Studio One 6.1 is in the pipeline

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darrensensei wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:51 pm I am having a nightmare with it. Every time I try to export audio the audio engine drops out...
... At the moment, the engine drops out even when I bypass effects...
... Not being able to export realtime with plugins makes it thoroughly unusable. The problem being that once songs are opened in V6 they cannot be opened in V5. Nice one, Presonus!
What do you mean by "export realtime"? When I export a project, it does it several times faster than real time.

PC or Mac? If Windows, have you tried using a different audio driver? If you are using ASIO, try doing it with Windows Audio and see how that goes. In the Control Panel for Windows Audio, check the box for "Exclusive mode" and turn the latency down as far as it will go.
jamcat wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:24 pm One thing I don't like about the new track icons...
Was apocalypse talking about those icons? Do people actually use them? I thought they were for children. Presonus probably do, too, if they have made them more toy-like. Why on Dog's Green Earth would you want to waste precious screen space with shit like that?
darrensensei wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:36 pmI bet a lot of people will open projects either in a demo of V6 or run into V6 problems and find that they lose A LOT of work if they didn’t know to make a V5 copy of their project first. I am a fan of Studio One, but it could be seen as a cynical way to force people into upgrading. I hope people are aware of this before opening V5 projects in a trial version of V6.
Maybe if they didn't warn you that you were about to do that, but they do warn you so if you are stupid enough to lose any work, it's your own damned fault. The warning has saved me a couple of times.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


BONES wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 2:43 am Why on Dog's Green Earth would you want to waste precious screen space with shit like that?
Actually, icons are great. We (humans) are able to recognize a picture instantly, while reading and processing language takes more time. More for some than others.

I actually have been adding the icons to every track, but then I hide them. But they’re there.

I just wish they had more common guitar types, because I have a several, including a Strat and a Les Paul, and like most people, I associates the parts with the particular guitar used. So seeing a Strat or Telecaster icon for a part played on the LP is going to confused me.


Tiny humans, maybe. Colour coding is a far more efficient method of identifying tracks. If I see dayglo pink, I know it's drums/percussion. If I see dark green, I know it's something sample-based. My guitar tracks are dark red and bass guitar is aqua. Synths I use all the time get a colour that references their GUI. e.g. GR-8 is light orange, Odyssey is a brighter orange, Union is a very dark metallic blue, MonoFury is a blue that matches that Korg GUI colour, JP6k is close to the metallic blue of it's GUI, while bx_oberhausen, SEM and OB-E are a light, creamy tan. Others get a consistent colour, so if I see dayglo green I know it's TRK-01 and if it's amber, it must be Thorn. Other synths get a shade of blue. Except for dark blue vocal tracks, I leave audio tracks grey because it's usually obvious from the waveforms what they are.

Now that we have custom colours, every instrument will have its own colour.

I also use consistent track ordering, so my drums are always the first tracks, followed by basslines, then guitars, then synths. I try to order the synth tracks so they make a bit of sense, too, so more rhythmic stuff sits above any melodies that might accidentally find their way into the piece, then pads. Vocal tracks are always at the bottom of the stack. However, if it's a live version, then the part(s) I'll need to play are at the bottom (with the MIDI muted).

Between these two systems - track colour and hierarchy, I can identify any part instantly, from both the arrangement window and the mixer. Of course, they are also my projects, which I spend hundreds of hours working on, so I tend to remember what's where anyway, but I'm sure having a system helps greatly with that.

Orchestral music would be even more conducive to this sort of arrangement. You could use green for strings, blue for wind and red for brass, with higher pitched instrument using a lighter shade, getting darker as you move down the scale. It would look really cool with proper track ordering, too.

Honestly, I would never have believed anyone would use those track icons. They seem so naff, I always assumed they were there to make people who are coming from GarageBand feel a bit more comfortable when they first started using Studio One.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


No, everyone can process representative shapes faster than language, because language has addition layers of abstraction. This is why every company has a logo, and you have a KVR avatar. Icons are also easier to see than text.

You can share a song with someone who doesn't speak the same language, and you will both instantly recognise what instrument is on a track that uses icons, whereas your colour system means nothing to anyone except for you.

I usually strip the colours from most tracks, and I find colourised channel strips to be particularly gaudy. I usually only work with colours for orchestral arrangements, because of the groupings and sheer number of tracks.

Anyways, I find the best use of icons is to add them to each track, and then hide icons, because when you open a channel editor, the icon will be displayed. This works really well to help you easily identify which channel overview is being edited.


BONES wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:58 pm
apoclypse wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:00 pmI never said that icons in that particular bar changed so I’m not sure what point you are trying to make there.
Well, which icons were you talking about? I can only respond to what you've written, it's hardly my fault if your posts aren't accurate. You said the differences were "drastic", I think the side-by-side shows they are hardly different at all.
Aren't accurate? Read my post again. I said they added more icons where there was previously text. Calm down, read what people are actually writing, and then respond with something relevant to what they actually wrote. That's how this is supposed to work.

