FR: transpose in midi file player

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Hi Brad,

So we have a speed slider for midi and that's very useful.
What about a transpose feature?

I see I can do something with the midi routing table
and use filters to tell a rack to receive transposed notes.

Yeah that's good... but I would love to take it by the root
and that's the file player.
Come on, there's still space for one more little entry in the tools menu ;-)

Or do you think it's a bad idea?

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Debby747 wrote:Or do you think it's a bad idea?
I think it's a fine idea, though probably easiest implemented as a MIDI filter on the output of the MIDI file - then it could do other things as well as just tranpose.


Whatever your brilliant imagination tells you :D
"There's a certain detail seen here."



Looking at this discussion I have also to comment on the paradox that Cantabile offers almost any functionallity I like but some is too technical and not at locations users expect or need them...

"Too technical" is no real criticism here, not at all, it is one reason why many complex things finally work well, but we need to consider some additional operating level...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


I couldn't have said it better :wink:
"There's a certain detail seen here."


TiUser wrote:Hi.

Looking at this discussion I have also to comment on the paradox that Cantabile offers almost any functionallity I like but some is too technical and not at locations users expect or need them...

"Too technical" is no real criticism here, not at all, it is one reason why many complex things finally work well, but we need to consider some additional operating level...
Would you mind providing some examples of things which you think are in the wrong place? I'm always interested in ideas on how to make things simpler to use.


Hi Brad.

Be sure I'll let you know when I have ideas on that... :D

The point is, technically all is in the right places...

...but when I looked for the first time at cantabile 1.2 I wasn't aware of all the power under the hood... the midi filters are a great feature but a bit hidden.

For instance how to create a keyboard split...? you need to create the filter for that. Technically perfect but hard to get your head around practically... BTW, I would like a "zone" filter instead of the split... even simpler to understand and more flexible as well... anyway.

Even better the velocity curve...

I am thinking for quite a while how to overcome this "presentation" issue of great but somehow hidden features... without a really great idea on that... :-o

...but I'll let you know.

Indeed Cantabile is not a "simple" program and it's difficult to make it appear simpler as it is...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


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