Sophistry & directories mayhem...

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Ok, the problem is that I'm trying to run Sophistry into Cubase SX but there seems to be some kind of problem with the directories involved.

Initially, the setyp application asks me of a path where to install the plugin. When I enter a path (e.g. "S:\Sophistry") and in this parent folder, the installation process creates a new folder named "SophistryBanks" and it also creates the "Sophistry.dll" (around 27MB).

Now the folder named "SophistryBanks" has many folders in it and all of them contain the .fxp files according to the mood of the patch. The "SophistryBanks" folder also contains another folder named "Samples" where all the .D4U files are located (thats the core sample library, 1087 files/samples, 5.20GB).

The problem is that Cubase SX can read and initialize only the VSTis located in its specific folder named "VSTplugins" (as usual). Cubase is installed in partition "E" and Sophistry is installed in partition "S".

When I try to load an .fxp patch from the pre-instaled ones (e.g. Adorable from Soundscapes folder), I get an error message that says "Load Failed" and it gives me this path "C:\VSTPlugins\SophistrySoundsD4U\Ambient - Soundscapes\433_Sample08_cronox3.D4U".

As I understand, it tries to find that sample file to the specific location in partition "C". I can't find a way to force Sophistry to change the default sample library directory to the one that suits my needs.

Any clues on this one?

Kind regards.


Sophistry currently not allow the lib to be anywhere but right next to the instrument, I'm sorry.


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