How hard is it to play Guitar?

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Interestingly enough, I've never had any person asking me if playing guitar is hard. But I have teached some who, considering their skill level, came in with way too high expectations. I had to convince them that it will not be that easy to get there right away and they must have patience. Some who realized that are still playing, none of those who didn't are. You know the deal, pupils who come in with a fresh new guitar and the first thing they want to learn is Cliffs of Dover, Trilogy Suite or other easy beginner pieces. And of course they want to be able to play that like next week. :roll:

I read a study about how long an average person will stick with a new hobby (not just music), and it said 25% give up soon after starting. Another 25% didn't even touch the gear they got for the hobby before giving up. Fickle minds. Top that with actual physical pains you have to work through and new language you have to learn to express yourself with and a 1% "success rate" for guitarists sounds almost too high to me.
Last edited by subterfuge on Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


My friend Thom told me “anyone can play guitar,” but he didn’t mention it was hard. :lol:
Zerocrossing Media

4th Law of Robotics: When turning evil, display a red indicator light. ~[ ●_● ]~


Ha, I was about 12 years old when I asked one of my cousins to show me how he played some of his songs on acoustic guitar. He said that it's so easy, you'll just put your fingers here and here and pick like this. And for this other chord, like this etc. And if it's a new song, you just follow these chord charts above the notation. And yea, you can sing along too.

So I took his guitar and tried to twist my fingers into these impossible forms while hitting the body of the guitar or all the wrong strings. He realized that maybe I should start with single note lines instead, and that worked fine until I had to switch strings. It was a mindbending experience to try to figure out why some notes sounded the same and some others didn't on different strings. I'm forever grateful for him being my first guitar teacher, even while he ended our first and only lesson saying; "maybe guitar is not your thing." Or perhaps especially because of that.


I started when I was 12. The learning curve was steep, but I was a determined kid back then. I hit the usual walls like getting used to the strings, shifting chords, barre chords etc. But I played everyday and stuck with it, glad I did..


What is your pain threshold?


tapper mike wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:55 pm what do you tell people who ask If it's hard to play guitar?
I'm honest... yes, it is - it's a very hard to learn instrument (albeit not quite hard as concert zither)

I said this numerous times before here, but will say it again:

the problem is not to play a note - the problem is to play a note and make it sound good. Beginners notice that what they play sounds like ass so they tend to try to play something more complicated
because they think that's the problem. It however isn't. Guitar-players produce the sound with both their hands to a far greater degree than those who play any kind of keys do.
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


donkey tugger wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:24 pm
Always a bit bemused about the whole 'practice' thing meself.
I never practice - tbh I basically don't see the point it that - to me it's akin to dry-humping. :hihi:
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


my german shepherd dog used to dry-hump all the time
he must have thought "well, i gotta do it, right here, right now"
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


jens wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:46 pm
tapper mike wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:55 pm what do you tell people who ask If it's hard to play guitar?
I'm honest... yes, it is - it's a very hard to learn instrument (albeit not quite hard as concert zither)

I said this numerous times before here, but will say it again:

the problem is not to play a note - the problem is to play a note and make it sound good. Beginners notice that what they play sounds like ass so they tend to try to play something more complicated
because they think that's the problem. It however isn't. Guitar-players produce the sound with both their hands to a far greater degree than those who play any kind of keys do.
If you only play one note is that really practice?

Do professional athletes maintain a competitive edge by sitting around and doing nothing or do they practice to maintain their game?

Does every major musical act that go on major Tours from Clapton, to Taylor Swift practice before the first concert of the year? Yes because they want to be at the top of their game.

The only time I didn't practice was when I was playing out live infront of people who paid to see me because a four hour show five days a week was enough practice. Are you performing nightly in front of crowds 100 or more fice days a week?

Practice helps to build callouses which means you can play longer with less pain. Practice also through the act of self discipline allows you to manage the pain and go on.

No it's not about tone. Every guitar, picking method effect and amp will affect tone. If you are constantly searching for the tone then you are defeating yourself from the process of actually playing. It's another excuse. I have electric guitars and mfx and plugins galore but I'm just as skilled playing not plugged in because. The quality of playing is in the playing first and foremost.

Making the most of what you have is always a better action plan for life then complaining than complaining about what you don't.

Don't practice what you do know. Practice what you don't.

If you can't play something fluidly from beginning to end then you don't know it.
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


Or you need to review something a time or two. I occasionally go back to my repertoire 40 odd years ago and may stutter or forget a chord on something I haven't played in decades. In other cases, muscle memory kicks in and my hands can do what they need to without conscious thought involved.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


I think there's a different mindset in using guitar to write, and using it to perform. I'm definitely in the former camp (as I imagine Jens is). Not to say of course that our widdling fraternity aren't equally valid in their use.

Weirdly sometimes for me, not playing for a bit is beneficial as it stops things sounding stale, and you look at things in a different way when writing - in the same way I never use templates in the sequencer etc. Never really been interested in the guitar as an end in itself, but rather as an excellent tool for songwriting, and a great and hugely versatile sound source.


Still, it's all worth it when you can be this dude: ... 1819571752
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


I like good instruments. I've played long enough (almost 50 years!) to be able to tell the difference between a very good instrument and a crap one. I like the aesthetics of good guitars, especially acoustics, as well as their tone and playability. Everytime I go into a depressive state and tell myself 'I quit! Why bother?' Then I pull out one of my axes, play some, and I feel better.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


There are many aspects that need to come together to play guitar well.

Synchronization of left and right hands, in both rhythm and position, a lot of memorization of fret board, chords (what strings are strummed per chord, not all 6 are played on many chords) Not only memorization in mind but physical memory. Timing, shifting from chords to solo playing, picking, strumming, muting, up/down strumming/pick patterns.

Learning scale shapes, the fretboard is very different to play from top end to bottom end. And then all important feel as someone said, it's how you play the note as a guitarist to make it feel and sound good (and unlike a beginner, which is not easy)

Also musical memory of how scales and semi-tone/tone intervals sound and resolve, often on a scale root note.

I was trying to learn the chords for "I want you love" by Chic. Barre chords, I am not used to the 4/5 chords (and Nile Rodgers machine like tight funk playing) and it felt exactly like I had picked the guitar up for the first time again, almost. By the time I had got the first 2 chords down I forgot the position and shape and fingering for chord 3!

A master always makes it look easy ... kUmagazine

It is immensely satisfying when you do make some progress though.

Music even at a basic level almost never wasted time. You always get something from it.

I do believe some people have stronger abilities in mental and physical memory that helps and some natural ability. Some can pick it up better than others.

Removing obstacles can help learn. A very comfortable guitar that calls you by looks alone helps. An easy to use set up (amp/modelling/ speakers) which is quick to turn on and play, a guitar that keeps tune. Then you get straight on instead of faffing for 15mins before playing.


Only part of the game of music is external. For some the biggest challenge is internal. I too have had that struggle.
If you really want to play your best I would strongly suggest the inner game of music. ... 0385231261

I might be buying this one ... 1775&psc=1
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad

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