VST that analyses incoming chords?

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.



Do you guys know of anything like a vst version of Nutchord? I.E. a vst that analyses the chords you input in realtime and gives you the corresponding guitar voicings ?



a humble Image




dacaumodo wrote:Really?
I think the lack of response might indicate a lack of knowledge on the subject, or a lack of availability of such plug-ins.

I don't want to sound condescending here (though I apologize, because even broaching the subject can be interpreted as such) but to be honest with you, the best thing you for you to do is to learn music!

I've learned music and I know my chords. I know the notes on the guitar and I can voice any practically playable chord formation from other instruments or other instrumental combinations on guitar. I can also revoice any formation that would be physically unplayable in its original formation to something that can be played on guitar and maintain the essence of the voicing.

Such a plug in would be a "crutch" at best, and while there are plenty such crutches out there, I think you will find it far more useful to you and your musical pursuits to learn how to do this for yourself.

I don't mean this to be insulting or condescending, so please forgive me if it comes of as being so. Just trying to offer a helpful suggestion since your original post has gone un-responded-to.



Learning music? Man, I never thought of that. What are "notes"?

Thanks for listing all those mad skills of yours. I now have someone to look up to.

Just kidding dude! Welcome to KVR.

Since you appear to to be new here (?), you'll soon discover that your reply fits in a very heavily represented category here, which I would label "off-topic pontification". I'm sure most of us have yielded to the temptation in the past. It wise to avoid it, though.

But you did apologize in advance, so no hard feelings :D

So guys... Nutchord in VST format? Any leads?


Not a vst, but there is an older program called Songbird Studio that might kind of do what you want (takes midi input from a midi keyboard and tells you what chord you played - and can then display that chord in guitar tab form.

I haven't used this program much so i don't know how well it works - but it is free and can be found here:

http://www.harmony-central.com/Software ... brd11.html


Cheers mate.
As a matter of fact I already have a standalone soft that does it - Nutchords.
It's pretty good, but...standalone.
What I need is a VST soft so i can include it in my host and see what's going directly there. I can of course analyse most "conventional" chords myself but sometimes I just throw a weird voicing at the keyboard and such an app wd save me the hassle of figuring out what I just chanced upon...


dacaumodo wrote:
Since you appear to to be new here (?), you'll soon discover that your reply fits in a very heavily represented category here, which I would label "off-topic pontification". I'm sure most of us have yielded to the temptation in the past. It wise to avoid it, though.

But you did apologize in advance, so no hard feelings :D
Yes, new, and no hard feelings. I was hesitant to reply initially because of the possibility of such unintentional misreadings. Now I know.



No worries, like i said, the temptation is hard to resist :wink:


the only thing i can think of its a plug that converts wav to midi,
not always prefect but it does work most times, but you have to have just thec chord as too much information will confuse it


leighbeynon wrote:the only thing i can think of its a plug that converts wav to midi
That won't help much. The midi notes are already known, going into the VST. The only thing needed is convert those to a chord name.
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oh sorry i must have misread the post, sorry about that

im also trying to find scales for chords i have, also dont know the name, just the notes used in the chord


logic 5.5.1 does that, but of course it's not a vst.. :?

I suppose other host do too..what host do you use ?


It's always ambiguious when a program does it.

You might want to consider Power Tracks From PG Music.


I know Logic does that. However you may not be wanting to switch DAW (or entire platform for that matter) just for that one tinny little function.

That being said....
I tend to agree with our new friend llatham. He does have a point I'm afraid. And I don't think his comments were at all out of place considering that we're in the 'Music Theory' forum, after all. If you're trying to figure out what you are playing on a keyboard, well then, I hope you already know what you're playing! And if you're trying to figure out chords from a midi file, I highly recommend learning to recognize chords based on the intervals. It's something that IMHO is rather easy to pick up on. Print out a page with different chords (in the same key to keep it simple) and put it next to your comp, and that stuff will be second nature to you in no time.

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