SYN'X 2.5 Released - Xils-Lab - (Multitimbral Synthex - intro discount-)

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Syn'X 2 Rythm LFOs : As their name implies Rythm LFOs are assymetric LFOs that you can use to introduce some periodic rythmic variations/Spikes in your presets. The Phase of these LFOs has been designed to that you can place the accent/modulation precisely in your music. ( the synced delay parameter can help ) You can have 5 Rythm LFOs running simultaneously for each layer/synthesizer used in your patch, and each lfo can modulate a different parmater between the 132 availbale in their dedicated matrix ) However, these 5 LFOs will share the same *rate* ( Speed )

Here's an example of what you can do with the Rythm Lfos.

Syn'X 2 Rythm LFOs Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


мurnau wrote:So what's exactly that zero pwm thing?
Similar to the ODF filters, but related to oscillators PWM/Hard Sync couple.( Like the Laser Harp preset for example )

( When I say similar, its because in an analog synth, everything is happening (quasi)simultaneously, while code is executed sequentially. So interdependant process can benefit of odf -zero delay feedback- solutions )

Btw, The v 1.0 should be released tomorrow according to the last newsletter, and so today should be the last day for the prerelease price big discount if I'm not mistaken. ( After that the discount will be a little less iirc ) Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


I might have to finally buy stuff from XILS. I don't like their GUI, but this one i can handle since it sounds so good.


Are there any other synths which use a similar implementation of this kind of 0 delay PWM? AFAIK I've never heard another dev advertise it, which is cool if it's indeed one of the first uses of it in a soft synth.


Lotuzia wrote:However, these 5 LFOs will share the same *rate* ( Speed )

will this be improved in an update ? i.e independent rates


Okay, I don't know if this is a bug or if it's something I have to set somewhere in the synth but here's what's happening.

I am pulling up some of the preset patches that use the advanced layer programming and I am noticing that there are some patches that have voices 1,2,3,4,9,10,11 and 12 all active for the lower part of the keyboard.

If I pull up the INIT patch and try to activate these same 8 voices, I can't. I've deactivated all the voices in the upper keyboard. Doesn't matter. I can activate voices 1,2,3,4,9 and 10. But when I try to click on voices 11 and 12 in order to bring up the boxes so that I can click inside of them to activate the voices, nothing happens. I can't activate voices 11 and 12 for the lower keyboard.

Now, if I go to the Sequencer, even though it's not active (I've done no programming for it whatsoever) and change all the boxes to NC, THEN I am able to activate voices 11 and 12 and all the other voices that were "taken" up by the sequencer.

Shouldn't maybe the INIT patch have the sequencer set to all NC since that will probably be the most common starting point? I do understand that I can just create my own INIT from it but then I would have to store it someplace else as you can't overwrite any of the factory patches.

It's just a suggestion because this was really driving me crazy why I couldn't activate those voices until I looked at the INIT sequencer settings and guessed that they must be the culprit.


KingTuck wrote:Are there any other synths which use a similar implementation of this kind of 0 delay PWM? AFAIK I've never heard another dev advertise it, which is cool if it's indeed one of the first uses of it in a soft synth.
I don't know. Xils were maybe the first devs to implement 0df filters, but they did not advertise it as such, probably thinking that the quality was so obvious it would be heard by users. We all know the end of the story. I guess they learned their lesson, and now took better care to warn people of the technologic innovations they offer. Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


Daags wrote:
Lotuzia wrote:However, these 5 LFOs will share the same *rate* ( Speed )

will this be improved in an update ? i.e independent rates
Only Xils knows, but thiswould imply to implement 4 additional rate knobs in the Rythm LFO tab .. Not that easy.

Is it really needed ? The ChaoX LFO has its own independant rate, as well as each of the two *standard* LFOs ( That still have cumulative waveforms, so maybe less standard than it seems ) And the Global Joystick also has its own rate. So all in all you have at least 5 different LFOs that have their own rate .... by layer. Wich means up to 40 LFO per patch that can have their own rate. For sure 80 would be better, but I'd say it"s beyond the margin of standard uses. Would definitely love it though, because Rythm LFOs are amongst my favorites :) Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


wagtunes wrote:Okay, I don't know if this is a bug or if it's something I have to set somewhere in the synth but here's what's happening.

I am pulling up some of the preset patches that use the advanced layer programming and I am noticing that there are some patches that have voices 1,2,3,4,9,10,11 and 12 all active for the lower part of the keyboard.

