all [sensitivity...].
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


I've used a Studio Projects B-1 and was very impressed. It can stand up really well to mics costing a lot more.

And the C-1 is absolutely wicked.
...well officer, it was like this...


DuX wrote:A word from the oldskool: get Sure SM-58 and you won't regret it. It's a superb vocal mic, and you can record instruments with it, especially drums, it's an indestructable mic ;-).
I think most people suggest an SM-57 for instruments, or for an all-purpose mic. The sm-58 is balanced more for vocal work.
DuX wrote:Next, if you spare enough money, Rode NT-1A is around 300$ and it's worth every cent of it, and you can record everything with it.
Actually, I see these advertised for USD $200 all the time.



As if you need more info... :)

I found this site a while back... they've tested many of the mics you're considering, and posted reference recordings.




garret wrote:As if you need more info... :)

I found this site a while back... they've tested many of the mics you're considering, and posted reference recordings.


Thanks Garret - I'll have a look when I'm more "alert".

What do you use for vox/acoustic BTW?

(Sorry if you've already told me - I'm barely awake :oops: )


Rode NT-1A and Shure SM-58 plus Senheiser "Black Fire" and a few old Grundig and Philips mics for experiments here ;-) and I really don't want to buy anything else, I don't need to... or it would be way too expensive to get anything better than Rode and this combo. Maybe Rode NT-1000 ;-).
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


clueless wrote: What do you use for vox/acoustic BTW?

(Sorry if you've already told me - I'm barely awake :oops: )
I use the two Marshall mics I mentioned... the 1006 for vocals, and the 603s for acoustic. I like both of them a lot. If I had it to do over, I might try the V67 instead of the 1006, because I've seen a lot of glowing reviews of that one lately.

On my website, there are a couple of early tracks from before I bought the marshall mics (and my vtb-1 preamp)... everything else is that kit... you'll be able to tell the difference. :)



garret wrote:
clueless wrote: What do you use for vox/acoustic BTW?

(Sorry if you've already told me - I'm barely awake :oops: )
I use the two Marshall mics I mentioned... the 1006 for vocals, and the 603s for acoustic. I like both of them a lot. If I had it to do over, I might try the V67 instead of the 1006, because I've seen a lot of glowing reviews of that one lately.

On my website, there are a couple of early tracks from before I bought the marshall mics (and my vtb-1 preamp)... everything else is that kit... you'll be able to tell the difference. :)

OK thanks Garret - I'll check it out tomorrow when I've recharged my batteries and the wine's worn off :wink:

And thanks to everyone else too - don't know what I'd do without his place! :D

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