KVR MIX CHALLENGE - MC03 August 2014 - Voting period has ended, Winners announced (pg 17)

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1cnad ... sp=sharing
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1cnad ... sp=sharing

Kick - eq cut/boost, compressor, hp filter, tape saturation, eq low boost
Bass - eq cut, compressor, low end boost, limiter
Kick/Bass group - eq low cut, saturation, limiter

Snare - eq low mid/mid high boost, compressor, hp filter
Clap - stereo expander, saturation, eq hi boost, delay
Hit - delay, hp filter
HiHatOpen - eq, hp filter
HiHatClosed - eq, delay, hp filter
Toms - panning, hp filter, reverb; compressor and eq on group channel
Crash - delay, eq high boost, low cut
Delay Aux - multiband compressor expander, reverb, guitar amp

Pads - eq boost/cut, saturation, compression, hp filter (volume and low end boost automation)
Plucks - mono under 221Hz, compressor, eq, hp filter
Melodic Percussion - eq, saturation, limiter
Transition fx - eq, stereo expander, saturation, reverb, hp filter

Vocals - tuning, eq, compressors, hp filters, lots of equing, reverb

4 reverb sends, 2 delay sends, chorus send


Glad there’s an extension, wouldn’t make it otherwise:

wav: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7o4ladl73xo86 ... oftska.wav
mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5mjdarm14es4d ... oftska.mp3
  • Saturation and transient designer everywhere
  • LFOtool on everything besides kick/bass/transitions (volume/panning)
  • LoAir on kick and bass
  • Tampered w the snare quite a bit: Filter/saturation/Pro-MB/transient designer
  • Hihats filter + saturation
  • Drum bus Syrah (parallel) and SSL bus comp
  • Bass heavy saturation on top (parallel)
  • Pad M/S EQ (cutting low mid in mid channel) and stereo widening
  • Forgot to bypass Logic’s PitchCorrector on main vocal. Thought it contrasts well vs the hook (no correction) so left it in
  • Heavy low mid cut/high boost on vocal; Light compression into saturation (Noveltech), and a bit of microshift (UltraChannel)
  • Extras squashed/filtered and slipped under the main vocal in low volume
  • Some compression holding the transitions/cymbals together
  • Finally a good reason for me to use ValhallaShimmer/B2! (on vocal)
  • Mixed thru Glue->Syrah (both doing parallel) + a tiny touch of Clariphonic sheen.
  • A bit of M/S widening/collapsing for sections
Thanks Uncle E for the fun! :party:


Here is my take :)

Thank you Uncle E for the nice track, good and clean material to work with ;)

MP3 version :
http://hearthis.at/davias/uncle-e-if-i- ... 03-davias/

Or on dropbox if it doesn't work :
http://www.dropbox.com/s/61zd5n2wjkev75 ... s.mp3?dl=0

FLAC 24 bit version :
http://www.dropbox.com/s/79uibx6jc50zig ... .flac?dl=0

- There is a SKnote Strip on every tracks, SSL mode, low crosstalk.
- A little saturation on the kick, EQ, clipper, pulltech
- multiband compression on the snare, 1176 compression, EQ
- some panning on the hats to avoid them jumping too much left to right. saturation, EQ, wow n flutter on the open one. EQ, saturation, compression on the closed one.
- EQ, Multiband compression on the toms.
- the snare and the cymbals in general are going into a reverb
- dbx165 compression on the drum buss, followed by a tape and an enhancer
-saturation, EQ, bass boost on the bass.
- on the plucks EQ, compression x2, saturation
- on the pads, stereo imaging, saturation, EQ
- saturation, EQ, compression on the melodic percussions
- on the keys EQ, transient designer
- on the voices EQ, gate, chorus/stereoizer, multiband compression... and on the main voice: opto compression, dynamic EQ, mid/side (side boost)
- The voices are going into a delay and a reverb, some instruments are going into the reverb too
- on the musical part : multiband saturation
- Mix buss : EQ, SSL compression, tape x2, compression, enhancer.
- limiter on every track that annoy me with peaks :D

Good luck everybody ;)


so are submissions good throughout tomorrow too?


