The download is a bit confusing, I have to agree.ChamomileShark wrote:well I've fallen at the first fence - I can't even download it. Right click on the binary and save as gives me an empty zip folder and nothing else I tried even gets me that far. When I tried the download option it talks about checking out a branch?
First you need to go to the download page, then select the file that you actually want to download. For Windows that would be v0.2.5 at this point.
You are then greeted with this screen: Now you only need to click on "view raw", and your browser should prompt you to download a ZIP file.
In this ZIP file are two subfolders (currently), one called Debug, one Release. The Release folder can be placed freely where your VST Plugins reside.
Your GPU needs to be capable of OpenGL, and your graphics drivers need to(!) be installed. I once had this problem with DMGAudio's Dualism (GUI didn't show up, didn't have GPU drivers installed since I did not need them at this point). Just a thing to keep in mind