Atomic on EM podcast

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Hi all

Just got this news

Click on the podcast download or listen for EM Cast June 2, 2008

Go to about 25 minutes into it, and you will hear a cool review of Atomic with an example by Len Sasso. Rather cool! I am excited!



anybody check out the podcast?



I went there but don't have a subscription. I opened in QuickTime but haven't had good playback results with that. So I didn't listen to raves about it.
I think I might buy Atomic, though, after I have the money.
Are all the on-board sounds basically the same? Is midi out the way to go with this one?


Will Atomic work with midi out in FLStudio? I think the manual's example is done with energy xt? Is there a free version of that that will work with Atomic's midi out? What other free hosts do you recommend for it?


CloudNine wrote:Will Atomic work with midi out in FLStudio? I think the manual's example is done with energy xt? Is there a free version of that that will work with Atomic's midi out? What other free hosts do you recommend for it?
yes..Atomic will work with FL Sudio for MIDI out. here is how

FL Studio:
Set ATOMIC's wrapper to "Show MIDI output port" and chose a free port number and set the plugin. ATOMIC should play to the same MIDI-in port.

But..minihost works well for hardware synths as well.
Are all the on-board sounds basically the same? Is midi out the way to go with this one?
If you go to the website..all the mp3 demo's are done with the internal synth for the most part. It's actually a very complete synth. However, right now, the demo has MIDI OUT disabled. works very well!I have been using it on my new hardware BC16 . From my post on the BC16 thread:
Before C in Sixteen

The only thing added was CamelSpace for delay and a little reverb.
AlgoMusic Atomic was used for step sequencing duties. ( the MIDI OUT worked well for this, and was quite excited when I got this working!)BTW: Atomic is a virtual 16 step sequencer in the round that has MIDI out to control your hardware, so it works great on the BC 16. Recorded in Tracktion3, with some performances done in Energy XT.


Thanks a lot, Tim. Will check it out.
Last edited by Musical Gym on Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.


Thanks again for the info. I need to explore the sonic potential of this one some more and hope to purchase in the future.


tconrardy wrote:anybody check out the podcast?

I just received the August issue of EM magazine and found Atomic as the Download of the month (page 180, and on page 24 on what's new.



Correction, it's on page 18 (Not 180) :oops:


Thanks Alex! I subscribe, but have not got my issue probably tomorrow! This is great! It's cool they mention it twice in the same issue!

Here is a web clip of it from the EM site



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