recommend me a book! ....(please)

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


...a music/psychology/introspective or compositional book that is. Im bored! :D i cant seem to find any standard cheap-ish books on the psychology of music/sound on amazon that has any reviews or a decent description!

So anyone know of any books like that? not academic reading material, just a couple of lite, interesting music-psychology books? or something to do with music therapy composition, or experimental music composition...etc... :ud:

Think i'll head down to the library tommorrow and see whats there.




"The Singing Neanderthals" by Stephen Mithen - great read and very thought provoking


:D sounds good, i shall look into it.




Standard reply, but anything by David Toop, in particular Ocean of Sound - a sort of freeform discussion of the hows and whys of various aspects of ambient sound, covering stuff as varied as Debussy, Prandit Pran Nath, Sun Ra, Lamonte Young, Lee Perry and Phuture.
It's a rave, Lewis!


michael nyman-experimental music:cage and beyond.

and yuppers toop is a fave of mine too(anyone who has worked with jeff noon is gonna get my vote)


try and find the origin and properties of the human aura... it's on university press... it's by oscar bagnall. i'm assuming it's hard to find, but check the local bought and sold.


How about the just intonation primer? ... F8&s=books

I think you can get it from if amazon doesn't have it.


DWb wrote:Standard reply, but anything by David Toop, in particular Ocean of Sound - a sort of freeform discussion of the hows and whys of various aspects of ambient sound, covering stuff as varied as Debussy, Prandit Pran Nath, Sun Ra, Lamonte Young, Lee Perry and Phuture.
And its also standard that I give a :tu: +1 for Ocean of Sound. It took a while before I got used to the writingstyle but it really gave me a different perspective on sound.
Theres also a book called 'Good Vibrations' (cant recall who wrote it) about the developement of musicrecording.


Attali, Jacques; Noise: The Political Economy of Music...

the thesis is how changes in the ownership and distribution of music has always been a step ahead of the economy...i can't do justice to the book past that, but it's great, it's your basic frog intellectual stuff, ie it's pretty f**king good, but it's actually not a bad read from memory...i read it in the 80's, it was written several years before ('81 sticks in my mind), and i always thought how accurate and relevant it's turned out to be, especially with all this internet stuff...i'd go so far as to call it required reading for you mopes...

EDIT: it's actually about music as well, really... lots of shit about noise in the system....
Last edited by Chuck E. Jesus on Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:02 am, edited 3 times in total.


Hi Tom hope things are good?

Try this for starters mate

Vurt mentioned a good book too, also Thomas Holmes- electronic and experimental music.

Howard Goodall- Big Bangs (not to be confused with "Deep throat" or anything of that nature!)

Speak to you soon!



that microsound looks good, ive added it to my amazon wishlist...
which ive now sent to the missus for chrimbo :D


Although I don't like his music, Brian Eno published a collection of some of his articles which I liked, cant remember what its called.


Barf wrote:Although I don't like his music
none of it?
at all?


vurt wrote:
Barf wrote:Although I don't like his music
none of it?
at all?
I really tried to like 'music for airports' etc but I just didnt. :shrug:
Do like some of his production work (Low by Bowie?).


yeah i can understand people not likin his ambient music for... series, but have you heard "my life in teh bush of ghosts"? with david byrne :o 8) awesome album.

no worries if you dont like him, im not the eno mafia, hes just one of those artists most people(specially musicians) like at least one angle from, in the same way as tom waits.
and yeah the last half of low may as well have been an eno album :lol:

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