Here's my mix:
https://soundcloud.com/sherekaan/if-i-w ... an/s-e0WSb

Crash Channel - VSS3 Insert -30db
Kick Channel - UAD Neve 1073 Legacy Insert with a little boost on 60Hz
Snare Channel - Neve 1081 Insert
Michelle Extras Channel - Roland Dimension D and Stereo Delay Inserts
Michelle Hook Channel - UAD Cambridge boosting around 3.5k and 8k, UAD Roland Dimension D, Stereo Delay
Michelle Main - UAD Precision Compressor (10:1, Thresh -16.6) to bring out the softer sections and UAD Cambridge boosting around 3.5k and 8k

Master Channel - UAD Precision Buss Compressor (4:1), MD3 Multiband Dynamics, UAD Ampex ATR-102. t.c. electronic Brickwall Limiter

Final Stereo Out - LM2n just to check dynamics :wink:

Last edited by ShereKaan on Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


softska wrote:Thanks Uncle E for the fun! :party:
Thanks, Softska! I'm not able to download your wav file, is there a setting you need to change to make that happen? We need to be able to add it to the master playlist that will be used for the voting.

edit Never mind, I got it. I was able to get the full link by quoting your post. :)
Last edited by Uncle E on Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


ShereKaan wrote:Here's my mix:
Hi Shere,

Please enable downloading of the file in SoundCloud. We need to be able to download it to add it to the voting playlist. We also require mix notes, please share about what you did and how you got your sounds!

Also, it seems you didn't read the mix tips as the vocals are all over the place. On one hand, I sort of regret supplying the extra vocal takes and the one part that started earlier than all the rest since those seemed to trip a lot of people up. On the other hand, the Mix Challenge is meant to simulate a real life mix session and it's not so uncommon to receive files like this. Some of the people who did read the mix tips did amazing things with those vocal extras!


Final day for the submission!
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Compyfox wrote:Final day for the submission!
No time like the last-minute :P Here is my submission for MC03. With any luck I have managed to adhere to at least some of the rules this time :roll:

Anyway nice track to work on.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/906kp9zseby0r ... 0H-man.mp3

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ai8k7ubqrmlco ... 0H-man.wav

General Note:

Being a club track I went for "Punch", especially with the bass and percussion. I used the kick to side-chain the pads to get them out of the way in those sections. Hope the pumping doesn't make anyone too nauseous.

Track by track here are my notes:

Bass - PSP Mix Bass and NI Supercharger to fatten it up and lock it down tight. Supercharger has both Punch and Dirt turned on

Kick - PSP Mix Bass again with high compression and punch but no output saturation

Snare - PSP Mix Pressor, LXP Room (very light), PSP Mix Gate and SplineEQ for the right tone.

Clap - PSP Mix Saturation, J37 Tape and LXPChamber reverb. Panned right (R23)

Crash - Left as it is :) Just set the volume and panned it slightly to the left

HiHatClosed - Worked pretty hard on this. MixPressor, MixTreble and PM-Retro Compressor. Got the tone and transients that I wanted. Slight Pan left

HiHatOpen - Mostly containment. MixSaturator and MixTreble for shape and tone and SplineEQ with a huge Low Cut up to 500Hz and a dip at 5kHz. Slight Pan right

Toms - All three Toms were grouped and bussed to MixBass for compression and "colour". Panned slightly for realism

Hit - Another exercise in containment. Compressed in MixPressor and EQ'ed with a High and low cut and dips at 200 and 2000Hz

Melodic Percussion - Track I cloned and panned left and right. MixTreble for enhanced trasients and harmonics plus some saturation

Keys - Compression and saturation with a low cut at 200Hz

Pad and Pad Deep - MixPressor and SplineEQ to cut high and low and bring out the harmonics. Sidechained with the Kick and some volume automations

Plucks (without delay) - Went for a dirty sound with these. Compression and saturation as well as PM Retro Filter (may not be to everyone's taste)

Transition effects - Compressed and panned around. Some volume automations as well

Vocals - The main vocal track was tuned with Melodyne and then cloned with each bussed off to a separate FX track. One with a Hall Reverb and one with Reverb and tape delay. I didn't use the extra vocal tracks. The Hook & Oohs was instead piled up with FX (verb, saturation, charcter EQ's etc.) until I got that bull-horn or AM radio type edge to it.

There is a third copy of the main vocal that is used for the repeating delay towards the end. Nothing too fancy, just volume and feedback automations but to me it sounds nice.

