Your next guitar?

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I suspect this will be split and sent to HPC. If so no worries I'm fine with that.

Here is a nice sidetrack.....

Have any of you endured Ed Roman's diatribes. The self contradictions are amazing.

He praises OLP guitars over music man

Then he rags on asian made guitars

He rags on magazines for not reviewing smaller brands (like his) who don't advertise.
Well, Ed Roman is rich enough to advertise in them number one. Number two they can only review what they can get ahold of to review. Maybe if he wasn't full of himself he'd send a model off to a guitar magazine so they could review it.

He rags about the use of CNC machines when he uses cnc machines to produce a few of his own products. Sorry Ed. Guitars got more consistent due to the existence of CNC machines not less and the quality went up while the price went down.

Now he's decided he likes "some" imports but doesn't like the big Gibson/Fender buyout of old familar names.
He seems to miss out on the part where those old companies went out of business due to lack of sales. And that some cost cutting was required to keep the brand name alive when they were aquired. Also note his sense of "The older ones are always better which is a contradiction to this article.

But he thinks vintage guitars are a rip off

Over the years I've read a lot of his stuff. Mostly BS and often quite contradictory. Like how he loves american made guitars but hates american guitar manufacturers. (except his own brands) How EVH was the first to mount a neck pickup directly to the neck (yeah sorry not true) How he was the one who made Ken Parker switch from Duncans to Dimarzio's (um no) How there aren't any guitars worth buying or places worth buying a guitar from (accept his)

But in all of that there are some reassuring things I find in his articles that anyone with 10 years playing experience should already know.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


From what I gather, ed roman is a theif, a counterfeit and an enemy to guitarists WW.


I love how he wants to shut down shop and cater by appointment only. Good luck with that one.

As well how he's going to open a guitar museum. With what rip off guitars? Does he really think people will pay money to stare at forgeries?
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


I read that he died in 2011. In any case, that store is a creepy operation :-o


The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


blueman wrote:I read that he died in 2011. In any case, that store is a creepy operation :-o
Yeah so now I read his obit in Guitar World. I hadn't seen it on his site. Kind words from them about him especially after his unkind words about magazines.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


Hink wrote:Image
Les Paul's are for the birds.

I'll get my coat...


Wouldn't play or entertain anything by Ed Roman if it were given to me for free personally (Though I'd accept it and sell it to anyone dumb enough to want one). The man is an aloof piece of shit that is outclassed by plenty of other gentlemen in all areas. I hope it is chizzled into his headstone "Ed Roman, Born from a c**t 19-whatever - Died a c**t 2011"

Chris my friend yeah also Jaden Rose being based over here is a big factor but then again I've been eyeing up the ibby iron label range which has two or three 7-strings in the range...Time will tell. Just had to vent some frustrations that have built up and gnawed away

Mike mate I know its not possible to completely have my cake and eat it but sapele mahog seems like it might be a step in the right direction for my requirements

John, Are you suggesting I give up and buy a white les paul relic'd in bird shit? :O :lol: Hell shall have to freeze over brother!




Dean Aka Nekro wrote:Wouldn't play or entertain anything by Ed Roman if it were given to me for free personally (Though I'd accept it and sell it to anyone dumb enough to want one). The man is an aloof piece of shit that is outclassed by plenty of other gentlemen in all areas. I hope it is chizzled into his headstone "Ed Roman, Born from a c**t 19-whatever - Died a c**t 2011"

Chris my friend yeah also Jaden Rose being based over here is a big factor but then again I've been eyeing up the ibby iron label range which has two or three 7-strings in the range...Time will tell. Just had to vent some frustrations that have built up and gnawed away

Mike mate I know its not possible to completely have my cake and eat it but sapele mahog seems like it might be a step in the right direction for my requirements

John, Are you suggesting I give up and buy a white les paul relic'd in bird shit? :O :lol: Hell shall have to freeze over brother!


Eric said what I was thinking about posting but I figured a picture is worth 1000 words, we're overdue for a chat Dean...all kind of crazy things going on.

Meanwhile the stew mac order for the baritone arrives today, the body I'm expecting wednesday but am not 100% sure of that...could be earlier or it could be later :hyper:
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


So you'll have two baritones then or are they parts for further tweaking the Tele one with War-neck and Duncan P-Rails + JB Junior in? Having another baritone would be great I guess, Sorry/Excuse me if I'm abit lost with where everyone is upto as I've not had chance to read/post alot either mate


blueman wrote:I read that he died in 2011. In any case, that store is a creepy operation :-o ... ted-nugent


Dean Aka Nekro wrote:So you'll have two baritones then or are they parts for further tweaking the Tele one with War-neck and Duncan P-Rails + JB Junior in? Having another baritone would be great I guess, Sorry/Excuse me if I'm abit lost with where everyone is upto as I've not had chance to read/post alot either mate
look at the tele body as a breadboard, I'm replacing the body now that I have it all configured the way I want it. Remember the tele body weighs a ton and is a squire body ;)
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


Right I gotcha now and very damned 8)



Mahogany is a great choice. I think you'd be better off with dimarzio or emg then duncans. Duncans always sound "jazzy" to me with mahogany. Me I love the cheese but you may not.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


Hink wrote:Image
:lol: :lol:
If a billion people believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing

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