Validating yourself as a musician in the land of likes and streams

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.
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googling that phrase got me reviews of actual brothels in that district tho.
wanted it in the original French which I'd prob'ly botch but got tired


you ll be a musician when all this kind of question will disapear of your what you are and be who you are.everthing else is a waste of time/effort
time for me to leave KVR.Bye bye ! 03/2022 :phones:


I keep reading the thread title as, "Violating yourself as a musician..."

Perhaps one for the HPC?


my self-violation devices are in storage at the moment

agree with everything else besides the doing of music a waste of time, except that.
you'll love it, it's a way of life.


Oh, I've violated many people with some of my music, including myself. That time I had to perform an oboe solo for my Music Performance class. Ouch. Some things you can't unhear.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


In reality, there are hundreds of millions of musicians in the world.
The tiny amount that actually get signed get a certain type of validation.

But the vast majority who continue for years making music get some type of personal reward, perhaps beyond mere "validation".

So they continue....


Frankly, if you are in this forum, you are a musician. Or are you cheating all of us?

ps: this is not a joke, the very fact that you came here, to ask that question, and not to other forum to ask a question about other subject, is what somehow seems to clearly show you are a musician. So, any doubts? Check your forum profile.
Better than this only the silence. Better than the silence only John.


"it is up to the public to assess the greatness of the posts; the (praiseful) self-evaluation/self-endorsement of the poster is ultimately irrelevant."
how absolutely fascistic


I've said this before - the amount of f**k given about what other people think is inversely proportional to age.

As you get older you know what you're good at and do well yourself, and are better able to objectively look at your creations dispassionately I think. More of the utter shite gets weeded out before the recording phase.

Also, for many of us oldies, we're not actively trying to make some manner of 'career' from music so the 'pressure' isn't there.

Yes, it's always nice if people enjoy something, but it's not the world shattering, 'woe is me', doom, gloom and anger if they don't, which you felt sometimes as a yoof. Just move onto the next one...


^^^ Ha Ha! Touché. Yeah, what do we care at our age? The chances to make a lifelong career have been wasted long ago, if they ever were any chances at all.

Frankly, we think posters’ friendly appreciation and help in the music cafe is vallidation enough for us, if we would ever need more than our own. For some reason, posting on KVR brings more plays to our Soundcloud than posting on Gearspace, Reasontalk or our national gear and music site. Not more likes, tho, but I am an oldie making oldish music, so I do not really expect any. It is a miracle already that some play it at all :lol:
Tribe Of Hǫfuð "First rule: From one perfect consonance to another perfect consonance one must proceed in contrary or oblique motion." Johann Joseph Fux 1725.


The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


donkey tugger wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:10 am I've said this before - the amount of f**k given about what other people think is inversely proportional to age.

As you get older you know what you're good at and do well yourself, and are better able to objectively look at your creations dispassionately I think. More of the utter shite gets weeded out before the recording phase.

Also, for many of us oldies, we're not actively trying to make some manner of 'career' from music so the 'pressure' isn't there.

Yes, it's always nice if people enjoy something, but it's not the world shattering, 'woe is me', doom, gloom and anger if they don't, which you felt sometimes as a yoof. Just move onto the next one...
If that would be a Robin Hood sentence. Do you think that people would ever see the Movie?

But I guess that's a encouragement for younger people to stand for their rights :clap:
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t3toooo wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:04 am
donkey tugger wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:10 am I've said this before - the amount of f**k given about what other people think is inversely proportional to age.

As you get older you know what you're good at and do well yourself, and are better able to objectively look at your creations dispassionately I think. More of the utter shite gets weeded out before the recording phase.

Also, for many of us oldies, we're not actively trying to make some manner of 'career' from music so the 'pressure' isn't there.

Yes, it's always nice if people enjoy something, but it's not the world shattering, 'woe is me', doom, gloom and anger if they don't, which you felt sometimes as a yoof. Just move onto the next one...
If that would be a Robin Hood sentence. Do you think that people would ever see the Movie?

But I guess that's a encouragement for younger people to stand for their rights :clap:
I think it's in general true though. Think about other things. When you're a teenager it seems soooo important that you have the right trainers, the right haircut, clothes etc.

When you get older you just want nice comfy footwear and clothes, and as for the hair- just do something with it that doesn't involve too much f**king about to make it look ok.. :hihi:

Validation in terms of the opinion of others becomes less important than what you want yourself.


I never did see Robin Hood the movie.
Maybe if it had more sentences like that I would have
Don't feed the gators,y'all


melomood wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:39 pm I never did see Robin Hood the movie.
Maybe if it had more sentences like that I would have
It was in that song;

"Everything I doooooooo,
the amount of f**k given about what other people think is inversely proportional to age
For yooooouuuu.."

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