the eXT Preferences thread

Official support for:


Following the success of the Consistency thread, and Jjorgen's implementation of the Options >> Preferences window, here is a similar thread for Preferences- global settings (for all projects) which might be added.

Please use this thread only for Preferences - where there are two or more modes for something and they are all valuable. I may moderate (= delete) OT items.

Here's a few to get started:
  • Default Snap mode - either relative or absolute
  • Save project: to have a Confirmation prompt for Save action - Yes/No
  • Audio Part Editor: Resolution for drawing waveforms
  • Audio Part Editor: Zoom In level at which resolution for drawing waveforms switches to high
  • Sequencer Arrange view: Copy Parts- the normal action is to create either ghosts or independent parts
  • Mixer VU Meters: number of seconds after which the clip indication is removed (0 = remove indication only when the meter is clicked)
  • Mixer VU Meters: number of seconds after which the max volume level is reset (0 = reset level only when the meter is clicked or changed)
Last edited by DarkStar on Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Sampler: Save samples in .ext or save reference to samples


Midi Part Editor: Note-preview default to on or off (now always off)


sequencer : auto scroll to song position on/off


Standalone: Open maximized yes/no (optional: default size)


Sequencer - the tracks created when creating an Arrangement
- - currently this is fixed at 2 MIDI, 1 audio,
- - this could be encoded as, for example:
  • MMA (to get the current tracks),
  • MMAAAA (for 2 MIDI and 4 audio tracks),
  • or even, FMMMMFAAAA (for one folder with 4 MIDI tracks and a second folder with 4 audio tracks!) etc
"E" for an Envelope track
"K" for a marker track


midi editor : velocity of previewed notes (clicking the on-scren keyboard)


+1 to disturb and plastique.
Edit: disturb's sequencer one, in particular.


How about if adding an audio or midi track in the sequencer automatically created an output and routed itself to it? (and to stay with the thread this could be left off for those who mix within the sequencer)


Sequencer - Create ghost/independant copies by default
(the other would accessible by ctrl+shift drag as it is now)


Default new sequencers to docked? (yes/no)
Which mode to open sequencer : Single, Multi, Live
Auto-name arrangements? (y/n) Eg. Arr 1, Arr 2 V1, Arr 2 V2
Last edited by soma on Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Open dragged .ext as new file, or as an XTe VST inside project.


Fade in/out value when splitting an audio clip
(currently 7ms) - range 0 to 50ms ??

- display preference value in Seq Audio Track Header and allow it to be edited for the track
- and next to the Beats value in the Audio part comp and allow it to be edited for the clips


how about all the parameters that're in the .ini


i would like to see the option show/or not the vst´s window just with the parameters , and not with the vst´s gui loaded, as happen with audiomulch, buzz(polac vsti) and with me rcent discover , chainer..

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