Zenification requests

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aMUSEd wrote:Where do I get your minihost?


No, not this one. I've emailed it to you.



Big Tick wrote:For info, I just got a go-ahead from NI, we are now allowed to upload the factory content for their synths. This is excellent news ! Now I really need to activate FM8...

So chances of seeing Reaktor enabled has increased have they?


Big Tick wrote:No, not this one. I've emailed it to you.

To me? I haven't received it - did you get the NI fxp's I sent?


aMUSEd wrote:To me? I haven't received it - did you get the NI fxp's I sent?
Yes, and yes.
ZooTooK wrote:So chances of seeing Reaktor enabled has increased have they?
Yes. The only thing is, when you save a fxp of a Reaktor preset in minihost, is it self-contained, e.g. when you load it back, does it actually create the entire Reaktor synth ?


I'm not sure about that, regarding Reaktor. Some ensembles contain samples and can be dozens of MB big. I am not sure that all this info saves to FXP.


well, if you save a song with Reaktor as a vst, and then load the song back, it restores the Reaktor context properly, right?


It looks like Reaktor and probably also Kontakt should work fine with Zen from my testing - both will load the correct instrument, ensemble, snapshot and even any tweaks I have made (even if not actually stored in the NI preset - this is something people need to be careful about though when saving presets in Zen - make sure you have not made any changes to them before uploading them)


Big Tick wrote:well, if you save a song with Reaktor as a vst, and then load the song back, it restores the Reaktor context properly, right?
Yeah. Seems like Reaktor only points to the ensemble on the disk instead of embedding it, if that's the case.


EvilDragon wrote:Yeah. Seems like Reaktor only points to the ensemble on the disk instead of embedding it, if that's the case.
Ah, that's too bad.


Not really. If you're downloading a preset for a 100 MB ensemble, each preset would be 100 MB if it were embedding the whole ensemble in the FXP! Not really nice. :D

The other thing to consider would be supporting NI's patch format directly, along with FXP/FXB. Reaktor has its snapshot (.ssf) files, Pro-53 has .p5p (patch), .p5b (bank of 8 patches), .p5f (file of 8 banks), .p5a (all 8 files with 8 banks each with 8 patches each, 512 patches total), and others use .ksd Kore sounds (Kore, Kontakt, FM8, Absynth, Massive).


If you support reaktor this would be great news for me.

I use AudioMulch to host reaktor, and AudioMulch for some reason does not support saving to FXP (it only does FXB) And my general workflow is to have a archive of FXP presets.

Has Zen been tested in AudioMulch?


Evil Dragon & Lying Low,

The fxp is only required to for me to initialize the plugin (to get the plugin ID). Once I have activated the plugin in Zen, fxp's are not required since all the presets exchange takes place between Zen and the plugin.

For Reaktor, I simply don't know if it would be better to have
- 1 plugin tag called "Reaktor"
- or a multitude of tags, e.g "Reaktor/Spark", "Reaktor/Prizm", ...


Big Tick wrote:Evil Dragon & Lying Low,

The fxp is only required to for me to initialize the plugin (to get the plugin ID). Once I have activated the plugin in Zen, fxp's are not required since all the presets exchange takes place between Zen and the plugin.

For Reaktor, I simply don't know if it would be better to have
- 1 plugin tag called "Reaktor"
- or a multitude of tags, e.g "Reaktor/Spark", "Reaktor/Prizm", ...
Since there are potentially an endless number of ensembles maybe just "Reaktor" would be enough and people can add their own additional tags for specific ensembles they use. The other question is what to do with snaps? Are they treated as presets too (they are sub presets basically)? There are probably as many snapshots out there taking into account all Reaktor ensembles, as there are presets for other plugins.


I'm not sure what a snap is (versus a preset).
BTW, did you receive my standalone host ?

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