A scavanged bank for Zyn

Official support for: zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net
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While I've done some sound design for ZynAddSubFX, I'm sitting on a bank of good sounds I've run across in my travels. I'd like to make a "scavenged from the net" bank to go out with the next release of Zyn, but I don't know the general sentiment here. In some cases, there isn't even a clear author for the sound. I'm not pretending these are my creations, but there are some nice sounds.

How would you proceed?

I've also thought of thinning the herd slightly (overlaps), and fixing some problems I've heard when playing these.


Also, as a strong hint, when creating a new patch, please attach your name in the author window, and if it's derivative, put predecessor credits in the comments or after your name. It makes life far easier for the archivists among us. Use good names. I have an interesting patch called "test." It's got a Cindi Lauper pop sort of sound, but there's no author ID whatsoever. That makes me sad.



I would alphabetize a list the existing sounds, and compare the titles
with the presets you find.

Another list by size, can provide clues if slightly different names seem to indicate
a duplicate. Folderols sounds are in banks labeled Collection, and
Internet Collection, among others.

An app called fdupes might prove useful.

Actually, just drag/drop all into a folder, and use a filemanager
like konqueror in wide horizontal view, that lists many details when you hover,
or use a list view, with a 'sort files by size' option.
Good luck!


It's not as much exact duplication as a few clusters of nearly identical sounds. As far as defects, there is not much consensus as to levels, and in walking over a collection, you might find a range from nearly inaudible to nearly deafening where a note pegs the meters. I try to set mine for a middling level by default. With other patches, there are a few where care wasn't sufficiently taken. For instance, there's one (which shall be nameless) where a PADsynth has too short a range of octaves, so high notes have a noise artifact. This is an easy fix, but it's a bug in my eyes.

In short, while I have carte blanche from fundamental to maintain/curate the bundled bank, I feel strongly that it's community property, and I don't want to walk on feet if I can avoid it. Nevertheless, it would be nice to perfect things as much as possible, but I realize that tastes differ.

My druthers are that the bank should have a good set of sounds that serve as examples for the users programming Zyn, and this set should as much as possible sound well (professionally) done.

Basically, I'm making a pitch for quality ahead of quantity, and indeed I'm sure that some of my own sounds might not pass muster for some expert opinion here. I have doubts about some of them myself.

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