You are always so hellbent on being "right" for some reason but are often just wrong. I never said that particular bar had different icons. I did mention that they added what I consider useless padding everywhere (IMO). I was speaking specifically about the new icons that are littered throughout the interface, hence the word more in my post.

Version 5 and 6 are different and noticeably so if put side by side. Since I have both versions installed on my system this is not conjecture, there is a noticeable difference. I consider it drastic (again if you actually read my post I put IMO). To say they aren't different is either you being your usual contrarian self, you lack basic observation skills, or you may need to go get you eyes checked. I'll go with the first one.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


I agree. The interface from version 5 to 6 is noticeably different, unlike from version 4 to 5.

Polish, organization, and customization was the main focus of version 6. It is very much a User eXperience update, which I think is great. New functions and features will probably go unused by most users, but everyone benefits from a UX update.


jamcat wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:31 am I agree. The interface from version 5 to 6 is noticeably different, unlike from version 4 to 5.

Polish, organization, and customization was the main focus of version 6. It is very much a User eXperience update, which I think is great. New functions and features will probably go unused by most users, but everyone benefits from a UX update.
The basic interface hasn’t changed much since version 3. They’ve just added things here and there and moved a few things around. I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually.It just took me by surprise since I wasn’t expecting them to have changed the interface that much.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


BONES wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 2:43 am
darrensensei wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:51 pm I am having a nightmare with it. Every time I try to export audio the audio engine drops out...
... At the moment, the engine drops out even when I bypass effects...
... Not being able to export realtime with plugins makes it thoroughly unusable. The problem being that once songs are opened in V6 they cannot be opened in V5. Nice one, Presonus!
What do you mean by "export realtime"? When I export a project, it does it several times faster than real time.

PC or Mac? If Windows, have you tried using a different audio driver? If you are using ASIO, try doing it with Windows Audio and see how that goes. In the Control Panel for Windows Audio, check the box for "Exclusive mode" and turn the latency down as far as it will go.
jamcat wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:24 pm One thing I don't like about the new track icons...
Was apocalypse talking about those icons? Do people actually use them? I thought they were for children. Presonus probably do, too, if they have made them more toy-like. Why on Dog's Green Earth would you want to waste precious screen space with shit like that?
darrensensei wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 11:36 pmI bet a lot of people will open projects either in a demo of V6 or run into V6 problems and find that they lose A LOT of work if they didn’t know to make a V5 copy of their project first. I am a fan of Studio One, but it could be seen as a cynical way to force people into upgrading. I hope people are aware of this before opening V5 projects in a trial version of V6.
Maybe if they didn't warn you that you were about to do that, but they do warn you so if you are stupid enough to lose any work, it's your own damned fault. The warning has saved me a couple of times.
now that IS interesting!
I followed your advice. I am on Win10 and have been using the UMC Behringer 204HD because I like the mic preamps. This was rock solid in V5. I tried going back to the Presonus Studio 24C and this gave me immediate audio dropout again. Tried Windows audio driver and same result. Just switched back to Studio 24C with max dropout and it worked flawlessly!! it is like there was some sort of bug that just unbugged itself. I will see if this continues to work, but it may have solved the immediate problem if it remains stable. I might try the same settings on the Behringer and see what gives.

ok, so switched back to Behringer, Studio One froze my whole PC up and the driver failed and then worked, but immediate dropout and performance meter in S1 going nuts. Went back to Studio 24C and working no problem. This is still an issue because it worked fine before the upgrade. I might try an older behringer driver and see. It may also feasibly be a USB hub issue, as I did put in some new USB ports and have been having other issues since. May have to fiddle around with the USB and see if disabling makes a difference.

Either way, I can at least mixdown with all my plugin effects in realtime. Thanks for the help!


sorted. Turned out it was the Win 10/11 Behringer driver that seems to have been the problem. The Win 7-10 driver is working fine! I am a happy man.


I've had nothing but poor experiences with Behringer drivers, to the point I would never even consider buying anything of theirs that needed a driver.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


The "Mix" channel icon is perfect for Lexicon reverb FX channels, since it looks like a Lexicon remote. I use it for Relab LX480 and now Arturia LX-24.

I have to use the Pedal Steel icon to represent an EMT 140, because it could sort of pass for one. :shrug:


Anyone else running into sever PDC/sync issues in S1 v6? I have a song where the sends are way off, everything plays double and sounds phasey. The same project in version 5 has no issues and is tight. I've noticed the issue in another project as well.

Another issues I noticed when I enable dropout protection in S1 v6 CPU usage goes up significantly and starts spiking. Setting it minimum works fine. In S1 v5 I can setup dropout protection with no issues, CPU levels stay the same.

I'm really not sure what's going on. I know S1 has had weird PDC and syncing issues since v5. I've reported the issue to Presonus but wanted to see if anyone else has seen the issue on their end.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


Nope, everything is schweet as a nut here.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.

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