Synthesis: Servo Motors

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I'm currently in the process of producing some sfx for a game mod which revolves around robots (footsteps, movement etc), though after previewing some of the available samples: ... OGS_AU.mp3

It struck me that these could be created with a bit of creative effort of a synth. I could also source the sounds (fax machine, printer etc), but if it can be produced through relatively simple synthesis, I can produce it via the game engine. I am aware that some gamescar engines utilise physical modelling (Staccato Sound Engine), yet taking into consideration that it models pistons, gears etc that a simple servo motor could be produced via subtractive synthesis.


I could be wrong, but I would think you could more easily get some appropriate sounds by simply sampling common household appliances, along with a little manipulation of those samples. One of the space ship engines in Star Wars was actually the sound of a noisy air conditioner, after a little manipulation.

If you can easily and convincingly do this with subtractive synthesis, that's great. Post a small sample or two of your efforts when you can get around to it. I'd like to hear your results.


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