There are many volume automations on the main vocal track. Maybe too many? Now in the market for one of those auto volume rider thingys ;)


Davais I think the backing vocals on yours are off timing. Other than that, I really like your mix. The EQing on the vocals specifically :tu:


Hi guys, here is my mix:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jc5 ... ioprod.mp3
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c9i ... ioprod.wav
Kick > EQ > send to small Drum Reverb
Snare > Limiter > EQ > send to small Drum Reverb
Clap > EQ > send to small Drum Reverb
Tom group > EQ > send to small Drum Reverb
Crash > Big Plate Reverb for long sustain > send to small Drum Reverb
HiHat Closed > HPF > Limiting high peaks > send to small Drum Reverb
HiHat Open > Limiting high peaks > send to small Drum Reverb
Bass > Distortion > EQ
Keys > EQ
Pad/Pad Deep > EQ > Distortion
Plucks > EQ > Compression
FX > Compression > HPF, LPF > auto pan
Michelle Main, Hook & Oohs > tune correction > Distortion > Chorus > HPF > Limiting > EQ > DeEsser > send to ¼ Delay > send to ½ Delay > send to Reverb > some Volume and Delay automations
Master bus > Limiting very high peaks > meter > analyser


Might not make it this time around.
Just wasted 5 hours on mixing until I realized "hey - you forgot to activate your room correction software".

EVERYTHING is wonky. And this is pissing me off big time.
The vocal EQing alone took me 2,5 hours! Additional to the 9 hour edits I did prior to that.

BTW: It's nearly 8pm for me over here. So effectively 3 hours of mixing left without hearing garbage.
And I'm already at that point where I barely hear anything useful.

Solution for me:
I'm backing out from future Mix Challenges. I just don't have the time for it anymore without being frustrated and always submitting last. It's not worth it for me anymore

[/drops the f bomb and takes a forced 1 hour break}

Sorry to disappoint you - dropping out of this.
Can't force it.
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Compyfox wrote:"hey - you forgot to activate your room correction software".
Care to elaborate on said software?


Okay guys and girls, Uncle E convinced me to submit this 100% headphone mix. I started doing a complete re-build of my studio so I did everything on headphones as my studio monitors are safely hidden away at the moment. But I enjoyed mixing this track none the less! I payed most attention to the lead vocal and the beat.

https://soundcloud.com/solidtrax/eric-d ... idtrax-mix

Slate Digital VCC on every channel (SSL) and mix buss
DMG Audio EQuick on pretty much every channel and mix buss

Kick - Boost between 40Hz and 100Hz and cut around 4kHz - Molot03 for little compression
Snare - Boost around 160Hz and 1.8kHz - Molot03 for little compression and Loudmax to catch peaks > FX channel 3
Toms - Just some panning
Crash - Cut around 63Hz, boost around 1.9kHz (wide) and cut around 6.2kHz
Hihat - Cut around 140Hz and boost around 3kHz, Molot03 for little compression > FX channel 1 and 2
Bass - Cut below 40Hz and boost around 80Hz
Keys - Boost around 550Hz and 3.9kHz and Cut below 250Hz > FX channel 1 and 2
Lead Vocal -Sonimus Sweetone High pass and Tilt to make it sound a bit more brighter. Fabfilter Pro-MB taming lows and sharp highs. UAD 1176AE with pretty fast attack and release and a combined ratio of 2:1 and 4:1. Acon Digital Verberate > FX channel 1
Pad and Plucks - Boosting between 2kHz and 6kHz to make it suit the mix. Little Molot03 compression > FX channel 1 and 2
Effect sounds - Little EQ and Compression > FX Channel 1 and 2

FX channel 1 - D16 Sigmund
FX channel 2 - Verberate long reverb
FX channel 3 - Verberate short reverb

Mix buss - Gentle high pass on side, gentle wide boost around 4kHz on side, TDR Feedback Compressor II doing max 5dB GR, Fabfilter Pro-L doing nothing but dithering to 16bit.
Last edited by solidtrax on Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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chaosbringer wrote:
Compyfox wrote:"hey - you forgot to activate your room correction software".
Care to elaborate on said software?
My studio is measured in with IK Multimedia ARC.

I forgot to activate it (since i was not using it while working on headphones the other night) and wasted hours on trying to mix 8 vocals tracks with an EQ so that they sound like being recorded in one take.

My mix is done to 40% (no FX on the instruments, vocals lack compression, send FX set up, but not added to the channels yet). I invested 9 hours (plus 2 hours of tests, host maintenance and what have you) on and off over the course of the last 10 days on this.

It's 3hours until midnight for me over here.
I won't pull another all nighter to get this mix done.

The next 72 hours are also "no-studio days" on my calendar.

I'm massively frustrated right now.
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