Aurora FM - New Win(32/64) VSTi FM synthesizer - Introductory pricing

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Aurora FM


Go away.


*clears throat* Great update, I really love this synth!

I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but I'm a preset hoarder and a bit of an idiot so I still really have a hard time using the preset navigation. It makes perfect sense if you know exactly what you're doing and where you want to go but I don't (neither one). I get lost, select the wrong presets and then end up frustrated finding my way back etc.

Here would be my suggestion for a simple preset browser in a really ugly mock-up, using already present UI elements:


My suggestion is that the added little [...] button to the left of the main preset window at the bottom toggles the pop-out the preset list on the right, where you can then browse presets by scrolling and clicking.

Ideally this would be an expandable tree structure but even the currently used list would be fine.

Layer preset browsing would remain the same but would now be easier because you can see where you want to go better thanks to the 'top level' browser.

Overall this would preserve the slick method currently implemented but allow us more challenged users a more traditional approach as well.


I second the above, I find the preset management a bit finicky myself. I might get used to it, but it's not the most intuitive.

And congrats on the new update, keep up the good work, Ryan. The Winter Solstice skin looks really nice.


wasi wrote: Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:05 am Great update, I really love this synth!
Thanks so much!!
crickey13 wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 3:22 pm And congrats on the new update, keep up the good work, Ryan. The Winter Solstice skin looks really nice.
Thank you! I'm thrilled that theme is turning out rather well-received. It's something I'd tried to pull off years ago but never ended up satisfied with, and so I chose to move on with more features rather than flail around trying to nail down a theme that wasn't quite turning out. After finally trying again and finally ending up where I wanted, it's hard not to wish I hadn't given up so easily and just gotten it done 4 years ago. Welp, better late derpy derp...

And to you both, regarding the patch management stuff, thank you for the suggestions! I acknowledge the room for improvement, can't promise to adapt your specific suggestion though nor can I guarantee any such change, but as always, I will give the matter full due consideration.


Hi !
I'm loving those last realeases, thanks Ryan !
I agree that the patch browser could be improved though, good idea wasi.

Now, let me share something :
Here's a realearn preset I made for myself to control AuroraFm synth with my MidiFighterTwister on reaper. ... ggrta?dl=0

You can only control the operators volumes, ratios, waveforms and feedback with it.
The idea basically is to use it to create the raw first raw color of your sound with less mousework, experiment it's changes over time by turning the knobs, before further mousetweaking to get the modulations really applied to the patch.
Obviously there are way too much controls on this synth to be mapped entirely, and I only mapped the part 1 of the synth. Maybe I'll work on adding the other parts if I ever feel the need or if it's requested...
The great thing is realearn will send feedback to your device, so it'll update when you switch instances. Once activated with focus on Aurora Fm window, Realearn will send colors to be displayed on the rotary encoders too.

So I have set the green encoders to be operators volumes, and toggle mute state with clicking.
The 6 purple ones will control each operators either ratios, waveform or feedback depending on the pagebank setting wich are the pale blue/rose encoders toggle buttons.
Additionnaly, the purple encoders have a secondary function when turned while push holding them. For ratio you can fine tune the operatoe, when on waveform pagebank they'll control the operator's depth (morphing the current wave to sinewave..), and when on feedback pagebank they will control the feedback routing.
The dark blue encoder will control part1 volume, and algorithm choice is mapped on the last pale blue rotary too.

Really huge thank you to Ryan for putting this awesome synth together, ironing the little feedback bugs and changing the midi ratio control to allow coarse midi manipulation for the operators ratios.

To install use default MidiFighterTwister setup on bank1 but with encoders changed to ENC 3FH/41H mode.
- Import mft.json file when in controller compartment,
- then import AuroraFM-MFT.json in mapping compartement via dedicated button on realearn interface.
- Then save Main preset to something like AuroraFM-MFT.
- Right click on the upper realearn section to FX-to-Preset link that preset to Aurora FM dll.
- Finally activate auto load on the instance and you 're good to go…

It definitely got my usage of AuroraFm faster and more enjoyable. Hope it's usefull for someone else too ! The color changing depending on focus is killer with MFT, but It could be adaptated to any midi controller with at least 14 rotaries or faders and 16 buttons.
happy FM guys !
Last edited by ElVincente on Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.


Thanks for sharing your super great and useful work for others to benefit from, ElVincente! And for the kind words and awesome support as always! You're the man! :tu:



DUDE!! ElVincente, your patches are AMAZING!! Thank you SO SO much for sharing your incredible work! Thank you for the amazing patches, for making a long video demoing them, and for all the hard work that went into this! You rock!

Everybody, please grab these amazing patches and send ElVincente some well-deserved appreciation!

:tu: :party: :phones:


This is a very interesting instrument imo and amazing that the developper just keeps improving it.
Kudos to this work of love.


Stefken wrote: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:54 pm This is a very interesting instrument imo and amazing that the developper just keeps improving it.
Kudos to this work of love.
Thanks so much, I appreciate the sentiment! But the truth is, I've been unable to work on improving Aurora FM for the last couple of months and that's a major bummer :(, so I don't deserve many kudos at the time being.

But fortunately for all of us, our awesome friend ElVincente has stepped up and delivered some amazing contributions to the synth that everyone can benefit from, so let's heap upon him the praise that he dearly deserves!


Great presets ElVincente, thank you for sharing! This synth is a must-have IMO.


I hope that you're doing well RyFi!


Hoping to see a native linux VST3 or Clap Version one day. But i am happy i can use it for now, its a pretty nice synth.
Andy is a support ninja.

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