Old skool tracking in Cubase sx2 ??

DSP, Plugin and Host development discussion.



As alot of anxious music making people out there, i have used a tracker right from the start, but later on found out, that Cubase have a much better sound quality, and that it's unacceptable if not useing something like cubase, if you are pro'ing in the music making world..

So i'm making music with Cubase sx2 now, and i most say, it have alot of cool feat. But one thing, one single little thing is missing, and that is the Tracking sequenser like in the Fasttracker2/Renoise/Madtracker2 and so on.

When i get an idea, i used to make that idea into sound in seconds, but now i have to lay tactics and twickle it all out, before i even come near the wanted result.

Buttom of it all, could it be possible, to make somekind of plugin, that replace the piano roll, with a tracker ?? i don't want to lose my cubase, i really like it (exept the piano roll)..

I know that somebody made a tweak in cubase with the FX Freeze, so maybe it's possible to tweak this one out to, if so, i would gladly pay the bucks to get my hands on this Mod..

YEAYEA i have seen Aero neo studio thing.. and it's very promissing, But it lacks alot, i many things..

Are there others like me ? or am i just a lonely spoiled old skool tracker fan with cubase.



good idea
your not alone, my story is the same and id love to have that feature available in cubase!
also, i second your thoughts on aero studio.
im arfaid i dont have anything else to offer with this post except the strength in numbers thought.
but i dont imagine it would be very hard to create something like that. maybe something in a vst form...
lets hope someone acts on the suggestion
(or maybe i should learn better programming and take the virtual bull by its virtual horns...hmm)




I don't know anything about trackers, are there any open source trackers available? If so, you could borrow the code and put it in one of the new MIDI-FX modules.


How about ditching cubase and using Renoise.
Its a tracker VST host.



Or Buzz. It also have support for VST nowadays.
Don´t have a link tho :/


Yeah Renoise is great. It would still be nice to have VST tracker (with integrated sampler, so you could use all the cool tracker tricks with samples in it). And multi-outputs of course.


thats a good idea cold c, the modplug tracker is now open source....im gonna go check that out


There are sequencer plugins already available in VST, so it should be entirely possible to do a matrix-style tracker sequencer I suppose.

Sorry I don't have links or even names for those plugins I mentioned, but I recall playing with some of them a few years back.

I for myself would love that option! I use Psycle for now, but there's just not beating all the complex possibilities of a real studio software... Psycle doesn't even have a MIDI out, the new cool freeze plugins don't work properly, there's no master mixing, it's VST support is a bit kludgy, etc etc.

I have really high expectations for Dream Station 2, it looks promising.



There has been some talk about a tracker VST in the forums, but nothing particularly substantial seems to have happened yet. I think ModulaR was talking about looking into it.

Personally, what i'd really like is one VST that's just a tracker-style sequencer, sending midi for other plugins, and one that is a (drum)sampler with a tracker interface, to be able to do all the flexible sample-manipulation a tracker allows.


Modular I think is still collablorating on a vsti that is a tracker. I think he is also working on a midi out version.

Check this out.



on the skale forums it's dev says skale will soon be able to function as a vst plug-in. it already works on his computer within cubase, he wrote.
maybe it can already be expected for the next release...?


Wow! Good news.... never used Skale but it's a tracker... hope the note based effects are good.

Here's the link to the message for people looking

http://www.metamacro.com/awezoom/skale/ ... php?t=1367


Madtracker v2.5 will be out in a few weeks with vst and Rewire support:



Great news


Does Cubase support Yamaha OPT technology?

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