If I pull up the INIT patch and try to activate these same 8 voices, I can't. I've deactivated all the voices in the upper keyboard. Doesn't matter. I can activate voices 1,2,3,4,9 and 10. But when I try to click on voices 11 and 12 in order to bring up the boxes so that I can click inside of them to activate the voices, nothing happens. I can't activate voices 11 and 12 for the lower keyboard.

Now, if I go to the Sequencer, even though it's not active (I've done no programming for it whatsoever) and change all the boxes to NC, THEN I am able to activate voices 11 and 12 and all the other voices that were "taken" up by the sequencer.

Shouldn't maybe the INIT patch have the sequencer set to all NC since that will probably be the most common starting point? I do understand that I can just create my own INIT from it but then I would have to store it someplace else as you can't overwrite any of the factory patches.

It's just a suggestion because this was really driving me crazy why I couldn't activate those voices until I looked at the INIT sequencer settings and guessed that they must be the culprit.
A different "init Sequencer" preset ( dedicated to sequencer use) would maybe be a partial solution. This said it's not a bug : A voice used by the sequencer should not be available for the two keyboards,arp etc, so that you can use the sequencer AND standard play simultanesously. What could be bettered is the visualisation and perception of this by the user. I proposed a solution to this problem to Xils 2 weeks ago so that the user is visually aware that a voice is used by the sequencer when watching the Voice panel. Let's see if it will be retained/implemented. Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


I had some Problem with syn'x 2 beta in Ableton 9.18. when I converted an arrangement to Audio Wav, the synth went off. Aslo after playing in arrangement, at any time the synth stops playing, goes silent and i havew to change a preset or close the synth an load syn'x 2 again. The error didn't exist in syn'x 1 with same preset.


Lotuzia wrote:
Daags wrote:
Lotuzia wrote:However, these 5 LFOs will share the same *rate* ( Speed )

will this be improved in an update ? i.e independent rates
Only Xils knows, but thiswould imply to implement 4 additional rate knobs in the Rythm LFO tab .. Not that easy.
I would have thought adjusting the GUI would have been the 'easiest' thing about it. If GUI considerations would be the most difficult thing about it, then I would say that's all the more reason to make it happen. In this case function should take precedence over form. imho.
Lotuzia wrote: Is it really needed ?
Ya. it is.
but that's a silly question anyway. Are any of the Syn'x 2 features 'really needed' ?
Are 5 rhythmic LFOs really needed ? Why not 4 ? or 3 ? Why have a rhythmic LFO in the first place, when there's all those other modulators you mentioned ? Hmmm ? So you start to see the pointlessness of your question, yes ?

I'm of the opinion that if an LFO exists you should at least be able to dictate its rate independently of other LFO's. in an ideal world.


Well, first, you can set its rate independantly of the 4 other LFOs ( Standard 1 & 2, ChaoX LFO, Joystick) , so it has its own independant rate.

It's just that the global Rythm LFOs tab ( that I invented btw, with good reasons = they can do things no other modulator can do, so I can at least freely talk about them ) has 5 different asymetrical LFOs embeded, and these ones share the same rate.

And there are 5 different iterations, and not 2 or 3, because it let you place the accents, or spikes/modulations, almost anywhere you want rythmically speaking. I see the fact that you can use more than one rythm LFO in each layer, and specify different modulation targets for each of them as a real bonus. ( VS choosing only one type of rythm LFO in a menu, then set its destination etc) YMMV.

Then finally I said having 5 different rate knobs would certainly be nice, but for marginal works. So ... :shrug: Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


you have this habit of taking a question or comment ....and using it as a spring board to dump a list of other features and possibilities, rather than simply focusing on the question or comment at hand.

I'm aware of the other modulators.

Nevertheless - if there are 5 rhythmic LFO's, I would like to be able to control their rates independently.

all I'm interested in, from Xavier at this stage (since your official/unofficial role as a Xils rep is really confusing), is a straight answer - a 'yes' or 'no' as to whether the rhythmic LFO's will be improved in a future update by allowing their rates to be set indepedently.


Yeah, just want to be sure that people know what are the Ryhtm LFOs, how they are different from the other Syn'X LFOs, and know how to operate them. Synth Presets

77 Exclusive Soundbanks for 23 synths, 8 Sound Designers, Hours of audio Demos. The Sound you miss might be there


yeah, so make sure to keep repeating it and I guess after maybe four or five times that might be sufficient and maybe we can focus on one issue.

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